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Everything posted by jimn

  1. Standard economy with EVA Air is 2 x 23kg checked baggage if anyone is interested. No need to be a special member.
  2. Condo maybe different because of the land. But 8 years ago I bought a house in a company name 2 years later I decided to put in my wife's name. Cost me 10k to close company and 180k in land transfer fees, so there will be a cost.
  3. Don't be so defensive, I was trying to nudge you down this route, as its your best option. You did hint you were of Retirement age by your comment "I don't want a Retirement visa I can easily fulfill financial requirement". You clearly don't want advice so carry on mucking about trying to find a solution.
  4. Better than being an embarrassing troll like you with your banal threads.
  5. Why don't you want to get a Retirement extension? It's easy to get and once you have one it's easy to maintain. I also am from the UK and do 7 months Thailand 5 months UK. Best decision I ever made. Saves mucking about like you seem intent on doing.
  6. jimn

    Isaan Funerals

    Thank goodness I don't live in a Thai village. I love my gated community 7km outside Pattaya. Easy access to everywhere and no funeral or temple noise polluting the air.
  7. Read the OP properly. He paid 5,300 baht to get a new passport, not transferring the stamps over, which is what you posted about.
  8. You lot must live in the middle of nowhere. In the 10 years living here, I have never had an issue with anything only mosquitoes. For the record I live in the countryside outside Pattaya.
  9. https://youtu.be/SyYe8LJwFKw?si=aE7dssXL8CrCevH
  10. And your point is?
  11. You say you are on a tourist visa and require an extension need a TM30, fair enough. So why do you need a residence certificate if you don't live here? If you have an extension married or Retirement and returning to the same address and already have a TM30, then no need to do a new one. Yes at Jomtien.
  12. TM30 registered 2016. Exit and renter every year with Retirement extension. Last entered end of September 2023 with old and new passports. 2 weeks later visited Jomtien to move stamps to new passport, no mention of doing a new TM30. End of December 2023 registered my 90 day report online, accepted by immigration, no mention of having to visit to do a new TM30.
  13. Yes agree that as well. I was specifically addressing the OP's question.
  14. Hi guys. Does anyone have any recommendations for an Android TV box. I know about the Firestick but I prefer plugging direct into the box with an Etherley cable. The Nvidia I see is excellent but expensive. Does anyone know a good budget model? Last year I bought an H96 Max box which is useless, the WiFi signal is so weak on it. Thanks
  15. That's the first time I have ever seen a "happy ending" as a payment option on Facebook Marketplace.
  16. That is not correct. I did a TM30 years ago and I fly in and out of Thailand every year returning to the same address. I am on a Retirement extension with a re entry permit. I do my 90 day reports online and this year entered with a new passport. No mention whatsoever of a new TM30 from Jomtien Immigration.
  17. You are assuming that he has a visa or extension in his old passport. No mention of that. He just needs to show his new passport and to let the airline know his new passport details. Simple.
  18. I entered with my new UK passport last October, my extension of stay was in my old passport. I presented both and was stamped in my new passport. A few weeks later I visited Jomtien immigration to have the stamps transferred to my new passport. In December I did my 90 day report online with my new passport, which was approved. I have an old TM30 registered from about 7 years ago, at no stage have I been asked to do a new one.
  19. I have used the online 90 day reporting at Jomtien for 2 years now, I am on a Retirement extension. I still have an old TM30 for the same address I logged years ago. This year I arrived on a new passport and had the stamps moved over. Now if I believed all the negative reports about Jomtien I would have had to do a new TM30 and do the next 90 day in person. But no. The report logged online in the afternoon and approved next morning. Excellent service as always from Jomtien.
  20. I can confirm it can be done on the UK site, many people have done it. Some countries do need flight confirmation of flight, the UK no.
  21. He should have applied online through the UK Thai Embassy. He could have uploaded a screenshot of a flight from the UK to Thailand, ie an intinary right up to the payment page. This would have been accepted and visa issued. He could then book and fly from the US to Thailand as planned.
  22. I live in a quiet gated community on the Pattaya darkside. All houses detached so no issues. On my right a German businessman with his Thai wife. To my left a family of Thai teachers, never have I seen such a well manered quiet family. Directly across the road a Brit like me with his Thai wife. He is only here half the year, she has a very loud voice that travels but she is ok. Never had a cause to complain about anyone.
  23. Terrible advice. Never ever ask the driver. If you ask the driver you run the risk of your ride becoming a taxi and the cost 10 fold.
  24. Big mistake I think. You gave him a reason to look more closely than he would have. That border has a reputation for being a very easy one to negotiate. Giving him something to look at most definately was an error.
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