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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I wouldn't want to live alone, I have freedom, a great partner who also watches my health and daily living. She does everything required of a housewife and more, in return, I share everything, and she wants for nothing. We are fair and share, she doesn't nag, her only downfall is some gambling, which I try to keep a lid on. I wouldn't swap what I have for a single life, Nope!
  2. They will be all over this like a rash, if he manages to get control of the sanctuary again, it will be a whole new ball game regards to who gets what.
  3. I agree, BUT he admitted it to the police, but claimed he stumbled into her.
  4. To be fair, it only takes a senior immigration officer to decide he is not good for the country or its image, and they can have him out. They don't need to really justify themselves to us. Winning the case is one thing, but he still has an uphill battle, especially in regard to the elephant foundation, government officers against him, etc I don't even doubt for a second in my mind, money has exchanged hands to get this result, and plenty of it.
  5. If he has any brains at all, he will keep his head down and mouth shut. He is a long way from being out of the woods in this matter.
  6. Yes, absolutely, as I have stated elsewhere. And not only the courts, there will be prosecutors and others on the gravy train.
  7. No, but the court could certainly have been ' compensated '
  8. Sure, Nothing to occupy their lives, as sure as hell, they won't be doing much in the way of work, and pathetically chasing money and any excuse will do.
  9. Another job reserved for Thais only.
  10. The truth is the go-go bar scene in Thailand is a dying profession, the ones hanging out in them and the ones working in them are both relics from a bygone age.
  11. I remember those days, but it was a while ago.
  12. A lot don't look like their pictures and if they are busy, they have you for a fool and send one of their mates thinking you won't realize. Bear in mind, plenty of gold diggers with an agenda online, OK that is true in the bars as well. I no longer bother, TBH, been with my other half 28 years and set in my ways. I am still very early sixties, just been here so long now, I no longer get the ' buzz ' from the go-go scene. Likewise, I do get approached, when out and about in the Bangkok bars when travelling, but I know it's only for cash and not my Tom Cruise looks. If people want good-looking 20 something girls, they are looking in the wrong country nowadays, the places to look are Phnom Penn, Cambodia and HCMC in Vietnam.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 93 seconds  
  14. I think the bars are probably open, why don't you toddle off to your bar stool and tell everyone about how Trump is going to win. Have a Chang, go on, you know you want to. BYE.
  15. He's gone to get his AK47
  16. The secret life of Walter Mitty should be renamed The fantasies of Bob Walt Disney Smith.
  17. With more imagination than Walt Disney.
  18. And.................. go bankrupt on countless occasions, and tell lies more than Pinocchio, and cheat the draft to become a soldier and stay out of Vietnam. He then encourages insurrection in the USA because he spat his dummy out after losing an election, and then took top secret files unlawfully to his resort. Furthermore, cheating on his taxes, exaggerating his wealth to borrow money from lending institutions, who would not have lent had they been aware of the corruption involved. He's only in the election to try to keep a stay on going to prison. The first ever ex US President, convicted of felony crimes.
  19. You didn't mention this last week when you were trumpeting poll figures.
  20. @maesariang I think you have what we call a selective memory when it comes to statistics and Trump.
  21. Yeah, this was you last week, lol
  22. Weren't you the one, I seem to recall, as recent as last week parading poll figures on here showing Trump winning and expecting us all to accept them?
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