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Everything posted by candide

  1. Read my post carefully. I was ironically asking if Pelosi was President. I know the President had this authority, and he did not use it on Jan.6
  2. What was the name of the President who did not order the National Guard to intervene after the assault on the Capitol? 🤣
  3. That would be an interesting case as Greenland is a NATO member. 🙂
  4. They have proven their honesty, ability to find reliable witnesses which were not foreign agents, as well as showing a track record of not distorting witnesses statements during the Biden investigation! Oh wait, 🤣
  5. I did not know she was President and had the power to give orders to the National Guards. Any source about it?
  6. Obama a fired only one in 8 years, Walpin. Of course McEnany did tell how many were fired by Obama! 🙂
  7. According to a GOP committee! 😆 Remind us. Who is the President who did not order the National Guard to intervene after the assault on the Capjtol started?
  8. How many in 8 years? 😆
  9. For those interested by more than bar stool rants about China's capabilities in AI, here's an interesting report. It's from August 2024, so nearly outdated (without deepseek)! 🙂 https://itif.org/publications/2024/08/26/how-innovative-is-china-in-ai/ A website comparing AIs https://artificialanalysis.ai/
  10. I wonder under which President the big surge of Fentanyl use and deaths occured! 🙂 https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates#Fig2
  11. And guess who investigated and found these errors? IGs! 🙂
  12. “I don't understand why one would fire individuals whose mission it is to root out waste, fraud and abuse… I don't understand it.” It's simple! Because he doesn't want them to investigate his intended waste, fraud and abuse! 😆
  13. It seems I have posted the information about countries' contributions to the WHO before...
  14. Wow, Who was the stupid President who appointed them? 😆
  15. So 12 days, not weeks... Anyway, in retrospective it shows a lack of caution and anticipation. They should not have trusted China. However, in the absence of any other information, how could they have made a better assessment? Who could have anticipated the characteristics of this pandemic, considering that the last comparable pandemic was the Spanish flu in 1918. They have been slow to declare a health emergency, but from what is reported there was initially was no agreement among the emergency committee (which is composed of representative from member States) Would the pandemic have been prevented if the WHO had been faster to declare an health emergency? I doubt it. Now, it seems it has adopted the opposite position and issue warnings at each occasion. Of course, the same people who criticised the WHO for being late, are now claiming fear mongering each and new disease is reported. 🙂 (See thread about rece t outbreak in China)
  16. Again, no source to back up your assertion. Here's what is known. Of course if you know about additional information, please feel free to share your sources. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_mainland_China The outbreak went unnoticed until 26 December 2019, when Zhang Jixian, director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine at Hubei Xinhua Hospital, noticed a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown origin, several of whom had connections to the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan.[50] She subsequently alerted the hospital, as well as municipal and provincial health authorities, which issued an alert on 30 December.[50][51] Results from patient samples obtained on 29–30 December indicated the presence of a novel coronavirus, related to SARS.[50] The WHO was certainly not perfect, but it doesn't mean that the MAGA campaign aiming at distracting attention from Trump's inadequate and childish reaction 3 months later , is true.
  17. As usual no source. Here's a source with the timeline and the first social media posf https://www.who.int/news/item/27-04-2020-who-timeline---covid-19
  18. More baseles and incoherent B.S. again, The Dems did not opposed the China travel ban, they opposed the second Muslim ban. Pelosi went to Chinatown to show support to support businessex owned by American citizen of Chinese origin (voters). It has nothing to do with the travel ban. It's completely incoherent! 😆 The first Covid cases in Ca were not in Chinatown, BTW. All The Times Trump Compared Covid-19 To The Flu, Even After He Knew Covid-19 Was Far More Deadly https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/10/all-the-times-trump-compared-covid-19-to-the-flu-even-after-he-knew-covid-19-was-far-more-deadly/
  19. More baseless B.s. unbacked by any source. They knew what China was telling them. The WHO has no inquisitive investigation power and relies on information provided by its member States. On the other hand, when Trump made his B.S. statements in March the NHS and CDC had been informed for months, as they had staff at key management and scientific positions at the WHO. 😆
  20. A baseless assertion without any source and without being able to even cite the amount of China's contribution! 😆 I'll do it for you. It's 203 million and it's only the 8th contribution. https://open.who.int/2024-25/contributors/contributor?name=China Of course, China may decide to increase its contribution but it seems they currently have more accute economic concerns.
  21. More baseless MAGA claims. Each and every transaction by Pelosi is filed and made public. It's completely transparent. It's the same for other congressmen. https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/
  22. The GOP still has nothing against Joe Biden. As noted by another poster, it doesn't prevent them from testifying against Joe. Additionally, most of them already testified during the fake GOP investigation which failed miserably! The previous GOP Senate investigation also failed. Since 2019 the GOP failed to come up with any incriminating evidence against Joe Biden (outside the MAGA alternate universe, of course). 😆
  23. My comment was not restricted to what is written in the article. Currently, the WHO needs to cut all immediate expenses. The WHO doesn t spend 1.3 trillion on air travel. Due to the importance of the U.S. contribution, they will have no other solution that to cut expenses to their aid programs. https://open.who.int/2022-23/contributors/contributor?name=United States of America
  24. Those are just the first decisions about immediate expenses. After that, the WHO will have to slash health programs helping developing countries. There's nothing funny about it.
  25. China is not a large contributor. BTW, if you add country contributions, Europe is by far the largest public contributor. https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors/usa
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