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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. she donated to the fund, which let out some violnet offenders, who then went on to offend again after release. that has already been posted here on another thread, my question is.... why would a 'peaceful protester' get arrested in the first place?
  2. its a screen shot from X, i don't use it much so i'm not familiar with it, but the OP's name is there, does he need to be credible too? i think Jack Posobiec, is a verified account, is that a credible source, or do you only accept MSM outlets?.
  3. Prosecution was her job, not donating to a fund to bail out the protesters that had been arrested, if anything thats the opposite of her job!
  4. a guy posted this claiming it was a Trump rally...it was Kamalas....
  5. say you have trump derangement syndrome without saying you have trump derangement syndrome!
  6. i don't care about it. but i certainly don't put BLM rioters in the same category as vance in half arsed fancy dress, while in college.
  7. the BLM rioters that Kamala help bail out were far worse people in my eyes.
  8. probably because they never had crowds of any description before, until invention of AI !
  9. thats obvious in everything posted. i wondered if they were written by the OP or are copy n paste MSM articles.
  10. at least people voted for Hillary, nobody has voted for either Harris or Walz, but that doesn't seem to bother anyone.
  11. maybe this should be a topic of the upcoming dedates, i guess it's still called Bidenomics right, or did Pink Gin Pelosi and schumer get him out totally, i didn't hear a peep from Biden in a week, did he actually die like the whispers going round? Bindeomics........ https://www.facebook.com/share/r/9MrqRxrKwovPPk8V/?mibextid=UalRPS
  12. red, yawn, you are getting as predictable as jingthing now!, i'd rather be a red than have yellow steak down my back
  13. and half empty stadium, top tier empty seats cover with black sheets
  14. i don't think Trump would make something like that up, no. i am going take a guess that it will turn out to be true. i have looked around on Twitter and can see he said there are flight logs, and a quote from a book, etc, so lets see.
  15. the guardian is quoting Politico, who had interviewed the actual guy that was in the helicopter, and he said it was forced to make an emergency landing. the guardian or politico are far from Trumping backing outlets....so what are you saying, they lied and covered for trump, the guy in your video wasn't in the helicopter, because he wasn't the guy Trump meant. or do you actually think Trump intentionally made it up, knowing full well whatever he says gets fact checked. i took a screen shot seeing as you clearly cant be bothered to open the link or even google it yourself
  16. going to score an 8 ball for the lads while on a football piss up is not exactly supplying drugs. was he actually officially charged with this or just braggin in the video he could find drugs in any city?
  17. exactly. Facebook censored the iconic photo of Trump after the assassination attempt, they claimed it was an accident, but you don't hear a peep about it. apart from Fox, a google search gives hardly any results about it. Had X censored something similar from Biden or Harris there would be nonstop headlines about it.
  18. perhaps it's you that is showing signs of dementia
  19. you just reposted that from the other day with some extra hashtags. 8 out of how many accounts on X? each one gives the reason why they were banned, they broke the rules. that is hardly proof of musk clamping down on free speech. and before he took it over there were far far more independent media channels, conservative or non left accounts blocked or shadow banned...but that didnt seem to bother people.
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