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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Its not clear what you are trying to do. Get a Thai ID card, go in a blue book ? Either way, there is no pass or fail interview, just lots of paperwork. 3 hours is probably just to cover the thai bureaucracy, if there is a queue etc.
  2. OP, you can live just outside of the usual popular expat locations, Pattaya, Phuket, Hua hin, and still be in the countryside. Pattaya for example, you can be 5ks from the city center and be on a lake, in the middle of a rice paddy and still get a pizza delivered..
  3. I am the same, I don't think I will go back. Although I own a place, it would mean kicking out the tenant (my current income), then a house fit out, appliances furniture, beds, plates cooking ($20k). I would want my Thai wife to come so that's another $10k for her visa. A basic car $5-10k. And, I would basically be on the dole for 2 years as nobody employs a 65 yo.
  4. Why not trust Lazada ? 1,000s of people use it everyday. I have bought everything from a guitar to a computer and never had any problems
  5. Maybe search a bit harder on Lazada. I know its not exactly the same spec , but close https://www.lazada.co.th/products/official-beelink-mini-cpu-intel-n95-ram-8gb-rom-256-gb-mini-pc-i4782911261-s19747955575.html?
  6. A marriage visa, not that that makes any difference. I went and enquired at the office because I was aware, through friends, that Jomtien immigration always requires a new TM30 when returning from outside Thailand. If its not done you wont get your next extension until its done.
  7. You cant really make a broad statement like that. The requirements and enforcement varies from office to office. I had a re-entry permit late last year and Jomtien immigration wanted tm30 redone
  8. You cant do a 90 year lease, so there is no paperwork to look at. Yes, you are correct, there is no title/document when it comes to owning a structure, the best you can do is show you built the house (on someone else's land). But given you cannot sell it separately to the land, its a moot point.
  9. I think its happening already, I live darkside pattaya and there are more ganja shops here than 7/11s and pharmacies combined. But, I have noticed 2-3 shut down over the last month, and this is middle of high season. There is also a couple of high profile YT and tiktok channels promoting falang ganja and kratom shops, I dont think the government will let them run much longer.
  10. Whats happening the new taxation rules are still up in air. Any Tax liability would be for the wife and mother in law. I doubt what you write on the transfer would have much bearing on the taxation. Its not like they can call it savings from their home country, It is clearly income from abroad into their account, even if it is as a gift. The whole idea behind the taxation changes is to tax Thais getting large amounts of money from overseas.
  11. Neither staff or automatic gates are checking for a re-entry permit as you leave, why would they ?. A re-entry permit is checked on entry. So long as you have a re-entry permit, how, when, where you left the country is largely irrelevant. Logically, a scanner at an auto gate wont be able to read any stamps in a passport, the stamp could be on page one or page 20. Therefore, an auto gate could only ever process visa exempt stays.
  12. Maybe you dont know the difference between yield/roi and gain. (the OP is asking about return on investment on real property, not speculative gains on a ponzi scheme). Its currently up 150% because it was down 200%, so many people are still 50% down, good financial advice, lol.
  13. What is the rental return on bitcoin ?
  14. Not every condo in Pattaya is a rental property looking for a tenant. Thais own condos and just leave them empty, foreigners own and use them for 2 months a year on holidays. Most of the time people have no idea about the status and occupancy of a condo block, just want to push the tired old narrative.
  15. Airbnb really only works in places like New York, Sydney etc, Where hotels are in short supply and they are expensive, Otherwise, Thailand has 1,000s of great well priced hotels, completely legal, with all the usual facilities. There is literally no demand for Airbnb. As for the OPs question, there is no margin at all. To be competitive you would be renting for as low as 500 baht a night, and it costs 300 to have it cleaned, another 200 for fresh linen, 100 a day for elec, water, internet, condo fees etc. Wages for someone to meet and greet, and whatever cut Airbnb takes. I dont know why this still gets discussed, its illegal, and there is no money to be made.
  16. The owner can do whatever he likes, staying short term in a condo is illegal so you dont have a leg to stand on. Stay in a legal lisensed hotel and you will have all the protection of the law, or actually sign a lease on a property and you will have the protection of the law. Otherwise, you dont have a reservation and you would not be checking in as its not a hotel, it sounds like illegal short term rental..
  17. Wife made us have a look yesterday, thinking there would be some great opening specials, there wasn't, lol. Identical to macro, including the same prices, identical to the baht, so much for giving macro some competition and maybe lowering prices..
  18. I was using an agent because I didnt have the 800k ,It was all done at my local office using my actual address. And, as I said, later I changed back to doing it myself with no problems.
  19. Usually people use an agent , and as the OP states, because they dont have the 800k in the bank.
  20. That's not true. I used an agent for a couple of years then switched back to doing it myself.
  21. OP, (as soi3eddie says above) developers can generate an FET from their account. Its very common, people send all the money to the developer, they dont even have their own account and the FET get generated. The official blurb from the land office is "an FET showing the foriegner as either the receiver of foreign funds into their account, or showing the foreigner as the sender of foreign funds into any account'.
  22. So the husband can be a shareholder and an employee ? Just not the wife.
  23. What rubbish, you cant go from arrivals to departures in any airport without going through immigration, and that includes a transit lounge. How are people checking in for their return flight ? Your travel history did not check out, by your own admission you have spent several months in Thailand this year, and reached your limit for land border crossings. Not sure how that makes the immigration guy lose face.
  24. I have read through this whole thread, and I cant understand the innocent victim, evil immigration narrative. The guy has been denied entry for too much time and too many entries in 2023. In his own words "several months earlier this year", not 2-3 months, not a couple of months, not a few months, "several months". And an admission of at least 2 land border crossings. I suspect there are other relevant details the OP has maybe chosen to omit. I dont get why these guys dont just admit to too many visits, not getting correct visa etc. Instead, they have to make up rubbish about being the victim, a crazed immigration officials etc. If you have a Thai family, then get a thai family visa. But I suppose that doesnt work as you cant play the victim
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