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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. Sad to hear of the loss of Kwasaki. Thoughts with his friends, family and loved ones. A frequent contributor here on TV/AN. Will be missed. RIP.
  2. Surely you can find a way to make this chook dissapear? Pemanantly!
  3. Wonder what the cost and terms of the money will be (interest rate)? Guaranteed that ultimately, the ordinary folk will end up paying more somewhere to support this scheme.
  4. They gave him a choice? WTF!
  5. I am susceptible to ear infections from tropical sea water when scuba diving. I was given some ear drops by a doctor at a dive centre and it solved the problem totally and never had any further issues. Washed with fresh water on surfacing and added a drop or two of medicine to each ear. I seem to recall that they were antibiotic but could be wrong. Sorry I can't remember the name of the medicine but you might try a diving website or forum.
  6. Joe and Jane public in the UK see Expats as deserters. They actually hate the idea that some of us are able to escape to a better life overseas whilst they wallow in the misery of their pathetic lives, conditioned by the state and main stream media. Some of the vitriol I read online by posters (commenting on the Barclays story) was just hatred for expats. Comments such as "they don't contribute to the UK so why should they have a bank account" etc.
  7. I flew EVA from BKK/LHR last year. Went to check-in online the day before and virtually no choice of seats. Ended up sitting in middle (I prefer aisle access). It was then I discovered that EVA allows online check-in 48 hours before flight! I was too late.
  8. It is said in culinary circles that "fat is flavour" which food scientists will understand. I do agree and enjoy proper Cumberlands, Lincolnshires and even Sikrok Isaan sausages. My favourite Thai saussage is Sai Ouer and will travel a long way to obtain that. On the other hand, I prefer my Asian ladies skinny and not fat ???? It has been said that "meat is sweeter closer to the bone" to which I concur whole heartedly.
  9. @sidjameson I applaud you. You have already shown initiative in posting here on AN/TV. No skills? You have the skills of communication. If you are fit then there is no reason to be unemployed in the UK. There are always jobs for the workers. Focus on something that you could do. If you have a UK driving licence then you're sorted. Tesco, Asda, Waitrose, Sainsburys and others are crying out for delivery drivers at £13 per hour + holiday pay. I know, as my 20yr old English/Thai son has been doing this (as a second job) since age 18yrs. Other roles are also easily available. All you need to do is get on with people and show willing (none of that 35hrs per week BS). I do this in UK from April to October each year and it enables me to enjoy Thailand and travel for the other 5 months. The main issue that anyone will find is the cost of living while here in the UK. Rents of flats or rooms can be expensive. If you can rent a room from friends or family then you're sorted. If you have to rent on the open market then be prepared to pay a lot and it may not make financial sense - you need to crunch the numbers. Chok dee!
  10. Better off finding a border town casino and sitting at a roulette table. Can any figures, results and forecasts of Thai listed companies ever be believed? 50% chance of success? Some Thai monopolies might prove fruitfull if you have an insider tipping you off with info. I would avoid.
  11. Even British residents and business owners are getting accounts frozen by Barclays. Seems they are reviewing all accounts and looking for any reason to close, or going on a fishing expedition to verify account holder credentials. Our family has a business account with Barclays that uses a different registered address from the correspondence address and Barclays are making my elerly parents anxious with freezing the account and demands to provide paperwork - and the registered address is their actually their chartered accountants! Add to that widescale branch closures, I told my parents to simply tell Barclays to get lost and open an account with a better bank.
  12. I suppose each condo's co-owners can make up whatever rules they want at an AGM. There must have been a lot of issues with parking for them to vote this through. We used to have parking problems at our Bangkok condo (only 3 foreign owners out of 99 units so all Thai vehicle owners) but car ownership seems to have declined since the Thai government scheme to fund cars cheaply long since expired. We have about 75 spaces and only 40 are in regular use. None is attributed to any specific condo. Glad not to have issues like the OP story.
  13. Didn't Jamie Oliver have a restaurant or restaurants in Thailand? How did that go? Maybe Gordon Ramsay could make a success of one or two restaurants if lucky, but 14 outlets? Guess he's not investing his own money but simply licensing (for a hefty fee no doubt), use of his name/brand to the Tanachira group. Perhaps his only potential loss is reputation.
  14. Forgive and correct me if I'm wrong. The winner of the people's vote and most seats in the election is not installed as the country's prime minister. This due to manipulation and rigging of the rules such as military-appointed senators so that it becomes almost impossible for anyone to become PM by a free and fair vote of the people of Thailand?
  15. 9/10 when in my Bangkok condo or travelling around Thailand and working remotely for my UK business over the UK winter. Lovely GF for last 3 years there too. Huge number of expat friends and aquaintances made over the pandemic lockdowns and reopening, when I was in Thailand for a full 14 months. 4/10 when in my west London flat and working 6 days a week during the British "summer". A few trips out for Sunday lunch or dinner with friends and visits to family in Devon. Highlight of summer 2023 when GF came over from Thailand for 2 weeks and we bicycled 270kms on quiet west country roads and alongside canals, rivers, fields and seasides. Will "rinse and repeat" for next 5 years before hopefully moving to Thailand more permanently (then age 61, if still alive).
  16. I bought Thai gold in March and I'm lovin' it! Purchased as a safety in case of SHTF. Wanted 99.99% but that was only available in 1kg bars. Bought small bars of 96.5% which is tradeable just about anywhere in Thailand (and possibly elsewhere in SEA).
  17. Do the TM30 online. If renting short term how would immigration know that the foreigner wasn't just a friend staying? And only then if the renter went to get an extension. If the renter is long term with a contract and needs to apply for an annual visa/extension then immigration may or may not care/ask about how the TM30 was done so long as one is filed (print out and attach to passport always best in my experience). There are other threads on here regarding the new TM30 website and registration process.
  18. Yes as I own the condo (and therefore have no lease agreement) the empty blue book and chanote was accepted by immigration at CW for getting the retirement visa.
  19. I have the (empty) blue book for my condo since purchase in 2009. All it has is the address info. It would be useful/required if you sell your condo or if you want to get a yellow book/pink ID card. If you have Thai partner who wants to make your home their main residence then they could be added to the blue book. Blue book and chanote was needed when I first got my retirement visa (CW in 2019). Yellow book/pink ID can be useful for registering vehicle and getting Thai driving licences but is not essential as there are other ways.
  20. I just received the email below for those here who do our own online TM30 reports. I guess we should all receive this notice, however in case not, the details follow. Stupidly it requires new registration but is seems easier than previously - for new registration go to: https://tm30.immigration.go.th/TM30/Foreigner/TM30Th/index.html Would be nice if they have updated the submission pages so that they will work with all web browsers - time will tell. เรื่อง / Subject: ช่องทางการแจ้งที่พักอาศัย(ตม.30) / Notification of residence for foreigners (TM.30) We are pleased to inform you that with effect from 15 September 2023, the website address (URL) will be changed as follows. However, you will need to register again at our new website. For clients who have saved our website as a “Favorite” or “Bookmark”, please update the settings. URL Previous URL: https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn24online/ New URL: https://tm30.immigration.go.th/tm30/#/login ขอแสดงความนับถือ / Kind regards. อีเมลฉบับนี้ส่งจากระบบอัตโนมัติ กรุณาอย่าตอบกลับ หากมีข้อสงสัย กรุณาติดต่อสำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง This email is auto-generated. Please do not reply. In case of any queries, please contact ROYAL THAI POLICE IMMIGRATION BUREAU.
  21. Never dealt with True but have had TOT, AIS and now 3BB at my condo. After ditching TOT, both AIS and susequently 3BB were connected within 2 days. Very easy. They both had equipment boxes in comms room in basement. Advise asking your juristic person manager "what is best internet provider at this condo" so you can make an informed choice. They will know.
  22. Anyone thinking that they will be compensated by a Thailand Taxi driver (whether legal and insured or not) is living in Cloud Cuckoo Land. I would still ride with the lady in the OP versus some taxi mafia driver (who could easily be uninsured as per other posts). Nobody asks to see evidence of insurance each time they take a "taxi".
  23. Given a choice, who would many of us rather be driven by in Phuket? This lady or one of the male taxi mafia? What's her number for bookings? ????
  24. Same if from UK. British Consulate stopped issuing "affirmation of residence" in December 2022.
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