That will give those who hate both Trump and Iran an easy excuse for going after him!
Just proves what an idiot he is.
He opens his moth and lets his belly rumble!
It is nothing to do with left/right or any other persuasion other than TRUMP is unfit for (any) office!
Take your MAGA blinkers off and have a look at what he is doing to the real world.
I see China have just announced their own reaction to his madness!
The "woke" bit is only a minor part of his stupidity. There a lot more entities than the so called "wokes" who are disgusted and worried by HIS actions.
I am not posting from a left/right/woke or any other agenda other than the plain fact that TRUMP is totally unfit to be POTUS!
Trump IS the one who is trying to control everyone and everything to his image!
Trump's brainwashing is really working well (or should that be badly) on you!
He seems to prefer chatting up the MC taxi drivers rather than drive himself!
(see one of his other threads where he posts about his damaged backside!)
I love giving Farang women an easier ride, don't you?
PS: Glad to see that you are acknowledging that you are Bob since you responded to my post that referenced him!