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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. to be fair to the Thai banking system, how many western country let you transfer directly between individual bank accounts with just mobile no or qr codes without the need for third party company or apps? and for the cost of free?
  2. What makes you think they don't ask Thais for their ID? even at automatic deposit machine you can't use without inserting your card and identifying yourself, it used to be that you can just punch in the bank account number into the machine and off you go
  3. The Piri Piri place seem to be modelled very closely from Nando, but looks like they're closing down in many place, most of their mall locations are gone now, only the tiny one in Sukhumvit Soi 17 in Bangkok where the trendy building is left I think
  4. If a business never register their product or brand in Thailand, anyone can legally register that name in the same business field no problem Recently there was an 'Al-Baik' (Saudi Copy of KFC styled fried chicken) that was famous in the middle east that appeared in Bangkok but seem to not be connected to the parent franchise unless they copy everything down to the trademark logo, then the parent company would have a case, but would they bother suing a company in country they never intend to have local presence? Western brands like Taco Bell might seem to only sprung up in the last few years but the franchisee that own the name (Yum Brands) have had the business in Thailand for a lot longer than that
  5. 4-5 years ago I used to go to Chiang Mai regularly from there, when they still used the old terminal buildings, since then the road connection has got better with the hwy 7 extensions opened, before I had to use the 331 to drive down there but after covid, many flight had not returned, like Air Asia, looks like Thai Lion Air only has one flight to Chiangmai Taxi situation to get to Pattaya hasn't improved either
  6. We had to replace the water mains in our condo, it is agreed that the main pipes to the meter comes out of the common fund, (the meter was the condo's not the water company) and anything behind the meter to the room belongs to each room's owner, as long as the work is being done any owner that wanted to can replace their pipes when the work is being done, any that didn't agree can keep their old pipe run but if they wanted to replace it a later date, they'd have to pay for the removal and fixing back of the ceiling at their own cost granted, the run was only from each floor, I don't see why if only 1 guy' power cable need replacing and the whole condo should be responsible for it
  7. normally she won't know where the amount came from but to make a deposit to transfer, you need to be identified at the bank if you have a bank account here, you can also transfer the amount from your bank, unless she goes to the bank concerned with the source of the deposit/transfer into her account she won't get any details of who sent her the money in case if's you making a deposit in person, they'd have to look back at cctv footage to find the time you made it, dig to the copies of your ID that they had made, the bank won't do it without valid reason like she suspect she's being scammed by being sent money? or a court/police order
  8. it's probably easier to offer this service as a mobile ISP, can't get fiber in your condo/apartment rentals? call us.... and lock you in whatever sim/mvno plan you have, come and install it just like the wired isp those that don't have the means to check and compare speeds between providers won't care or bother to switch providers or sims anyway
  9. if you have access to or keep a sim from back home with roaming, single roaming sim could potentially access all network in Thailand in the right equipment relatively easily, no need to swap sim
  10. must be the golf course, nothing to stop people in the fairways from walking down taxiways or driving balls into the flightpath plus some of the publicly accessible road on the east (airforce base) side looks like they can be driven into airside
  11. It'd be easier if the company selling the router let you take it home, test drive it and return it if it's not for you due to the government requirement regarding mobile simcards sign on requiring ID, it'd be hard to get the router with multiple sims to try, a good network engineer might already has all the tools needed to see the signals, evaluate what level of data you actually need according to your usage, but these engineers aren't cheap there used to be a networking dealer company that let you pay a 20-30% deposit, and would let you have the brand new gear or a demo unit, after you have satisfied that the thing you want works, pay the remainder to get a new one or keep the ones they sent, but they only deal in certain brands and then the selection of mobile router quite limited, an independent retail shop could offer this with selection from all brands a lot of online retailer already has generous return policy so you can try them all out and return them if you need to
  12. The issue could arise If a Thai passport issued in Thailand was being used to enter Thailand for the first time without previous exit stamp, or entry of the exit on immigration's computer you could present passport to the exiting immigration officer, explain your situation and persuade them to stamp you out on the Thai passport as well, the worst they can do is link your EU identity with Thai identity in their system claim that you used the auto gate to exit, hence no entry stamp... but only at land border where they don't have linked computer, be sure to have detail regarding flights out and how long just enter wit Thai ID card, they can't bar thai citizen from entering, keep the thai passport for next exit
  13. it was reported in Thai that he put the angle grinder blade in the trimmer
  14. It's all over Thai social networks, no even the national TV news on multiple channel for weeks, What local newspapers do you read? if you don't read Thai and only rely on print like the Bangkok Post that's your problem
  15. was it a cruiser? 650? usually a twin, Only Honda has 650 4 I think Ninja 200 and 400 are fours of course
  16. is it still the case that in the UK you can ride up to 125cc with only car licence (with CBT) etc. There is no such provision in Thailand so unless you have full UK motorcycle license, you'd be considered unlicensed for the motorcycle
  17. using powder ones in a drill makes a lot of mess, from the picture seen the drills are in the school courtyard, powder would mean dust in the backstop areas which looks like classrooms
  18. being tested in Thailand means the guy that sold you the extinguisher comes around once a year, looks at the gauge that the pressure is good and writes a tick in the attached paper the drills are usually run by the local fire department, which probably got the extinguisher that's no longer wanted donated to them from the businesses that replaces their old extinguisher, there's probably good reason why they were replaced
  19. in these drills the cylinders are usually old ones that they got from somewhere when it was replaced with newer ones, refilled and use repeatedly Maybe it exploded due to the fatigued from being already old, emptied and refilled repeatedly whereas in normal installation you rarely need to have it topped off, and never emptied and refilled
  20. Aren't the Demonstration Schools like Chula's, Pathumwan and SWU at prasarnmitr is belongs with department of higher education as they are attached to university and not bound by the general rules of the ministry of education make them have a lot of leeway and being semi private
  21. It'd need AI or some Maj. Somchai behind the screen to determine if the bike was being ridden on the path vs crossing it to go into businesses or being pushed while the rider is walking, which is legal A simple numberplate recognition cannot distinguish between bike being ridden vs pushed along the sidewalk Same with the crosswalk camera that now flash lights and yell at the motorbikes if they're stopped in the crossing zone, they need to identify bikes stopping there vs pedestrian
  22. the Dolphin in Australia is supposedly getting a new elongated nose (20cm) for pedestrian safety given that Thai spec has not been revealed yet, I'd think the only RHD Dolphin or all export models for now would be made to the same spec?
  23. does anyone have an issue where you're typing a post or a reply and some ad either in the frame to the bottom or the side would refresh to next ad then looks like the cursor has moved to the ad's frame and I can't type in the text box anymore until I click back on the text box or the x on the ads to make it go away? It's only been a problem in the past few days
  24. It's mandated for all in July, some banks might have started early, most are in the process of informing their customers to come in and have it done
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