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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. There are about 11 government hospitals in Bangkok that has oncology that accepts referrals For Thais, they'd first get referrals from their local hospitals, but there is a scheme where they can take the referral and go to any hospital of their choosing in this list, The local hospital might do the diagnosis and surgery first and only transfer to the hospital in this list for Chemo/Hormone Therapy The 11 hospitals in Bangkok are Siriraj, Chula, Ramathibodi, Rajvidhi, National Cancer Institute, Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital, Monkujklao Hospital, Vajira Payabal, Chullbhorn, Bangkok Cancer Center and Wattana Bhosot
  2. อำนวยความสะดวก to facilitate (your) convenience is quite direct, but not actually outright asking to bribe so their face remains intact
  3. Without activating roaming and keeping track of data roaming and cost, DTAC app was great while out of Thailand to get SMS for things like banking and calls, Recently I can't seem to find it in google playstore anymore, I'd be weary of installing .apk of old version found on the internet elsewhere, is it still working? Does wifi calling on the phones's native interface offer same functionality including sms?
  4. Supercub C125 in Thailand don't get ABS, but the keyless feature is nice... but not twice the price of the Wave or Supercub 110 nice
  5. if it's the only thing in Thailand you intend to pass on, giving them access to the online account or ATM card would be easier than a will and getting appointed estate manager in Thai court Transferring the amount out of Thailand would mean going through wise, otherwise a local presence would be required like account to transfer to or to use the card to withdraw the cash
  6. That's a debit card they're used everywhere with no problem Debit cards cost 2-300 baht a year in fee, and getting cash at ATMs out of province/out of network incur 20 baht charge each withdrawal The bank apps are (for now) free to use to get cash out, no other province charge, and merchant can accept transfer for free or almost next to nothing for business account, getting a machine to swipe cards charge up to 3% for small business plus monthly cost
  7. most new cars also have brake hold where it won't creep in traffic
  8. Contactless cards are superior to QR in this element, no need for active internet connection, the teller only need to input the amount and the customer need to just tap, but EMV cards means Visa and Mastercard gets a cut, That's why they're putting homegrown solution that is QR PromptPay
  9. Thailand is behind the UK, but some Bank like SCB are closing down branches left and right now, some town might be left with only the post office or 7-11 left as the 'banking agent' which always incur fee
  10. digbeth


    try wringing out the warranty claim from the seller when they're in China
  11. Reported in Thai news today that Krungthat Bank is implementing fee for 'cardless' withdrawal at the ATM where you use the bank app on your phone to make a withdrawal anywhere in Thailand previously with no charge. The fee will be 10 baht per transaction, starting in May, but for the first three months a grace period is given with the first 1 free withdrawal per month until august source (in thai) looks like the government are putting the squeeze on the cash economy, market trader will have to accept the QR Promptpay and be subjected to tax audit
  12. If it's under warranty contact Microsoft and they'll send over courier to pick it up and send a refurbished replacement The guy that specialize in Surface repair is not in Fortune town, up the road in Asok search for True IT
  13. Krunthai Bank just announce that they'll start levying fee for cardless withdrawal in May, only 1 free withdrawal per month for the first few months, looks like other banks could soon follow, I guess they want to drive market trader to move to QR codes to accept transfer and collect tax Which is fine, last month I spent some time travelling to some minor amphur down south and only needed cash once or twice, most traders seem to don't mind QR transfer
  14. has there been any case where some old codger was admitted to thai hospital, start wracking up cost and left to die without relatives and the hospital were able to recoup their loss by going after the 800,000 in the bank?
  15. While there is the downside of being locked in to only your Bank's ATM for cardless withdrawal, so if you are in some remote place without Bangkok Bank ATM, you're screwd unless you also have the physical card which can be used on other Banks' ATM the fact is that the same app also has mechanism for withdrawing from Bank's agent which includes 7-11 and Lotus and other place like post office, the fee is 15 baht but in an emergency should be acceptable and comparable to the out of area charge of 20 baht Hopefully interoperability between Thai Banks' cardless withdrawal is standardized soon
  16. โซ่ราวลิ้น for timing chain and สายพานราวลิ้น for the timing belt is more widely used lingo ลูกเบี้ยว is correct word for cam but it is not used in this context สายพานหน้าเครื่อง is for all the serpentine belts in front of the engine, alternator, starter, a/c compressor
  17. you can pay road tax with just a photocopy of the blue book, people on finances do it all the time, the book can be updated later
  18. how is a whole thread on multiple people being given the run around from the bank 'sorted in minutes'? I have used K-Web online card and disputed charges before and it took weeks, standard debit cards i'd say forget it
  19. There are a few dealers near the big industrial park like Nawa Nakhon north of Bangkok that don't mind cash price and they do the starter wave 110 at 37grand out the door, most are not like this and will put up the price and penalize the cash buyer compared to ripoff finance deal they'll be offering if the cost of transport from these dealers to your location is cheaper than what your local Honda dealer is charging, it's a good deal, mind you come servicing time the local could be giving you the cold shoulders as you didn't buy from them (they're not supposed to, but if they say the appointment book is full what're you gonna do) but waves rarely go wrong or need warranty claim so go for it the above table shows the price goes up with front disc, electric starter and ultimately mag wheels some dealer might not stock the cheapest model with front drum brakes (first column is cash out the door price)
  20. Yeah, opening an account usually is done at the sit down desk, not the teller's counter so a different queue, a person arriving later but only for the teller's queue might get seen before you and that's normal, this is same for hospital and paying mobile phone bills, the letter before the number on the ticket is there for a reason, if you're perplexed at how a person arriving after you might be served first, life's gonna be difficult
  21. if they let you have an app, most of the big bank like Bangkok Bank, SCB and Kbank let you withdraw from their own ATM using just the app on your phone without charging out of zone fee, no yearly fee for the debit cards either, but then you are locked in to using that bank's ATM if you opt to not have the debit card
  22. They're correct that there is no timing belt on the Ciaz, it uses timing chain, which should last longer than 100,000km maybe the don't understand what chain means
  23. you just save yourself, after the wait they'd have just said no, cannot open account for foreigner and why did you choose that bank in the first place? if you've been on this forum long enough you should know there's only a few bank that's known good in being able to serve farang customers, let alone in Nakhon Nowhere
  24. for condo with freehold title, in case of damage like fire that's enough to make the building unlivable, to dissolve a condo requires unanimous vote by all co-owners, same with say 40-50 years down the line if the building become dilapidated and a developer come knocking with offer to put the building down and build something else, each co-owner would get their respective share of the proceeds, ie. the value of the land and what's left of the building, other option is for all owners to chip in and rebuild the building, which is unlikely the insurance are also unlikely to cover enough for replacement either I don't think this has happened yet to freehold condo in Bangkok, earliest building with condo title in Bangkok are probably 40-45 years old, there's bound the be one soon,
  25. chargeback with Thai debit cards? unless it's virtual card for online shopping the bank rarely acts on dispute when it comes to debit cards
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