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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. digbeth


    Villa and Foodland have it, 7-11 definitely don't has it Not sure about tops but it's not sold at big place like Big C or Lotus
  2. Apart from paid tollways, expressways and motorways like Hwy 7 and 9 most highways with access control/ frontage road like Highway 1, north of Bangkok, and Hwy 3 (Bang Na) also prohibits motorcycle in the middle bit, usually there will be signs at all slip road and entrances Apart from overpass bridges, underpass tunnel are also prohibited to motorcycles
  3. Only if you put seats in it, Trucks and Vans for carrying cargo gets green plate Over 11 seats with canopy and seats gets blue plate and even cheaper tax Some used to 'borrow' canopy to register for cheaper tax and remove it, hence the crackdown Does the police care if you do it the other way? Who knows...
  4. 7-11 now has deals with many banks where you can use the app to withdraw cash from 7-11 as 'Banking Agents' The fee are like 5-10 baht each time though, and if you already use the app, QR payment/transfer are widely accepted by most traders anyway
  5. Upon exiting Thailand, couldn't she present both passport and if the io is reasonable, stamp her out on the Thai passport to prevent any problems with the 'blank' thai passport If the worse come to worst, she can enter Thailand on ID card alone, thai citizen can't be barred from entering the Kingdom even without her passport, then use her Thai passport next time
  6. If it's M Pass, most Krung Thai Bank in Pattaya are supposed to be able to order a new one in, but recently people have been reporting that they're not issueing them, making people get easy pass from.the Bangkok expressways instead
  7. Are you sure it's not M-Pass, if they originally got it from the Hwy7, it'll be M Pass, They're no longer being issued new
  8. There are no law or dlt regulations that covers red temporary plate for motorbikes, they are not made or issued by the department of land transport. Problems are that between riding off from the dealer and when the dealer register the bikes could be months, during which they could be involved in crimes and be untraceable, by witness amd such, hence some province police stationwould get together with the local dealers and issue their own plate, you'll see plate like Pattayq, some will even have dealer's name attached If you ride such a plated bike to Bangkok, it's good as having no plate, But Bangkok police, having no such scheme, would let you off with a warning if you can produce recent dated receipt from the dealer Even riding to other province with similar mptorcycle red plate scheme, you aren't guaranteed to not get tickets for having no registration either
  9. There are no red plate for motorcycle issued by DLT You won't see them in Bangkok What gets issued in certain provinces are backed by the local police station or just the dealership
  10. For motorcycles: they have no legal standing, but each police stations in provinces issue them to help with crimes from stolen bikes to traffic offence while waiting for paperwork to be sorted for the bike For cars, red plate must be issued with logbook Due to shortages, dealers have been giving people fake red plates, from fake plates with real logbook, or one real plate and one fake for the other side, making a set of real plates stretch to cover two or even three customers Fine for forging government documents are of course worse than driving with no plate.... too bad if your dealer didn't tell you the truth and you can't discern if they're genuine or not.
  11. Outside of their hospital they might not have brought cashiers and receipt printing setup conpared to hospitals that has cashier counters too, so most location in malls like ICS and Central World are effectively free?
  12. The BMA hospital I saw (Bang Na) seem to charge burmese workers for the vaccine, so other long term residents might be treated the same?
  13. For Bangkok(BMA) run place they have been charging foreigners since January
  14. If you use credit cards to tap in, some cards let you have 10% cashback on the blue and purple line
  15. I'm sure there must already be a shuttle from the Airport to Central Village, not sure if it's worth taking the hassle and the wait for schedule just to save 7 baht over the Jomtien airport bus though
  16. I offered the figure as a comparison, that a cheap data sim plus a router could pay for itself compared to just buying add on data I just went to AIS's site, click on the 30 day add-on If there are better deals, it's not obvious how to get them on AIS's website getting a new sim with unlimited package is always better deal, but some of these sim are only sold through third party and not at the mobile phone providers own shop and not even shown on website
  17. a 'portable' mobile hotspot or 'pocket wifi' that has battery is about the same as sharing hotspot from your phone, though you can rent them an LTE/5G router that plugs in to AC power and takes a SIM card gets better reception don't need to worry about power/charging and will generally be more reliable these starts around 1,500 baht to around 5000 baht for 5g ones that let you have speed of around 300-700mbps If you're only going for the cheap SIM that's unlimited but capped speed at around 10-30mbps, the cheaper router will do, the SIM might cost around thousand baht with unlimited data for 12 months, plus another thousand and half for the router, say you could have whole solution for 3000 baht If you were to pay for -on top- internet package on your existing pay as you go top up sim, unlimited data capped at 10mbps already costs around 1000 baht a month, so for 3 months, it's better to get these 12 months data sim to use even with your phone alone is worth it
  18. you might still be able to access the online banking through the website (not the app) if your user is not locked out
  19. the most 'in person' way to get netflix is probably to buy a card from 7-11, but then you have to put the code from the card into netflix online somehow, only for people not wanting to deal with credit cards
  20. students from Thailand pay tuition way over what the locals are paying in Australia or UK, are we moaning about dual pricing there too? What are most Farangs studying in Thailand that's so in demand? Thai language? I'm sure there are a few studying decent things in International university here but those would have no problem affording their stay without working and can get a job with work permit at the end of their study should they so choose, yes, part of the appeal for Thai students to study abroad in western country is being able to work and get jobs/connection and chance at permanent residency and eventually citizenship How many here and those using student visa as means to legally stay in Thailand really wants Thai nationality in the end?
  21. there are substance that's often found in bathroom that lowers the coefficient of friction on the surfaces they come in contact on, these substance are rarely encountered on other floor surfaces in the home
  22. Having looked at Australia and the US, doesn't seem to be explicit prohibition against back-to-back entry/visa runner, like the one for Australia says 12 months stay in 18 months period, that means 4 visa runs, but I suspect after the 3rd re-entry immigration would have flagged the Thai person already I supposed it might count as 'unwritten' rule? I suspect at least grilling from immigration officers would be in order if a Thai person exit a western country only to immediately re-enter
  23. Which countries allow Thai national to visit Visa-Exempt or with Tourist Visa and can circumvent the maximum stay of the visa by exiting and re-entering the country? For example, Australian Multiple Entry Visa for Thai nationals allow up to 3 months stay, presumably approaching 3 months, the Thai person wishing to stay longer could get a cheap flight to New Zealand if they also had relevant Visa, re-visit and stay another 3 months in Australia.. apart from having conditions that they can only do this up to 12 months stay in Australia within 18 months, are there any other conditions that the immigration officer won't look too kindly and refuses entry? Same with the US, they allow up to 6 months stay depending on the entry stamp, if a Thai person exit via Mexico or Canada Border only to enter again they wouldn't look too kindly and refuses entry too right? Apart from Australia's no stay longer than 12 months within 18 months period, most of these rules are unwritten too right? Suspecting that the 'tourist' is abusing the Visa system by working/not having sufficient means to support stay and refusing entry is pretty normal. For Thai nationals found abusing visa system this way they might even be hit with a multiple-year ban from entering the western country again, for expats in Thailand, a flight home and applying for a new visa is fixed easy enough So for the case of Thailand's 'No Evidence of Funds' reason stamped in after back to back border bounce we keep bitching on about, they owe nothing to us to have this 'hidden' rule written out, the Border Police might as well say F off and get a proper Visa and tourism numbers wouldn't be affected one bit
  24. I'm researching similar system too, There are big and small Xiaomi 'positive pressure' air purifier that looks just like their air purifier plumbed into a wall. Several sizes available, they monitor CO2 as well which their regular air purifier don't, these boxes goes for around 13,000 baht for the medium size, plus require installation by competent aircon installer as it requires big hole to the outside Due to the popularity of the Xiaomi air purifier, I hope that it'd share the filter, but these 'positive pressure' system don't use the same filters and while they're easily ordered from China enough, I'm not sure if 3-5 years down the line it'll be available , unlike the free standing air purifier, removing these machine means big gaping hole in the wall Also these setups do let in a bit of heat if you're running aircon, more expensive system that don't lose heat/cold would involve complex heat exchange
  25. only window AC in Thailand still selling are Junk 2nd hand items from Japan or Some unknown brand from China The ones native to Thailand are last sold 30-40 yeas ago, most apartment buildings and houses don't even have window that can accommodate them even to even make alterations to the window to be able to house them you might as well drill a hole and install the normal split type, even in rented apartments, Thai people install and remove them when they move out all the time Portable types where you duct the hot air out the window are being sold a lot too, are you sure it isn't one of those
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