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Everything posted by rwill

  1. Maybe some food allergies. I have a lot of them and sometimes vomit from it.
  2. Can't you go to the dealer and have them show you? Most dealers have a person who's job is showing new owners how everything works.
  3. I see plenty of them where I live. I guess you are talking about those working in the sex tourist areas. You could say the same thing about the women that work there. Once they reach a certain age it is time to move on.
  4. She could have just rode on. No one was harmed. But she had to follow after him and escalate it.
  5. First thing you should have done is check the meter reading with what the bill shows. It's a shame they keep your meter locked up.
  6. You don't have any relatives here that might be able to help you?
  7. He should have got a written contract for the work first too.
  8. Just another Thai driver that doesn't know how to avoid an inanimate object in the road.
  9. My wife. Over 40 years ago. Even now, in her 70's, she still looks pretty good.
  10. 7 3 (number of coins and torches) needed for lottery information.
  11. The solution is simple. Pass a law making breathing illegal when PM2.5 levels are too high.
  12. I've stayed at JC@Suanpaak a couple of times. Despite being very close to the airport it was quite quiet. Nice place but their breakfast wasn't very good.
  13. My PEA bill this month averaged 4.3 baht/unit. That's including all the taxes and a credit on the bill.
  14. I have never had to take a written test for my Thai license. The last time I renewed my 5 year license I had to watch a 45 minute video. The video did have some review questions in it but I never had to answer them. This was about 2 years ago. Just have to do the vision and reflex tests. For Thai's, like my wife, they now have an online course/test they have to take and pass before going in to get the actual renewal.
  15. Genetics has more to do with it than diet. Most cholesterol is made in your liver. Your cells need it to function properly. Basically if you lower cholesterol in your diet your liver will produce more. Why you shold no longer worry about Cholesterol in food. You'll never worry about cholesterol after this Your doctor is wrong about Cholesterol
  16. When I use urinals at gas stations, Homepro, BigC, etc.. it seems about 80% of the time their is a cleaning lady there. I don't let it bother me.
  17. Since when has not having money stopped governments from spending more? Is there any government that actually runs a balanced budget?
  18. I lived in California most of my life but if I did move back to the US it would not be in California. I have no urge to move back to the US anyway. I think my wife would like to move back more than I would.
  19. Depends on the cause of vertigo. Positional vertigo you can do head positioning exercises to help alleviate it. Some vertigo can be caused from ear infections. I've had vertigo for a very long time. When it is severe it is immpossible to function.
  20. Most men in Thailand become a monk for a few weeks. He could be one of those temporary monks.
  21. Seems like people like complaining about both Thais and the foreigners who live here. Just like everywhere else in the world there are good and bad people. I have great Thai friends and foreign ones too.
  22. That is not really true. 90 day reporting is totally separate from extending your permission to stay. At most offices you will end up paying a fine for late reporting if you assume an extension resets the 90 day report. Although people report some offices doing a 90 day report for them when they extend.
  23. Watch the videos in the original article. They actually don't show much.
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