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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Thank you Sheryl.
  2. Surely the embassies in UK , Bangkok and Helsinki can come up with some info ? is there some law that prohibits searching an adult’s whereabouts ?? Is it legally too early to search ?
  3. Sheryl. Travel insurance, ( not Health) for Thailand .My permanent home is France , I’m 71, and have tried around 10 companies so far and only 1 « maybe ».. I was hoping to come to Thailand for at least 3 months this coming December, but will think twice if I don’t get insurance. I’m hoping my CC might be positive, it’s a Platinum so I have to call them tomorrow. I’m asking everyone I know here in France in my position. I’ve had no problem in the past, being age eligible, and stay in Jomtien 3 to 4 months.Apparently it’s the 70 cut off age the problem.
  4. This is also the fault of safety procedures from the local authorities! The caves should be closed and warning signs with fines for anyone entering in Thai and English. The guides should have known the risk, or were not guides, just ordinary Thais with no experience! There have been enough cave accidents flooding the news for a few years now. No common sense on the part of the organizers and the tourists concerned.
  5. Maybe Simon and girlfriend quarreled , and he dashed off to Thailand on the first flight he found. Then regretted it and came home. I did that, young and stupid, ran off to India . Stayed 4 months though, had a great time. so where is Simon ????
  6. Hi all , I’m looking for a Travel Insurance for the over 70s in France. No pre -existing illnesses.id be very grateful for any info , thanks.
  7. Thank you, I’ve looked into this company and it sounds very promising. Cheers.
  8. Thank you +++ The family won’t come and leave the mum alone at home. Maybe I’ll try FB Thailand page !
  9. I wonder if immigration/ police have checked his hotel, did he check ou, take his belongings? Did the sister check his hotel into too ? Very worrying.
  10. His phone showed him 5 mins from the airport !!! His battery could have been empty, he could have had an accident . I would think that advancing his short ten days stay , either he was out of money, or he didn’t like wherever he was. Leaving so quickly after only a few days seems strange. I suppose all hospitals have been checked. His hotel ?
  11. What is not clarified is, for the 60 days exempt, do you need a return ticket or not ? The article says the “ immigration officer might ask for one” !! But by then it’s too late surely ? Saves a lot of questions and phantom flight out. Why not write the rules clearly ?
  12. Hi, I have family from France coming to Thailand for Christmas. The problem, one of them can’t find travel insurance because they are over 70. I’ve also looked , some don’t insure after 65 ! So I’m wondering if anyone on ASEAN has had family over 70 ( she’s 72) who have visited Thailand and have had travel insurance?? I really don’t think anyone should travel without. Would be grateful if anyone has any suggestions ? My nephew used a travel agency that accepts but they only operate in UK. Thanks pS, should I post this on other forums ??? Medical or General ?
  13. Hopefully Suvarnabhumi airports roof doesn’t cave in !
  14. Doesn’t matter what they call it, pattaya will always be known as Sin City ! outside the city it’s ok, otherwise the center resembles a shanty town.
  15. Jomtien next to the night market and Copacabana. Stinking smells and heat as the driver kips in the bus waiting .
  16. Most Thais try to understand me, and sometimes smile when I get it wrong. But sometimes asking a shop girl in the Mall for a size bigger/ smaller, the mouth falls open and she goes back to her telephone ! Some try, some don’t.
  17. We hardly ever compliment the people who really help.
  18. I helped 2 French tourists years back when they had a horrendous accident in Patong, A Norwegian man with his little boy in front on a jet ski , ran amok right into these 2 French guys, literally opening their legs up to the knees on their left sides. First, the police, who stayed on the case for 3 weeks were fantastic and took me everywhere, to the guys hotel, opened their safe , paid the outstanding. Bills they had etc. Drove me everywhere. The facilitator who was Italian was equally marvelous, managed the insurance claims and helped with police work as I did not speak Thai, and blocked their rooms in ICU and then their rooms off to everyone but the police and myself , as the jet ski guys wanted to see the two tourists. Even though they had nothing to do with the accident. There were many witnesses. They were lucky to be alive . The huge operations went well, albeit with zip like scars all the way to the knees. They were finally repatriated on stretchers to France where they spent 9 months in rehab. I don’t know how I would have managed without the facilitator and the police man . There are very good people in Thailand. The Hospital was BPH .
  19. Of course, and I doubt that Apple cares a fig ! All over the world we laugh at each other’s neighbors, even our own landsmen.
  20. Of course, and I doubt that Apple cares a fig ! All over the world we laugh at each other’s neighbors, even our own landsmen.
  21. Of course, and I doubt that Apple cares a fig ! All over the world we laugh at each other’s neighbors, even our own landsmen.
  22. It’s still a bit of a mystery to me. Thaksin knows he is too old to enter politics again. He knows his daughter doesn’t have a chance either. He is a very rich man. So what is he doing, for what reason ? Just seeking power behind the lines , I can’t see it ? Maybe we are all barking up the wrong tree ?
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