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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. This is the typical, usual school bus type employed in Thailand. They may not even have the name of the school on the bus, but rather the name of the contract company. For many schools it's a much older vehicle.
  2. No they'll wait until the intersections are blocked all over downtown Bangkok and the Thaksin bullies shoot-up the South. Or they decide to reduce the fertilizer needed for crops because some economic forum idiot told them it would be okay (as in Sri Lanka) or the Netherlands are planning to do.
  3. I hope not. They are not good for Thailand.
  4. Did my last Visa in Cambodia. PIA! (although I enjoyed the stay at the House Boutique Eco Hotel, which is not far from Embassy).
  5. Considering how flat it is, I'd just like to find a nice quality, affordable bike (no gear shift) like the Schwinn I grew up with in the 1960's. I read somewhere about the comfort of the bikes ridden in Holland. Does anyone know if they're offered here?
  6. The TM6 is irrelevant for the question that klaus80 is asking. Just leave it to ubanjoe to help. The info requested on the TM7 is required. No TM6, no number...
  7. Huh... and I thought he was trying to ship it on the plane with him and walk it through the green line. ????????
  8. "Raising termites"... Wow, I never would have thought to do that. Are they part of the 'green' diet the climate alarmist are pushing or an old practice here? Maybe Nicole Kidman will be sampling them in her next commercial.
  9. Not every girl/woman is a bold face prostitute.
  10. 3K... Darn, that's some inflation. 1k was good enough all through 2000-2015. I quit shopping after that.
  11. I'm not in you area, I've purchased them in past from Thai Watsadu. Surely there is an outlet in that area.
  12. So many things... I think his failure to uphold the immigration laws will get him the worse charge, but that's okay, after January 2023 Joe will step down and VP Harris will step up (or speaker Nancy) ???? (The two year term has been in the works from the beginning.)
  13. It will be okay. Brandon's going to fix it. Let's go, Brandon!! Not sure, but have heard Anthony A is going to use the same economics program as the USA. Cut out the cheap(er) energy (like coal and natural gas) and build solar panel power plants and wind mills all over the outback (China and the CCP thank you). Print and spend. That should work.
  14. Sending a bunch of it to his partners, "CHINA". They have him over a barrel.
  15. HH and Cha-Am have in past had problems with Sandfleas. Are they the same? See, I'm not knowledgeable. I haven't been there in 20 years. I wish you the best!
  16. Weed, no problem. Some others... Very difficult unless you said "NO" when first exposed and never, ever partook.
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