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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Exactly. A mirrow of myself.... As for the Obamas, the delicious irony of them deriding the rich is very tasty indeed. Much like Bernie Sanders, who used to rail against "millionaires and billionaires need to pay their fair share". At least until he became a millionaire himself, when his tune changed to simply "billionaires need to pay".
  2. Clever. How long did it take to come up with that gem of a comeback? Or have you been keeping it for a special occasion like today...
  3. Earl, why do you use gender as an insult? Are you misogynist? Your derangement is starting to show... No hatred, good on the Obamas for enjoying the fruits of capitalism. Now if only they would STFU and let others do the same.
  4. Four homes and 200 million dollars later, the Obamas are for 'the people'...
  5. National popularity polls mean nothing. The state polls are the key in the federal system. But I suspect you know that and are simply obfuscating.
  6. Not true. The Democratic party establishment has been against Kennedy since the primaries. They put up so many roadblocks to having a genuine campaign that he got frustrated and went independent. Now you see the results. They tried to protect Biden and failed. Now they have to deal with the fallout.
  7. True. It was funny hearing the Obamas shilling so hard. Also trying desperately to appeal to working class voters-pretending to be distrustful of wealthy people when they own four luxury homes and have a net worth in the $200 million range.
  8. Enough word salad. Just admit that she is incapable of dealing with anything other than a slavishly supportive media environment.
  9. I dunno, maybe supervise the process? Or even better, don't spend the money until the proper research was completed? Build more than 0.002% in 3 years?
  10. According to the President, the plan is to build 500,000 new charging stations across the country for EVs. After nearly 3 years and working with a budget of $7.5 billion, they only have 499,992 to go. Yep, a grand total of EIGHT have been built. Your tax dollars in action. Thanks, Biden/Harris Administration, for being such good stewards of the public purse. Article; https://www.autoweek.com/news/a60702457/federal-funds-yield-only-8-ev-charging-stations/
  11. Believe it or not, I am not a Fox viewer by any means. A lot of what they produce reminds me of what the left produces- formulaic and rather boring. I listen to more podcasts and debate style shows these days. A WHJ sponsored debate would be quite good IMHO.
  12. The actual hard news folks on Fox are good journalists, such as Bret Baer. Conservative yes, but professional. Much like Jake Tapper at CNN. So there really is no difference from that aspect. Otherwise, what right leaning media source would you suggest as a comparable forum for a debate that will not be giving tongue baths to Harris and shirker Walz? I call them cowards because sauce for the goose is as good as sauce for the gander. There were days if not weeks of "Trump is scared to debate Harris, he is a coward" circulating here, and in the media as well. Time to see it in reverse.
  13. It seems only fair. Trump debated on CNN, a left leaning and Democrat supporting channel. He also agreed to debate on ABC, also the same. With the delightful addition of the news director being the former media hit man for the Clintons!. So there is nothing wrong with Kamala returning the favor, and showing how fearless she is as a WOC and a prosecutor. Beard the lion in his den and all that. Yet somehow I think it wont happen. Similar to shirker Walz ducking JD Vance and only agreeing to one debate on a friendly channel. Cowards, the both of them.
  14. How very tolerant of you. You 'understand the motivation ' behind mass murder, rape, torture, and kidnapping of completely innocent people. If you talk to the protestors, they'll tell you that they are pro genocide, as long as the Jews are on the receiving end. ETA. If the Israelis treated the Palestinians the way the Nazis treated the Jews, there would be no Palestinians left alive. Let alone their population growing year on year. So spare us the BS equivalence.
  15. Yes they are. How many anti -Hamas signs do you see in the crowd? I think Gaza should be free from Hamas before anything else. But the protestors are content for Gaza to return to the pre October 7 status. In other words, with Hamas in power.
  16. This event was preplanned and rehearsed. Much like another at a restaurant -all the regular diners were kicked out and replaced by actors/operatives PRETENDING to be normal citizens. The gaslighting continues as Harris is cocooned by her handlers.
  17. Kinda funny to see all the boarded up businesses and hundreds of cops at the DNC convention. As far as I recall, the city of Milwaukee didn't have to do anything like that when the Republicans were in town. Why are Democrats so violent?
  18. So easy to explain, yet for some reason it completely perplexed her in the 2020 primary debate. She looked foolish and it was one of the moments that caused her to drop out of the race before even a single primary vote was cast. Why do you think that was?
  19. The damage by inflation is already done, thanks to the Biden-Harris plan. The problem for homebuyers isnt necessarily the cost of the home, it is the interest rate on the mortgage. Interrest is double what it was under Trump.
  20. I have to sadly agree with you. Trump is a set of good policies wrapped up in a New York bullsh!t artist. He briefly took good advice for the debate with Biden and was successful. His weak point is that he doubles down on what is familiar when he feels like he is losing, rather than listen to good advice. Americans trust him more than Harris on two key issues, immigration and the economy. That should be enough to win, if he could stay on point like he did a month ago.
  21. He may be preparing to double down on Harris glibly asserting that she will steal the patents from pharmaceutical companies if they don't bow to the federal government.
  22. Meant to say "what an assault rifle actually is". Damn autofoll ..
  23. Kamal couldn't fact check a toddler. Why do you think she is avoiding the media like the plague?
  24. Sport shooting, target practice, killing vermin, self defense.... Although nobody seems to know what an assault rifle artist. Do you?
  25. Actually the opposite, because 99,9% of what you term assault rifles are used by law abiding citizens in a safe and responsible manner. Ordering their confiscation, as Harris wants to do, is madness.
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