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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The UN General Assembly already voted to condemn the Myanmar coup, unsurprisingly Russia abstained being one of their largest weapon suppliers along with China. Plenty of sanctions in place although that needs to be balanced as most people there live in poverty anyway. Last Month the Chief Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court returned from Bangladesh interviewing refugee's and underlined commitment to advance investigations into alleged atrocity crimes against the Rohingya. There was plenty in the media about this but you must have missed it. However just over 4 weeks ago Russia went rogue and has taken over the headlines. Anyway off topic
  2. Kremlin-backed mercenaries employed by the Wagner Group have been pictured for the first time in Ukraine after defence officials warned that more than 1,000 fighters had been deployed. It operates as an arm’s-length branch of the state to offer the Kremlin plausible deniability for activities it does not want to be associated with. Its motto is said to be: “Death is our business and business is good.” “The GRU [Russian military intelligence] use Wagner as their deniable dirty operations troops,” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/wagner-groups-hardened-mercenaries-pictured-in-eastern-ukraine-td9jnwwsm
  3. Well you quoted Stalin as an example and that was who I pulled you up on, understand now? I also think Putin will eventually be issued an arrest warrant, that does not mean anyone will be able to arrest him however unless he is stupid enough to travel. However just an arrest warrant does give some peace of mind to the families of the murdered civilians and the general Ukraine population as a whole, together with showing any other wanna be dictators.
  4. How exactly would Stalin have been brought to justice? Was interpol around....lol
  5. The International Criminal Court was not established until 2002. I'm afraid that was a little after Stalin's death. The International Criminal court are not however wasting their time, they are already in Ukraine investigating.
  6. But Putin and his state controlled TV will do all it can to hide them and distort the facts into an alternate reality for his Russian audience. The latest rubbish on the civilian murders in Mariupol being that it was the British who staged and set it all up, placing the bodies in the correct positions...
  7. PCR test positive cases, total of 21,088 official new infections. 91 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 10,884 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 31,972 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 3rd April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  8. Glad to hear it. Similarly I don't engage in debate with those trying to make excuses for Putin's invasion by blaming it on the west (a Putin apologist). Particularly with all the lies spewed out from Russian TV and the henchmen there I wonder if this is this propaganda to or a war crime? Bodies of mutilated children among horrors the Russians left behind “We found 18 bodies in there,” he said. “They had been torturing people. Some of them had their ears cut off. Others had teeth pulled out. There were kids like 14, 16 years old, some adults. They just took the bodies away yesterday.” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bodies-of-mutilated-children-among-horrors-the-russians-left-behind-5ddnkkwp2 https://archive.ph/2022.04.02-211444/https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bodies-of-mutilated-children-among-horrors-the-russians-left-behind-5ddnkkwp2#selection-1107.0-1107.233
  9. Ok so you obviously don't follow these threads daily as this was posted yesterday. In reference to that misleading site. "Well lets put it this way. The link supplied which is what I was referring to is highly misleading, there is no data by WHO to back it up as claimed and also does not distinguish between flu and other forms of pneumonia and comes up with a figure of around 45k WHO estimates yearly worldwide flu deaths as between 290k - 650k If we say an average 500k a year worldwide to make numbers simpler then that would mean Thailand has 9% of the worlds flu cases each year. Next comes logic and simple maths to say thats impossible. Although true its not so easy to distinguish in Thailand unless flu tests are actually carried out on those who die. The actual number averages around 4,000 deaths yearly in Thailand for flu. Fortunately we have the world of academia that have carried out full peer reviewed scientific studies in Thailand for all influenza related deaths including all causes. 2005 - 2009 On average, 6 people in every 100,000 were estimated to die each year in Thailand as a result of seasonal influenza, representing 4,000 deaths per year. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275363294_Mortality_Attributable_to_Seasonal_Influenza_A_and_B_Infections_in_Thailand_2005-2009_A_Longitudinal_Study 2006 - 2011 The average annual influenza-associated mortality per 100 000 persons was 4·0 (so less than the above study of 4,000 yearly deaths) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4605410/"
  10. No need, I've already posted peer reviewed studies on flu deaths in Thailand which are around 4,000 per year, not 45,000
  11. I don't believe that has ever happened in Thailand but the onus is on you to back the claim up. There were 20 or 30 people dying each day at home because the hospitals were full in the Delta wave.
  12. The Russian nazi Wagner group is now in Donetsk, Ukraine doing their thing, this from Bellingcat: "Wagner mercenaries spotted in Donetsk. Photo, released by a GRU-linked blogger, made in front of Park Inn hotel where @OSCE was housed until recently (thus photo = now). Many of the Wagnerites are true Nazies, as some of them have told me. The irony."
  13. If you want to read or watch some of the lies and dangerous rhetoric that comes out of Russian state TV daily then follow this guy from the BBC, he brings us the translated highlights. https://twitter.com/francska1
  14. I was just reading a Russian media source (RIA Novosti) with Google translate from a twitter link and the theme of it was clearly that Ukraine needs to not exist. A total annihilation of Ukraine and a name change. They claimed that Ukrainians were all complicit with the nazi doctrine. A very disturbing read from a major national news outlet in Russia. Here's a better explainer on the article from a BBC correspondent, I suggest you read the thread. An op-ed for state news agency RIA Novosti titled "What Russia should do with Ukraine" by pundit Timofei Sergeitsev has created quite a stir today The rhetoric is truly horrific, even by the standards of what I'm used to seeing from pro-Kremlin media Below are a few quotes:
  15. Another Putin apologist ignoring the reality of what is going on now and the mindless evil barbarism of the invasion of Ukraine.
  16. They'll buy that bul$hit as much as they bought it with the bio weapon labs conspiracey.........????
  17. PM received 3,268,620 doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine donated by the French gov. from the Ambassador of France to Thailand & discussed the strengthening of coop., in the Thai-French Roadmap (2022-2024) with participation of DPS Sarun and DG of European Affairs Dept. (4April22) https://twitter.com/MFAThai/status/1510860767129571335
  18. Perhaps the above incident is not so surprising because of all the videos and evidence of previous war crimes carried out by Russia from the start of their illegal attack and invasion of Ukraine. Why else would the International Criminal Court open a official investigation on the 4th March and send a team to Ukraine to collect evidence of the war crimes? Here's a small list from the 24th Feb: WHO confirms 72 attacks against health care in Ukraine The World Health Organization on Saturday said it has verified 72 attacks on hospitals and clinics in Ukraine since the Russian invasion began Feb. 24. The total jumped from 64 on Thursday. WHO said that 71 deaths and 37 injuries resulted from the attacks, which included 58 on health care facilities, 11 on transportation, 16 on health care workers and 10 on patients. “WHO strongly condemns these attacks,” Here's another from Human Rights Watch Summary Executions, Other Grave Abuses by Russian Forces These include a case of repeated rape; two cases of summary execution, one of six men, the other of one man; and other cases of unlawful violence and threats against civilians between February 27 and March 14, 2022 “The cases we documented amount to unspeakable, deliberate cruelty and violence against Ukrainian civilians,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Rape, murder, and other violent acts against people in the Russian forces’ custody should be investigated as war crimes.” I'm afraid the list is a long gory catalogue of indiscriminate bombing of civilians, executions, rape, cluster bombing in residential area's and using children as human shields: Ukrainian children used as ‘human shields’ near Kyiv, say witness reports Horrifying accounts tell of Russian soldiers placing children on tanks to protect their vehicles when moving
  19. To add a little context for you from a credible source: Slovak minister says paying in roubles an option, country needs gas PRAGUE, April 3 (Reuters) - The economy minister of Slovakia, which relies on Russian gas for around 85% of its demand, said the country could not be cut off from Russian gas flows and if it had to pay in roubles it would, although it backed taking a common European Union stance. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/slovak-minister-says-paying-roubles-could-be-an-option-country-needs-gas-2022-04-03/
  20. You need to do a lot better research than that: The source for this is from Sputnik which in turn is a Kremlin controlled media site https://www.aninews.in/news/world/europe/us-increases-oil-imports-from-russia-by-43-russian-official20220403224201/ Your second link is for oil imports up to 2021 only https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=51738 No Sputnik is not credible and I believe nothing they spew out. As for Russia walking back on the ruble payments, I already provided the links and already anticipated your spin
  21. Russia stated: It will halt gas exports to so-called “unfriendly” countries by April 1 unless they comply with his directive to make payment in rubles Following refusal of countries to adhere to this Russia then stated: Russia will not immediately demand that buyers pay for its gas exports in roubles, the Kremlin said on Wednesday, promising a gradual shift. They backed up no matter how you try to spin it. BTW the US has already banned imports of Russian oil and natural gas purchases. So no not as you claim a quiet exemption from sanctions
  22. Well lets put it this way. The link supplied which is what I was referring to is highly misleading, there is no data by WHO to back it up as claimed and also does not distinguish between flu and other forms of pneumonia and comes up with a figure of around 45k WHO estimates yearly worldwide flu deaths as between 290k - 650k If we say an average 500k a year worldwide to make numbers simpler then that would mean Thailand has 9% of the worlds flu cases each year. Next comes logic and simple maths to say thats impossible. Although true its not so easy to distinguish in Thailand unless flu tests are actually carried out on those who die. The actual number averages around 4,000 deaths yearly in Thailand for flu. Fortunately we have the world of academia that have carried out full peer reviewed scientific studies in Thailand for all influenza related deaths including all causes. 2005 - 2009 On average, 6 people in every 100,000 were estimated to die each year in Thailand as a result of seasonal influenza, representing 4,000 deaths per year. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275363294_Mortality_Attributable_to_Seasonal_Influenza_A_and_B_Infections_in_Thailand_2005-2009_A_Longitudinal_Study 2006 - 2011 The average annual influenza-associated mortality per 100 000 persons was 4·0 (so less than the above study of 4,000 yearly deaths) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4605410/
  23. On the excess deaths point for Thailand: 2020 - 2021 there were 21,700 official recorded covid deaths and then an additional 35,200 excess deaths Peer reviewed study from Lancet This year Thailand's excess deaths are also well over the 5 year average
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