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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Why do you need to turn it into "if you say that X happens in Thailand then you must want to do X and be totally in favour of it"?
  2. Sure, it's not everyone. Why do you need to accuse anyone? Someone saying "it's accepted/not unusual in Thailand" isn't saying they or anyone they know want to have a relationship with an underage girl. Accusing people of something in some sort of attempt to shame them is a lazy way to argue.
  3. No $hit, but who said anything about legal responsibility? Not that I mentioned court, but are you suggesting that if factually the girl came onto the guy and initiated sex, and you said that in court, they would say "no, the guy came onto the girl and initiated sex"? Just seems a bit weird. If the girl came onto the guy then the girl came onto the guy.
  4. Ipso facto we can't acknowledge that it's a common thing in Thailand or objectively discuss Thailand's attitude to underage sex?
  5. Sorry, you're saying that if a 14 year old girl came onto an adult and initiated sex, that would mean he was coming on to her and initiating sex? No.
  6. Why do you need to try and accuse someone simply because they are saying something is common place and tolerated in Thailand and you don't like it? You're basically saying "you're not agreeing with us about this, so that means you have sex with underage children".
  7. Would it still be the adult doing everything? I'll answer for you: no, of course it wouldn't, so what you said is illogical.
  8. So if the underage girl sought out and came on to the adult man, initiating all sexual acts, would it still be the the adult doing everything?
  9. Even when culturally the law is considered advisory and is generally only enforced when there is some bigger problem caused or a wealthy hiso person demands action? You must know that in Thailand people break the law all day every day and generally no one does anything about it. Thai behaviour is dictated largely by custom and tradition, hence its very common to see underage girls in relationships with twenty something (age) men.
  10. Or something "wrong" with the girl's value system. Whether that's from parents or Thai society, is another question. One thing we know is that Thais love money and prostitution is not exactly frowned upon.
  11. Sadly not an uncommon thing to happen in Thailand. I wouldn't wish feminism on any society, but Thailand would definitely benefit from being a little nicer to women and girls.
  12. There are plenty of gangsters/hoods who will shoot someone over something just as trivial.
  13. It's OK. Comrade Corbyn has gone. You can drop the charade now.
  14. Movie stars haven't changed, we just have access to their thoughts 24/7 via social media. Before the internet, all we knew was their movies and their appearances on Parkinson. I think with Kanye, he already had some problems, but he found a lot of fame/notoriety by speaking out in favour of conservatives and against wokeism. I guess he got a little bit carried away with "speaking his mind".
  15. You can assure me that you consider them to be so. It's unfortunate that you think this is about what you or I think. It's simply about how things are. ????‍♂️ I think I quite clearly answered. It doesn't matter because Thailand is not the same as Western countries like the US or UK, which are countries of immigrants and racial melting pots.
  16. I wondered if maybe it was an advert when I saw the video on Facebook. They made it look so cool.
  17. Horrible situation, but it's more an indictment on the society than the age of getting married.
  18. They seem a lot happier than this girl and there's only a 6 year age-gap here. Do you seriously think most Thais marry out of love?
  19. Cognitive dissonance. It is essential to his psychology that Thais are the good guys and foreigners are the bad guys. Therefore, his subconscious mind bends the truth and distorts the facts to prevent a Thai from ever being in the wrong, even if it means the most illogical and trivial are dreamt up or blown out of proportion. It simply has to be that the foreigner did something wrong and all Thais involved are completely innocent. His mind will not allow any other outcome to present itself. It's sadly a very common occurrence amongst the Thai apologists here. Edit: This also answers the question @peterrabbit just asked.
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