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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Not at all. The left constantly lie about Trump, along with many other things.
  2. Probably just hyperbole. Stop trying to create the things you want to happen simply because you don't like someone.
  3. "Fact checking" websites are often biased and misleading. Why not just link the video and let people decide for themselves? Are you worried they won't agree with what you are saying if they are actually allowed to make up their own minds?
  4. It works both ways though. The Arab Spring and Mao's cultural revolution were led by students
  5. Kind of sounds a little like they're concerned about the rising number of jobless and homeless people and what that says about Thailand's economy. As a result, they want to get rid of the symptoms rather than solve the problem. Stop giving money to beggars, they go away or die, people can't see how many people are living in poverty in Thailand. Sorted!
  6. Of course. But we all know that if a similar thing had happened in just a Western country, people would be able to sue and get compensation. So the principle stands.
  7. China wields too much economic influence. Even the World Health Organisation helped them to cover it up!
  8. It would be interesting to see a class action lawsuit basically from everyone in the entire world vs. the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese government, and the WHO.
  9. That's just how the left is with Trump. Trump says or does something, someone lies about or distorts it, lefties then parrot that lie, citing the misleading opinion piece as "evidence".
  10. You link opinion pieces about the interview, but you don't link the interview to allow people to decide for themselves. Any reason for that?
  11. How would that happen if they were isolated and being fed lies? They could be convinced that the protestors are the bad guys who want to harm good innocent Thais. Think about it.
  12. Amazing that you can be attacked and seriously injured, but you still need the help of some sort of pressure group to get the police to do anything.
  13. Actually, they simply don't care about the truth. As long as they get their way, they will happily lie all day long, all while claiming to have the moral high-ground.
  14. It's not impossible. It's actually quite easy to indoctrinate soldiers. Isolate them then feed them propaganda about the protestors. They're these types of people, they did these things, etc...
  15. Lol. You've just described Joe Biden. 🙄
  16. He's a troll, so he's saying whatever he can to aggravate people. Presumably he's implying that the tourist was in the wrong and was either doing something illegal or gay and it went sour. Best to just ignore this user. He rarely makes any sense and has been on the forum under multiple troll accounts for ages.
  17. Could have been begging, the tourist gave him some money, the beggar wanted more, the tourist said his wife had the rest, so the beggar attacked him and stole his bag. Or perhaps it was a "soft-mugging" that turned violent.
  18. You can find it on the Phuket news if you google the article title.
  19. Tricky. A lot of Thais see it as their duty to get money out of foreign pockets and into Thai ones. There's even a special name for foreigners who don't give money freely to Thai people - farang keenok. There's also the chance of her losing face if you don't tip enough. Ask her how much a Thai would have tipped.
  20. Basically as the title. What are some things that are essential for safe riding back home that might get you in trouble in Thailand? I've heard of things like obeying traffic signals or zebra crossings can get you read-ended (so have a real good look around). What else? Should you still stay in the centre of the lane unless overtaking? Or should you just constantly lane split like Thais do? Any tips for what you need to learn/unlearn would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  21. It's the effect of social media, and not reserved for Thais. Some people are desperate for something to be outraged about as they see it as a good way of getting attention and feeling special.
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