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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. Judging by the number of foreigners in the bank yesterday with agents the use of them is on in the increase, maybe all the chaos at Jomtien is the reason people are using agents or Jomtien are driving people towards agents to increase their ‘revenue’ ?
  2. Use an agent, around ฿100 plus usually.
  3. Thanks for the info, my Doctor at Bangkok Jomtien told me last week due to problems at the Allergan Plant in Asia Alphagan P won’t be available till April, maybe things have changed, i am now using Xalatan.
  4. When was this introduced, at Jomtien a TM30 required for 90 day reporting.
  5. I can’t imagine Myth Night Complex ever being shoulder to shoulder with customers, how much does one bar have to make in a month to pay the rent ?
  6. Keep hearing rumours that Treetown is being demolished ?
  7. There is now a Danny’s Sports Bar in the old Kasikorm Bank premises on Soi Bukhao has he moved out of Treetown ?
  8. Your the expert what action would you after approaching both people who are party to the car being parked where it is. Short of hiring a tow truck and having it towed away bearing in mind it isnt illegally parked just an inconvenience. If it was in the U.K. it would be towed away as it doesn’t have valid road tax and I assume no insurance
  9. Originally 20 in the U.K. I volunteered for a trial, 5 doses at a higher rate of whatever they call it over around 2 weeks. Yes there were side effects over the years but nothing I couldn’t cope with apart from radiation cystitis which was very painful for a couple of weeks.
  10. I am no medical expert, I had 5 sessions on a trial, at the time it was 20 sessions of radiotherapy normally, does appear to be a lot of sessions ?
  11. Bigger picture, straight forward enough car blocking my access , wife spoke with Policeman I spoke with car owner, car still there end of, I don’t think any further explanation required.
  12. With 7 pages of comments it’s difficult to keep track of what I have said, nothing worse that some looking to trip you up on some thing you may have or not have said. You must have spent forever trolling through the 7 pages of comments looking to troll me.
  13. And I am not even going bother to answer his questions as it won’t make any difference, my wife approached the Policeman I approached the car owner and got negative replies from both.
  14. When I had radiotherapy 6 years ago in the U.K. for Prostate Cancer I took part in a trial called PACE where you only had 5 sessions of radiotherapy over a period of 2 weeks, initially it was 1 week but they reverted to 2 weeks.with no hormone treatment. Prior to that it was 20 sessions, I don’t know how long for though but you also had hormone treatment. I believe now the NHS are going to adopt this method as it was deemed a success, https://www.royalmarsden.nhs.uk/news-and-events/news/higher-doses-radiotherapy-cuts-treatment-time-75-localised-prostate-cancer
  15. Lazada has refunded my money a few times to my bank account when I pointed out I couldn’t have a Lazada Wallet. If you call them they send you email, you reply to the email with a copy of your passport and bank account details, the money is usually in the bank after a couple of days.
  16. My wife spoke to the Policeman, he said it was his brothers car but as we know here brother can just be Thai terminology for a relation or friend.
  17. Of course it’s an isolated incident the other one occurred over 5 years ago at a different property, we don’t go out picking fights withe neighbours every other week.
  18. There is no family, Policeman is living on his own, my wife spoke to about the car and he just replied it’s his brothers, not sure he has moved in with him. I asked the fella to move it but he blanked me.
  19. In the same Soi opposite some ones house who doesn’t live there now, passed away a few weeks ago, I park where he used to park his car.
  20. It’s an isolated incident no one has ever dumped a non running vehicle there before.
  21. Wether the foreigner was right or wrong there is no need to resort too violence, the little girls was hysterical and the Thai fella was still threatening the old fella obviously had no compassion, what he had done to offend the Thai fella, brave man when his friends were with him. Any other country and the Thai fella who throw the punch would have been cuffed and thrown in a police van.
  22. I am looking for helpful advice not some trolling me and insulting my wife.
  23. Hopefully I will wake up in the morning and all your comments have been removed, sounds like you have been in the bar and now trolling people at home.
  24. No, we live very central close to the school, shops etc, I would to think this is only a short term issue.
  25. It’s parked 50% in front of mt gate which is a tight squeeze to start with, there a a raised manhole about 18 inches high for the well water which restricts the entrance to start with. TBH I don’t always bring the car inside as I was constantly being blocked in by cars but at least I would like to be able to park my car outside my own property and come and go as please.
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