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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. Bitconnect ???? protecting yourself from crypto scams is very easy - just have an IQ above 70 and do not buy crypto scams.
  2. nowadays everybody and their mom are experts in everything from computers and economics to military operations and international affairs
  3. other metals are better than gold in other industrial uses. gems are prized for their beauty (and jewelry as art), there is nothing beautiful in gold as is.
  4. interesting... it means that the mining difficulty increased so high that the electricity required to mine a single Bitcoin costs about 20k USD, while just a few years ago it was below 10k USD. It is good that many miners have shut their rigs down, as the mining difficulty will drop.
  5. Paypal is much more widely accepted. I haven't met a single web store yet which accepts Wise payments, and every 2nd web store accepts Paypal.
  6. mr Vladimir Putin's ransomware hackers are targeted at big corporations and critical industries such as energy or healthcare, not random Joes' personal computers.
  7. meh, it always amuses me when someone calls something a "conspiracy theory" when it is a confirmed "conspiracy practice" instead. https://www.google.com/search?q=chinese+bot+farms&tbm=isch&source=hp&uact=5&oq=chinese+bot+farms&sclient=img
  8. Back at home I had the luxury of having the direct mobile phone number of one of the ISP's sysadmins, after I succeeded in convincing the phone girl that I know my sh.t and that the problem is on their side not with my router. I wonder how Thai technicians would resolve the connectivity problem somewhere between Bangkok and Paris, by rebooting my router.
  9. First time I heard about Ethereum it took me 5 seconds to make a (wrong) decision "meh yet another shítcoin". Its price was around $20 back then. But some time later I've decided to actually read about it... and had to buy for $200 a piece. Well, not really "obliged to", but if something is guaranteed to bring you a good profit - it is pretty stupid to pass by that opportunity.
  10. Do you know anyone working at ISPs as a network engineer/sysadmin? I'm currently experiencing big problems with AIS but would love to get contacts for other providers too, just in case. I need real technical support who knows what "traceroute" or "BGP" is, not the usual telephone girls "please try to reboot your router ka"
  11. when someone gains money with gold or stocks, it is due to another person losing money by buying that gold or these stocks for the higher price from the first person. so... gold = Ponzi scheme stocks = Ponzi scheme
  12. This is "mini USB", search for "mini USB to USB cable".
  13. and spams about his crshítto.com card in every single thread. Also he put me on ignore list after I quoted his message "I've never bought Bitcoin" after he wrote "I've bought Bitcoin" in another thread You are definitely right about Bitcoin being replaced by something better, but only as a digital currency. Bitcoin really sucks hard compared to many other alternatives, for its extremely slow transactions and high fees, as well as the carbon emission impact. But having said that I still believe that Bitcoin has a future - as a store of wealth. It already has a huge worldwide acceptance and will be used as a digital gold.
  14. wat Most unembossed cards act like the virtual cards when paying online - you could put anything as the name and it will be accepted by the bank or the merchant. Depending on your bank, when you issue the virtual card in the online banking then it may even explicitly state that you could write any name when paying online. Most embossed cards, when paying online, require to enter the name and it must match the name on the embossing, or it will be rejected by the bank or the merchant. So Thai debit cards are more like virtual cards rather than "real" debit cards. It usually works only with unembossed/unnamed cards. The embossed/named cards will not be accepted if you write any name when paying online.
  15. DTAC has the best internet, TRUE the worst. Do you really need an "unlimited speed" SIM? 20 Mbit/s "unlimited traffic" SIM looks like more than enough for the usage type you've mentioned. I haven't seen anything faster than 40 Mbit/s with "unlimited speed" SIM but it was about 2 years ago and things may have improved since then. I personally recommend to buy the DTAC 1 year SIM with 20 Mbit/s "unlimited traffic" tariff, on Lazada or Shopee. It costs about 1500 THB per year.
  16. ???? I haven't received any notices yet. I hope that their system failed to parse my NDID (I wrote all zeros when they requested it in March) and will simply skip my account. LOL DAFUQ are they spying on me? I've got that email a few minutes after posting this message Well, I guess I'll find other means of payment for the goods and services.
  17. then what's your problem with Bitcoin if you don't use it?
  18. The greatest surveillance tool is now lying on your table or in your pocket, Bitcoin has nothing to do with the surveillance.
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