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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. and thus you've proved that you have no idea about the topic, same with the cryptocurrencies and possibly other topics I dont remember.
  2. because they have families/businesses/assets to return to. Those who have no ties to Russia except the passport usually do denounce what "their" leader does (its not actually their as they did not elect him)
  3. to the "only Russians can take care of Putin" / "Tell it to Putin" crowd, I've answered here: also you should google what happened to Boris Nemtsov after he publicly criticized the Crimean incident.
  4. A "bulletproof domain" means a domain name that will not get disabled by the registrar if any "abuse report" comes. A "bulletproof hosting" (what I've rephrased as a "safe location") means a server or a web hosting account that will not get turned off or disabled by the hosting provider if any "abuse report" comes. Those ads about "offshore bulletproof hosting" for $25 (and even for $250) you might have seen in Google are fake.
  5. crypto dot com is a bullhit with idiotic limits, they want you to deposit a huge sum in advance to be able to withdraw a whopping 500 USD/day. and most "crypto" debit cards are the same btw.
  6. fdsa


    I wonder how could they actually verify the address from a photoshopped bank statement or a driver license.
  7. fdsa


    it is when a support staff working for a minimal wage knows exactly how much cryptocurrency you have, how do you look like and where do you live, so they could sell that information to the crooks looking for easy money. And the police won't listen to your claims that you've got crypto extorted by those crooks because "sorry cryptocurrency is not a legal tender in our country" or "kreeptuh... what? sorry we no understand"
  8. Yes, you are right - "hardening" the webserver is not "website hosting" and it has nothing to do with the hosting cost. Still buying a bulletproof domain + hosting the website in a safe location could cost well above 1000 USD/mo.
  9. fdsa


    if that financial institution is a bank with proper informational and physical security measures, not some digital-tulips-trading website hosted "somewhere in the cloud" and which stores my private personal information protected by the password like "12345". So it's ok for me to provide passport scans etc to the real financial entity, but cryptocurrency exchanges could go fk themselves.
  10. this is a fake rate for the newspapers. You should check banks' websites for the real exchange rate as that's the rate for which you could actually buy dollars for the roubles. For today it's 122 RUB for 1 USD
  11. fdsa


    It depends on the service, some do accept Thai bank statements if they contain your address. I've needed to pass that KYC BS once and asked Krungsri to print a bank statement sheet including my address.
  12. google:// how much does bulletproof hosting cost google:// how much does the real bulletproof hosting cost not that <deleted> in panama you showed me in the first search results
  13. tears of the person who've paid for it when you Right Click -> Save Image As... on it
  14. > Why bitcoin, NFTs, please don't compare a godsend to a dog sh't.
  15. It is impossible to find out who is the _real_ sender of the email unless they explicitly tell that themselves. And even if you receive an email from the known email address from a person you personally know nothing guarantees that their email was not hacked and someone else is pretending to be that person.
  16. Fun fact: I've just received another power supply unit but was not charget a tax, despite the box was opened and inspected by Thai customs. Maybe there is some "unchargeable" limit? This time item cost was 2900 THB - below $100 US.
  17. Their main income is from cryptocurrency purchases made via their referral links. They don't care if you win or lose as they will get their cut anyways, just like the stock brokers. none. People who know their stuff make money, not Youtube videos.
  18. I'm not him but will dare to enlighten. It's USA who tears down the Ukraine with the help of Russia.
  19. Back in 2014-2015 "volunteering" in Donetsk yielded a very good salary of $2000/month. But it's all a lie and propaganda, of course.
  20. I've just logged in to my Paypal account for the first time since the "deadline", and that's what I've discovered so far: - my "Nationality" is hard set to "Thailand" (I could not edit that field). I can't remember for sure but I think I've never set it myself, and I'm not a Thai national. - all my saved addresses disappeared, except the one which was randomly chosen. That is not an address I've registered an account with, and not the default billing address, and not even the last delivery address. No idea why Paypal chose that particular one. - I can't remember for sure but I think I had some coins on the balance, but now it shows THB 0.00 check your stuff here: https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/settings
  21. Reboot the router and try a different browser.
  22. no, you could host a website anywhere else, that's exactly the reason why people host email in one service and website in another.
  23. @steven100 are brainwashed people guilty for being brainwashed? Should there be a law stating that if a person is susceptible to propaganda then they must be executed?
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