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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Funnily enough, the idea of creating Israel was only tentatively agreed by the UK. The USA was the first to recognize the new country. The Jewish terrorists (yes they were wanted terrorists) at that time included a future prime minister, Menachem Begin. You may remember the King David's hotel bombing. UK foreign minister Balfour stated they were in favor of an Israel state as long as other occupants of the area were treated well. "Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine". Oh well.
  2. It's almost as if someone involved in the black market trade in cannabis has ordered the PM to change the law back. Oh well. I can imagine the economic advisors saying: The economy is terrible, the 10,000 Baht giveaway is going to hit us hard and debt has gone through the roof. What shall we do? PM: Create more unemployment and more debt!
  3. There appears be an assumption by some that wine is mainly for expats and western tourists, but there are many Thais who also enjoy wine. Many the time have Thai friends driven into Laos to purchase French wine cheaper than Thailand and brought a few cases back to enjoy. One Thai General, Sunthorn Kongsompong, even owned a vineyard in France due to his appreciation for the stuff.
  4. Those who advised having one will for Thailand and a will for overseas appear inline with local legal advice. Whatever you do, don't spend it before you die. Imagine - spent all your money by 85 but still alive at 90.
  5. Large corporations have ignored global climate change for profits. Many sneer at Greta Thurnberg's protests. But she is right. Old people have destroyed the future of the young.
  6. Always looking at the symptoms not the cause. The finance minister cannot raise the education standards in a year or two and an educated workforce is essential to economic growth. Factory workers and rice growers will not help the economy to rise
  7. Are Chinese EVs really that cheap? Many stories now are that China sells its EVs abroad at double the price they sell for in China. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/why-byds-ev-exports-sell-twice-china-price-2024-04-26/ https://cleantechnica.com/2024/04/30/prices-of-some-byd-cars-in-export-markets-are-double-or-triple-prices-in-china/
  8. The video is interesting and I noticed the examples of criminality referred to Trump, Nixon and Agnew only - three Republicans. My question is, why are the people being slandered not suing Trump for defamation? After all, the evidence is on TV every day.
  9. Student protests have always occurred to effect needed change. Conservatives always oppose change (that's why they are called conservatives). It isn't just in America. It isn't anti-Americanism but rather anti-policy. So many examples in history, not just the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations. Fisk University has a long history of student activism. In 1925, foundations providing endowments didn't want anti-Jim Crow law demonstrations. At the time it looked un-American or anti-American but today it seems justified in hindsight.
  10. Student protests have always occurred to effect needed change. Conservatives always oppose change (that's why they are called conservatives). It isn't just in America. It isn't anti-Americanism but rather anti-policy. So many examples in history, not just the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations. Fisk University has a long history of student activism. In 1925, foundations providing endowments didn't want anti-Jim Crow law demonstrations. At the time it looked un-American or anti-American but today it seems justified in hindsight.
  11. Hard to live in Thailand without noise pollution.
  12. Makes one wonder if the police ever browse ASEAN Now. Hmm.
  13. The fact that both parties have no candidate that is younger and acceptable by most people is the reason you have Dozy Don versus Sleepy Joe. No point in complaining now.
  14. The aging population together with deaths from smog-induced diseases will really exacerbate the labor problem in the future.
  15. Strange, but when Hollywood moguls tried to pick up Marylin Monroe, people admired her sexiness and assumed she was leading men on. Because a guy tries to pick up a guy he is suddenly evil. Kevin Spacey hasn't been accused of rape but for trying to pick guys up. Why is it so interesting?
  16. The current head of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, has resided in Doha since 2016. Qatar has been called Hamas' most important financial backer and foreign ally. (Wikipedia). However, trying to stop reporting by the other side is still censorship.
  17. Not sure if America can ban the Chinese from the moon but they would if they could.
  18. This is getting confusing. First, the EC stated that the "MFP was ordered to stop all efforts to alter Section 112 via non-legislative means." Then, submitting a bill is somehow not legislative? The court cited that 44 MFP MPs submitted a bill proposing the amendment of the Section 112 on March 25, 2021. I'll let someone explain.
  19. Aliteration helps when giving nicknames. I dub him: Dozy Don.
  20. Iran is not Arabic so I don't believe they think twice about their Arabic neighbors.
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