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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. You still remember the good times ... ? The young people now will not find it easy to remember a good time anymore . You are privileged .
  2. And what if a high alcohol level in the blood protects from being infected ...? May be the alcohol kills the virus ? 55 , everybody permanently drunk ...
  3. Wow , thai intelligence ... they know how to make money , don't they ...
  4. Not many tourists bring their dogs for a holiday to Thailand . These 2 are certainly not tourists .
  5. That says all ... Where we live , the locals just go to the national forests and cut the big trees to sell the wood . No police or whatever to stop them ... but who needs big and old trees ? Oh , wait ...
  6. He successfully presented his intention ... Well , congratulations for that ... that is an important step for Thailand . 2050 , in 30yrs from now , the world , the environment , all will have changed a lot . The effects of climate change accelerate every year now . And that is an unstoppable process . the world leaders ' intentions ' to limit until 2050 or so are just blabla ... it would be a joke if it would not be so sad ... He will do what the others do , all half - hearted commitments ... without much of an effect on the steadily progressing global warming and it's effects ... No I am no ' doomsday prophet ' , I just try to be realistic . Pure hypocrisy .
  7. The new normal ... does not sound good to me ... I would prefer to have the ' old normal ' of the 80's and 90's back ... 55 , what kind of ' wonderful stories ' are they planning to invent ...? It means higher prices .
  8. They need to feel the consequences of their ( non ) actions . Just like a kid that is playing with fire . Before they do not get their fingers burned , they will not act . All their ' declarations of intent ' are worth nothing . They are too dependent on the business lobby who only cares for their immediate profits . Radical change of the current capitalistic way of thinking is urgently needed now . But the sheep will follow their leaders , and the leaders are too self-centered to see what will happen soon ... bound for dystopia ...
  9. Blabla as usual . Too late . Yeah , depends on the money they want to get from the outside world ... Hopeless .
  10. COP 26 was a disaster . It was the ultimate evidence that politicians are a hindrance to the very acute problems the whole world is facing now . Those necktie wearing incompetent ass-holes who think that they are so very important and in a position to give orders to everyone , make things become more bad all the time . Too blind to see what is really going on , they prefer to live undisturbed in their privileged space and fill their own pockets ... I pray that they will all be replaced by AI soon . Mankind is on the edge of a cliff now and the politicians incompetence and inability to even find a consensus to the most important problems clearly shows where we all are heading ... we are the lemmings who are pushed over the edge by arrogant and blind politicians ... The problem about the consequences of global warming is a global problem that needs a global solution ... all countries will be concerned and should act TOGETHER NOW ! But no , they cannot find a solution or even a consensus , they are useless idiots who are far from even recognizing what needs to be done now . It is always the economy and their re-election that comes first for them . The price to pay for the soon coming disasters will be enormous . Do you believe that they will be able to limit the global warming to 1.5 degrees ? 5 ! They will not . Too late already . Too much blabla ( thanks Greta ) and no action at all ... only plans to limit the emissions until 2050 ... in 2050 the world will be a place where people are constantly fighting to just survive . Global warming will pass 3 degrees and that means this : https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zahrahirji/global-warming-3-degrees-celsius-impact " deadly heat waves, massive wildfires, and damaging downpours will come far more often and hit much harder than they do today. The ocean will be hotter too and more acidic, causing fish declines and likely the end of coral reefs. In fact, a quarter or so of the Earth’s species may go extinct in such conditions or be headed that way. Our coastlines would be reshaped, a consequence of sea levels rising foot after foot, century after century, drowning places like Charleston, South Carolina’s Market Street, downtown Providence, Rhode Island, and the Space Center in Houston. " https://www.economist.com/briefing/2021/07/24/three-degrees-of-global-warming-is-quite-plausible-and-truly-disastrous " Three degrees of global warming is quite plausible and truly disastrous " It's a shame . @050me
  11. May I ask a question ... I registered on expatvac a long time ago . About 6 weeks ago I got a call telling me to get my Sinovac at Phang Nga hospital which is a 300km drive away . I did not want the Sinovac and cancelled the vaccination date . No news from them after this . Tried to register again for another Vax at expatvac , but cannot because my personal data is already registered . I would like to get a vaccination , too , but I doubt that they will recontact me , as I refused the Sinovac ... What to do ?
  12. They know the future because it shows in the brand new crystal ball they just bought from China . Nobody will be able to accurately predict the future . Just too many variables . Many things can and will happen that can influence that prediction . That is just a possible scenario , one of many ...
  13. " The arrivals included 32 Thai nationals and 11 others of various nationalities ..." That day will be declared a huge success . I guess the TAT has already figured out how many millions they will spend ...
  14. So , the majority of Thais prefer to live in a locked down country without any foreign interference , and without entertainment or alcohol consumption ? I doubt that . Where in Bangkok did did they make this poll ? Anyway , I think they do not need to worry too much ....
  15. Another thing that can help you to focus on what is really important in life is Astronomy (NOT Astrology ) . We are so small and unimportant in Universe ... it is just ridiculous to give too much importance to what other people say . That's a big field to harvest , but it definitely can provide clues to what really is important . I receive daily news from orbit ( no joke ) from http://spaceref.com/ Spaceref is for users that are a little advanced in Astronomy , but you'll find the basics in the web ...
  16. May be , but most of the times it makes you become more relaxed and more focused on what really matters ... try a little bit first , it won't harm you or make you an addict ...
  17. In the future , EV's will be for city transport , fuel cell for long trips .
  18. Get some ganja and make yourself a tea ... You will be surprised how this helps to see things more positive .
  19. Really need to control further growth of the human population on this planet . Not enough resources to feed them all . Climate change will make harvests worse . Overpopulation ( and greed ) causes massive destruction of natural systems . Human population growth does not fit in Darwins theory of evolution of species any more . There is no selection any more to who can reproduce . It is not the ' survival of the fittest ' any more . Most kids are produced by poor and uneducated people who just do not know or care . Every possible solution to this problem ( birth control by sterilisation after having the first kid ) , need to be applied world-wide , and this will not happen in a divided world .
  20. Do some meditation , find the ' inner peace ' and just let things go if they not really personally affect you . You can't change the world , and , if you've found the inner peace , the world can't change you .
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