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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Btw , just seen a report about Amsterdam and it's red light quarter ... it is so packed with tourists that the locals want to move away ... What attracts all these tourists ? The excitement and entertainment they get over there ... It is not really the ' happy holiday for a family on a beach ' prospectus that attracts people , it is excitement and entertainment as well . Let's face it : a mayor attraction of Thailand was it's sex workers ... even a family of ' normal ' tourists want to have a look at this at least , to have something to show and tell when back home . If Thailand is killing this business , it shoots itself in the foot . Spend a day on the beach or sightseeing , in the evening , go out for a good dinner in a restaurant , send the kids back to the hotel , and then go for a drink to a 'red light ' quarter , that is what many want . Make Patts the new thai Las Vegas , would , f.e. be a huge money maker ...
  2. To win foreign tourists ... so , a foreign tourist is a prize to win ? If they want to be the winner , need to make the country and it's people more attractive to foreigners then . Much more attractive . And stop all that bad behavior against foreigners . By the government officials and the local xenophobes as well .
  3. Foreign tourists as well remain divided by the idea if it is worth visiting Thailand now . Thai rak Thai , 55 , from foreigners they only love their money ... It became more easy by now to spend a holiday on a beautiful caribean island , or Cost Rica , Belize , Colombia , Mexico , or , for Europeans , Morocco , Capverdian islands , Canary islands , Azores , Portugal etc ... Why come to Thailand , beautiful beaches are within easy reach elsewhere ... and the girls of Colombia f.e. are known for their beauty ... thai girls become too fat ...
  4. Scaring . That person has really lost it all . His mind as well . How low can one go ? I hope that there is someone able to help him , I would not even come close .
  5. What about recording a government official asking for bribes ? That happened quite recently at immigration somewhere and caused an investigation and problems for the officers concerned ... What happened to the one who did the recording ? I do not know ...
  6. Without any doubt , a lot of mistakes had been done by the government in the handling of the Covid crisis . One of the biggest was not to shut down the whole of BKK when the first cases appeared there . They did the exact opposite of what the chinese did on the first outbreak in Wuhan . ( Locked down everything ) . They allowed all the all the workers from Bangkok to freely spread the virus by returning to their native communities by Songkran . Thai government sometimes seems to follow the directives given by the chinese , but when the chinese did something effective to reduce the transmission of the virus , Thai government does the opposite . No logic in that ...
  7. Domestic tourism is highly promoted by the government , it eases the dire situation a little , but it will never be able to replace the income generated by the 40 mio foreign tourists that came here once , a long time ago ...
  8. Farangs are not legally allowed to own guns in Thailand . Police should know that .
  9. No one ever had the idea that it is just the family of the deceased who want to extort as much money as possible ? I don't think that the dead thai guy had the 300.000 baht on him when he climbed over that wall ...I think he left it at a secure place , or his family had taken care of it already ... and now they want another 300.000 because he is dead and all farang are rich ...
  10. If the swiss guy would have had one or more guardian dogs , nothing would have happened to him ... And there are still the dog haters who ask what a dog is good for ...
  11. Yes , you are right of course ... but for a Thai person a farang who owns a house is rich and ' full of money ' ....
  12. Sure ... the TAT always knows and tells the truth . They seem to be a bunch of retired comedians over there ... But telling the same joke all the time does not make it funnier ...
  13. Why all this confusion ? The family of the deceased wants to make some profit out of that situation . They think thai style that the ' farang ' is rich anyway , that he killed that guy who possibly committed adultery , and climbed over his wall at night , armed with a gun , and now he needs to pay for this . No matter if it was his fault , or he was the one that was attacked first ... he is the one with the money , so he needs to pay . Because all they want is his money . Nothing else ... Btw , if they had one ( or more ) guardian dogs , nothing like this would have happened ...
  14. That little phrase can save the world ! Need to respect and help every living being . We are all , not only us , the humans , part of an ecosystem that is designed to enable us to live longer and further evolve as a species . But this , of course , will not be the case if we destroy it first . The consequences of continued destruction of our ' own ' ecosystems will not be nice . For nobody . Need to immediately stop pollution by fossile fuels NOW . Should have been done 20 yrs ago already .
  15. Trust nobody . Especially the people who tell you that you can trust them . What the government says is not legally binding and can change anytime due to unforeseen circumstances ...
  16. or wife's name ... but anyway , if so many chinese invest in thai RS , that means that they think in the future they will be able to rent it out to fellow countrymen , or they just have ' dirty money to clean ...
  17. Some just want to believe ... so , let them ... Nothing wrong with that ... except the owner of the amulet thinks that he became invincible now and goes around trying his luck ...
  18. Yes , tourism in Thailand will ( hopefully ) never be the same anymore ... But it still is a beautiful country that can offer a lot of attractions ... just have to focus on the right ones ... But to bring in families with kids who spend a lot of money in a short time and than go back , will not be easy anymore .
  19. If the dog would have been treated species appropriate and good taken care of , that would not have happened .
  20. yeah , quite possible ... when I moved here the container we sent ( full of household stuff ) , was to be inspected ( and opened ) by customs . But we were given the choice to pay a fee for ' non inspection ' ! When it arrived at our place , the container was still sealed . Amazing Thailand .
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