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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Yes , the regular bla bla is always very reassuring ... Much too late . Let's face it : Climate is rapidly changing . ( Just ignore the deniers , it's a fact ) . To save it , radical change needs to be done now ! Politicians all over the world are unable and/or unwilling to do that . Consequences ? Accelerating a unavoidable dystopian future . 2050 ? That is 28 yrs in the future . What will happen by then , nobody knows . But it will be too late .
  2. Approved , then not approved anymore , it now is a controlled herb and a narcotic drug at the same time ... What do you want ...? Confusion reigns in this country .
  3. Just fine them proportional to their overstay . If they cannot pay , to the jailhouse ... But the threat of a forced deportation is out of proportion for such a negligence .
  4. Time for Immigration to create a new easy visa to attract those ' stay all winter ' long term tourists then . A 6 month stay without paperwork , just a criminal background check would certainly facilitate their decision to stay ( and spend ...) 6 winter month here .
  5. Slowly making it illegal again ...? Confused and not " thought through " from the beginning . Most Thai people ( voters ) will not like this .
  6. Of course , " tarnishing the image of the Nation " is an occupancy that is strictly reserved for thai ' politicians ' only .
  7. They got what they wanted ... Thailand is a beautiful country with a lot of attractions , people will always like to come here if the government does not take this for granted and sets up unnecessary hurdles ...
  8. That explains all , doesn't it ...?
  9. Won't be very ' sexy ' then ...
  10. That is a list of places to avoid if you don't like the crowd ...
  11. The young thai guy who just bought that " lucky number plate " ( 9999 ) for 45 millions , made his money by operating an online gambling site ... After he paid this obscene sum for the plate , police started an investigation ... He is not mentioned in the above article , but , it seems , that expensive number plate was not a lucky one ...
  12. Yes , medical treatment in a quality hospital in Thailand is expensive . That says it all ... strengthen the national economy ... I went to BKK Hospital for a minor health problem , consulted a doctor who told me that he will need to do an operation on me urgently . I refused , I know that they need to make money for the hospital and they do not really care for the patient's well being ... Took some pills from a Pharmacy , everything was ok again within a few days ... With an ( unnecessary ) operation , there might have been complications and more problems coming up ... I understand , they need to make money , but that is no way ...
  13. A good doctor prevents his patients from becoming sick ... but that brings in not enough money ...
  14. ----> " Viral ends up being the written equivalent of a Rorschach test: you can read into it what you like. Those inclined to conspiracy theories will find plenty to say “told you so”. If, like me, you are on the fence, you will likely stay there. And those who disavow the lab leak scenario might judge the book one big nothing-burger that fails to convince " ...---< I read this interesting review of the book , but , of course , there was no evidence delivered for neither theory . A few strange coincidences , may be ... ---> ... " to what investigators on the Senate team believed to be a biocontainment incident shortly before the virus began infecting its first victims. ---> ..." The authors of the interim report do not claim to have definitively solved the mystery of COVID-19’s origin. “The lack of transparency from government and public health officials in the [People’s Republic of China] with respect to the origins of SARS-CoV-2 prevents reaching a more definitive conclusion,” <--- Again , no evidence ... only conclusions ... Anyway , there won't be any hard evidence that comes to light after 3 yrs have passed .... Believe what you want . The conclusions of the zoonotic transmission would be that harmful , potentially deadly viruses that are present in some wild animals can become a threat to humanity by transmission to humans . So , better for humanity not to interfere and just let them live in their natural habitat . Good for preserving Nature and protecting humans from yet unknown forms of ' retaliations ' of interfering with wildlife . . Conclusions of the ' lab leak theory : China has been working on transforming SARS viruses ... and not been careful enough handling them . Entirely China's fault . If that would be proven , ( impossible ) , China could be held responsible for the damage done to the worldwide economy ... with all the implications this carries ... I am all for protecting Nature from people , and the threat of becoming infected by viruses when poachers do their dirty work , will just help to do that . But , up 2 U ...
  15. You buy in it when the SET is down , just wait , will happen again ... to buy in this fund is free , no charges ... Easy to make a few percent if the timing is right ... https://www.scbam.com/en/fund/index-fund/fund-information/scbset
  16. I'll wait for this one ... Toyota Compact cruiser ... pure EV , out in '25 ...
  17. SCB just offered me 1.8 % for 1 year fixed ... I declined ... They have a very interesting index fund on the SET
  18. Yes , we saw that in Thailand with the Thai-Italian construction Tycoon ... remember ...? https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thai-construction-tycoon-gets-jail-term-poaching-protected-animals-2021-12-08/
  19. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/origins-of-sars-cov-2 There has been a lot of evidence up to this point that the seafood market [in Wuhan] was the epicenter of SARS-CoV-2, but these recent reports are the death knell for any alternative theories. The reason why people thought that it wasn’t the market was because the Wuhan Virology Institute—a laboratory where scientists study coronaviruses—is in the same city. People thought that it came from [that] lab. But the evidence shows that the market was definitely the culprit, just as in 2003, when a live animal market led to the emergence of SARS—a smaller pandemic, but nonetheless very concerning.
  20. Economic life as we define it is the main factor of biospherical degradation .
  21. The virus originated of a zoonotic transmission and not in a lab .
  22. Antonio Gutteres put it right ... we are on the highway to ( climate ) hell with the foot pressed on the accelerator ... a more lethal form of the virus might save our species ( and the remaining intact natural ecosystems ) from extinction . Human overpopulation kills the planet .
  23. Yes . But a more lethal version of the virus would eliminate the main threat to Nature without further damaging the ecosystems ...
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