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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. OP, do you happen to have another bank account in addition to the one you dipped below the 800k.
  2. If the SETV doesn't work out easily in Philippines you could always fly back to Thailand visa exempt, especially with a month out of Thailand. Being based in Pattaya a border bounce to Cambodia with one of the companies in Pattaya wouldn't be that difficult (same day). Both entries would require 30 day extensions.
  3. From one of your many threads the following...... "As an American with a long history of EDU visas, I typically enter Thailand through Chiang Mai. I come in on Tourist and convert to EDU.".. Concocting a fake court case is not a solution
  4. Smoke and mirrors. When did you open last open a bank account in Bangkok with a tourist visa or visa exempt. That is how the OP is entering. Fortunately he has a Thai bank account. Most of the current threads re banks is about opening bank accounts currently.
  5. Extremely lucky. In the main without certificate of residence you cannot open a bank account in Bangkok with an entry from tourist visa or visa exempt. Not clear what "evidence you had"
  6. I am very ignorant re PE visa. Surprised that TM30 is required at CW. Certainly not for folk on extensions with reentry permit. I'm aware of different process for your reentry however was not aware of TM30 added requirement.
  7. How did you return to Thailand. Reentry permit? Why do you need to file a TM30
  8. Foolish statement imo. You started a thread about agent for retirement process and have been given sound advice. Why not stick to topic.
  9. All your posts in this (and other) threads re use of agents is off topic. The OP started a thread asking about recommendations for agents. The thread is not a debate about the legality of agents.
  10. First up I was not referring to combination method. BTW not all immigration offices accept combination method. The income part of the combination method needs to same amount each month. Here is a thread. https://aseannow.com/topic/1298772-combination-method-for-o-visa-extension-based-on-retirement/
  11. What's the point of a phone number. If you can recommend an agent for the OP needs then provide details
  12. You will need a certificate of residence. That won't be possible in Bangkok however might be possible in Pattaya. Suggest obtain the non O and extension first.
  13. Purchased a condo 3m in cash from a UK guy. No problem at land office. You have to love Thailand for real estate transactions. So straight forward in my experiences
  14. Why leave out my last couple of words. "He needs more than that. Border run coming up." You added nothing that my post didn't cover.....
  15. OP, is the non B for teaching job. Also where do you plan to apply for the non B..
  16. You are so missing the point. Recent threads re bank accounts have been in relation to folk entering Thailand with a tourist visa or visa exempt and planning to obtain a non O at immigration. (eg this thread) In current times they will find it difficult. In fact in Bangkok almost impossible as the certificate of residence requires you to have made a 90 day report. Not possible on tourist visa or visa exempt.
  17. What is your previous history re SETV. Yes Savannakhet does issue them however in recent times have rejected some applications. Vientiane not so however requires appointment.
  18. 100% wrong. The OP asked a simple question. Think at age of 81 he has the right to make a call on what he wants, which appears to be use agent for non O and subsequent extensions and live in Thailand. Folk standing on a dias preaching, provide poor advice.
  19. That is correct. He would require a new non O. As you know the financials are checked retrospectively. Believe after killing off the existing non O he could also reenter visa exempt and obtain the non O with 800k in bank. All bit irrelevant as he doesn't have the dosh and at 81 thinking agent is good option given his age. I for one will certainly be using agent if I make mid 70,s
  20. Yes. I use FD account with Kasikorn for my extension financial requirements
  21. Haven't looked at EZ savings rate. Probably more like 2.5% Also that return is taxed. The topic is discussed in banking/finance forum. Edit: just checked EZ savings SCB Bank. Rate seems less than what I posted. Best check it out yourself
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