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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Proof funds came from abroad is only required for non O application. Not required for extensions. In Bangkok will not be able to open bank account with a visa exempt status.. You could use an agent for the bank account. When bank account is set up you can transfer 800k into the about from Canada using eg WISE.. As I mentioned earlier almost certainly you will require a 30 day extension to buy time from Laksi immigration. You stated..... "I'm the OP. Sifting through all of this verbiage is not easy, especially when there are contradictions".... That's a bit rich. Contradictions in threads are in the main corrected by others. You also mention that you at some point did extensions for some 11 years. Non O retirement and subsequent extensions is very simple process. Don't waste time going to immigration "pleading my case"
  2. OP, do you have a Thai bank account in your name only. Are you planning on using money in bank method. Are you planning on obtaining subsequent extension. Thinking you may require a 30 day extension to your visa exempt entry to buy some time. The extension would be obtained at Laksi immigration IT mall. Some threads https://aseannow.com/topic/1285917-exempt-visa-entry-to-non-o-retirement-1-extension/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1282251-visa-exempt-to-non-o-retirement-dates/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1289175-non-o-based-on-retirement-conversion-to/
  3. At the very worst you would be stamped in visa exempt entry for 30 days. Seems that is all you need and in addition you could obtain a 30 day extension to that stamp.
  4. 90 day reports online always start clock from online application date and not approval date or due date. Via mail and in person clock starts from due date.
  5. Don't follow. If you qualify for a non O marriage or retirement then obtain non O in Thailand and subsequent extension. Buy a reentry permit for all the travel you wish. If for the non O in Thailand you cannot meet the financials then just say that. Flight to Saigon better option and the appointment system is up but book few weeks in advance.
  6. I'm not very familiar with that visa. Since it's a multi entry visa can you just exit Thailand and immediately reenter prior to expiry date and be given a stamp beyond May?
  7. You don't require pp to fly domestically. In any event yes you can fly with both passports even international. Be aware that stamps most often need to be transferred at the immigration office that issued them. What is you current status regarding permission of stay in Thailand.
  8. You will need to obtain a visa to enter Laos. Best to obtain eVisa. Of course you need to enter Laos obtain entry stamp to Laos and then reenter Thailand to obtain 30 day visa exempt entry stamp. Don't know what you mean by "unlimited at the moment" You are allowed 2 visa exempt entry via land borders per calendar year.
  9. Think I will call and raise you one. In Bangkok for TDL they want a certificate of residence. And what is required to obtain that is TM47 receipt. The reasoning being that you need proof of current address to obtain proof of address. This stuff belongs in "Yes Minister" UK comedy series.
  10. OP, the above post is correct. I believe that "glitch" in TM6 dummy entry outlined above has been fixed and can be left blank.. BTW any other form that has TM6 field you now can leave blank.
  11. Immigration set the rules for extensions using money in the bank method. You have option to use income method or an agent. That's not being asked about by the OP.
  12. No problem doing that. Many use a dedicated bank account and maintain 800k + all year round.
  13. Two months prior and 3 months after application and not below 400k at other times
  14. I'm sure the western countries that are very fixated with freedom would love to visit that country. Not. All of this is off topic and will be deleted.
  15. And go to random restaurant and sit and order alcohol? Surely you are not referring to take away. I dont want to buy take away. I want sit in restaurants or relax on beach AKA Pattaya and not have restrictions due to some rules.
  16. Read my earlier post. I had to check out 3 beach side restaurant to finally find one that would serve me a beer at a restaurant. Then on island the 7/11 chick had to put my beer in plastic bag after she put towel around the bottle. That's weird. To each their own. I wouldn't go to Malaysia with a free ticket.
  17. Everyone living in Thailand or even tourist accept quickly that Thailand has a stupid 2-5 alcohol rule. Fortunately the Mum/Pop shoos next door sell booze during those hours.
  18. Do not apply early. When the METV is issued it has an expiry date. Suggest you read threads about METV obtained in your country and apply according. Couple of weeks early most likely sufficient. Regards onward flight you could provide rent a ticket. For eVisa they do not seem to check current validity. An alternative would be to book genuine ticket to for example Vietnam for mini break from Thailand.
  19. Joke? Pulled into beach side restaurant only to be told that they don't seve alcohol due to religion. Lovely joint . Not.
  20. That's fine and would be best if that was in your OP. Another option would be tourist visa (60 day stamp) along with one visit to immigration for 30 day extension. 1900baht.
  21. Nonsense. USA and AU as I have tried to explain to you cannot enter Vietnam visa exempt. The only option is 30 day single entry tourist visa. And you want/suggest Thailand tourist options need to be relaxed. In fact 90 days? Now on ignore.
  22. Please stop. Thailand cannot control flight costs from Europe etc. I have already explained the "visa fees" have not changed Visa exempt 45 days was a temporary stimulus. Get over it. 30 day visa exempt has always been lovely option from Thai gov. Also easy extended by 30 days for 1900baht.
  23. Do not understand one word of that. You can fly to thailand from wherever and enter visa exempt. As per my earlier post. That can be extended by 30 days. A border bounce does not require flights. I recently flew Bangkok to Saigon return for 3500baht. If a border run flight is preferred. Read the thread . It has been explained.
  24. Not for land border entry. As for first entry via air an onward flight can be provided for airline at departure for 12usd. Will not be asked for by Thai immigration on arrival at airport.
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