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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. As I stated earlier certificate of residence is only provided by CW if you have done 90 day reports.. Yes realize that's only one province however many trying to obtain TDL consequently obtain letter from embassy.
  2. As stated earlier....In Bangkok to obtain TDL you require certificate of residence OR "letter" from embassy. The added kicker at CW is that to obtain a residence certificate you need to have done a 90 day report. Think is becoming common in many other provinces now.
  3. Yes happens often as does being asked to show onward flight. So.....
  4. No time limit required but imo crazy not to spend some time near Bui Vien st. Ripper joint. Be aware that you will require onward flight for return flying visa exempt.
  5. We posted at same time. Yes agree. The OP will not be able to show 12 months of transfers. Combo method should have been commenced at the start.
  6. OP, I think you will have issues. You can't start off with "money in bank method and switch to combo method midstream. Another thing to keep in mind is not all immigration offices accept combination method. Which immigration office do you use.
  7. Indeed the process from visa exempt entry or tourist visa entry to non O retirement or marriage and subsequent 12 month extension is 100% legit and no need for an agent etc. As pointed out by @Andrew Dwyer above. Note: non O can also be obtained in nearby consulates (eg Savannakhet) and also in your own country.
  8. If your 90 day reports are Samut Prakan then that is where you apply for extension. Can't see SP transferring your stamps as they were issued at CW. As for the TM6 forget about it. No need to have a new one.
  9. No. The bank letter that you are referring to is just to confirm that you are the owner of the account and also states the balance in the account. Most banks charge 100baht. Takes minutes on the spot at the bank. To show funds came from abroad to apply for non O retirement immigration will want to see FTT code in bank book. Failing that you can obtain "credit advice " from bank.
  10. Personally I adhere to "why make simple difficult" I do the bank letter and update bank account and show activity via 100 baht deposit on the day of application. Granted easy as I use CW and most banks have branches there.... But really what's the advantage of obtaining bank letter early. My first ever many years ago I obtained bank letter one day early
  11. TBH.....I have never had to obtain credit advice to show origin of funds however read reports that's it's not an issue. You do it here in Thailand. Your first port of call would be your Thai bank account here in Thailand. They may send you off to the intermediary bank. Either way it's not a big deal. Happens often. Edit: had another read. If your 800k has been in your Thai bank account for some time immigration may not require proof of origin from abroad. In any event it's not big issue.
  12. That advice is correct. Immigration will accept the one week old statements. The bank letter is a standard requirement. Only takes 30 mins
  13. Your question is so flawed hard to know where to start. Extensions based on retirement do not have an under consideration period. That is for extensions based on marriage. Regarding (what I think is your question) changing for use of agent to doing the extension yourself you have 2 options. At time of obtaining the extension with agent. (sometimes due to slip up with funds) make sure the financials are adhered to from that date then apply for next extension. OR....Exit Thailand and reenter visa exempt and "start over" new non O retirement and meet the financials ongoing.
  14. They are on my weird list. Think Bangkok Bank requires days+ to provide bank statements. Other banks can do it same day. My last extension (money in bank) the io carried on about some months with zero activity. For my next extension I intend to obtain 12 month bank statements. I use Kasikorn and think it's pretty painless with that bank. If you are handy to immigration you could ask Personally I would obtain statements. CM is anal.
  15. As usual depends on your immigration office. Some offices require bank statements. If you are using income method it's a given. If using money in bank method its bit more hit and miss. I use a dedicated bank account for money in bank method and that has only required photocopies of bank book in the past at CW. Rather than update on the day some folk make small deposit (100baht) and that shows both. Update and activity. The "bank letter" is always required and basically proof you are the owner of the account and current balance Which immigration office?
  16. Hey Tim ...your plan is very simple.. More so as you already have the Thai bank account in your name. Without addressing your questions in order. Visa exempt is fine as for the non O retirement application all you require is the 800k in your account on day of application. You do need to show those funds came from abroad . Using WISE that sometimes is shown as a FTT code. If not you can talk with your bank re "credit advice". Re living with wife's parents you can arrange a TM30 from them and that would be sufficient. This is possible within 30 day visa exempt entry. Keep in mind that you can obtain 30 day extension to your visa exempt entry. Also 60 day extension to visit wife. Bit surprised that you are opting for non O retirement over marriage. In the future you can switch to extention based on marriage however your first extension some offices would insist on extension based on retirement.
  17. I'm sure that the folk that run AseanNow are capable of making those decisions. Again your bias is embarrassing. Unless you have constructive advice for the OP,s in various threads that specifically ask questions regarding agents then stop preaching.
  18. Do you really need to pollute every thread where the OP inquires about agents. That is seriously not required. For the record I don't use agents. I try to contribute to a thread or stay out. It's really very boring. The mods mention often that threads asking about agents posters should avoid preaching.
  19. Do not doubt your account. No reason to The Nok Air chick had no idea. The bus/train thing does not cut it. She is poorly trained. I also recently spent couple of weeks in Saigon. Flew with Nok Air. On departure from Saigon had to point check in chick to my reentry permit. Over last ten years have flown to Vietnam every month prior to covid. Had several chats at boarding pass and every time confirmed that onward flight required if no visa or reentry permit You got very lucky.
  20. Who accepted. The airline at departure? Who questioned you. Good for you that onward flight was not required by airline. Guessing that was long haul flight If departing from nearby countries to Thailand such as Vietnam, Cambodia etc you will absolutely require onward flight flying without visa or reentry permit.
  21. Ok enough. I'm being patient. Google this " extension report retirement money in bank AseanNow" You will find MANY threads from various immigration offices. The bank letter does not show how long funds have been in the account. As shown in my bank letter posted above For my most recent 12 month extension based on retirement using money in the bank at CW .. The io was not completely happy with my 12 month bank book records as there were some months of no transactions. They made me sign that next extension I would provide bank statements. My last report. Of course that is without agent. https://aseannow.com/topic/1237783-extension-retirement-at-cw-report/
  22. For extensions the origin of the money (coming from abroad) is not required. Has nothing to do with the several above posts I have made regarding bank letter. In obtaining a non O retirement in Thailand then indeed the funds need to be shown to have come from abroad. For extensions not required. All of which has zero to do with "bank letter" needed for non O application and subsequent extension. Embarrassing.
  23. Stop typing incorrect information. At the very least look at the sample bank letter (mine) that I posted above. States nothing remotely to how long funds have been in account. In any event extensions based on retirement require records of 12 months unless it's the first extension from a non O . I'm only typing because what you are typing is misleading to others. You have just set new record. On ignore with zero post history. Please try post accurate information in the future.
  24. So let's clarify exactly what you are typing about. Assume it's annual extension based on retirement using money in the bank method? You mention ..... "....so they don't care about anything monthly. " Not typing about income method. Both require 12 month examination of bank records. 100% wrong is big statement. I know what the bank letter is required for and I have already explained that to you twice. Here is example of bank letter. It's confirms account ownership and current balance. That's it!
  25. Fine. That has nothing to do with the bank letter. Again it confirms you are owner of the account and it's active. Yes includes current balance which does NOT confirm meeting the financial requirements. Seems you use an FD account. Many do and leave 800k all year round. Immigration will still require proof of that most likely photocopies of bank book would suffice
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