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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. OP, the suggestions of obtaining your extension and using a reentry permit for your short trip out of Thailand during the under consideration period would work. Obtaining a 60 day extension to visit wife is (imo) best option. You would still need to buy reentry permit for this option.
  2. METV has a requirement that it's applied for in home country or country where you have permanent residency. With the introduction of eVisa there have been questions such as ......"can I obtain a eVisa for Thailand when I'm already in Thailand" etc. My guess is perhaps some folk have obtained an METV using eVisa while in a country such as Vietnam....., Personally I wouldn't do that.
  3. I don't understand...if you have a ME Non O then and entered Nov 24. "Your starting date is November 24, 2022 so that means that 90 days later would be February 22, 2023.Nov 24, 2565 BE" In any event you have attended immigration and received a stamp.
  4. Cannot use bank books credit/debit cards etc. Cash in baht or equivalent currency
  5. At various times most of us have a crack at what Thai bureaucracy does wrong (I do it often) . So my partner goes to renew passport Monday just gone. Now Wednesday delivered by mail is her new 10 year Thai pp! 1500baht. Including the photo pp office takes.
  6. Won't list the variations (too many) For extensions some require bank statements some accept bank book pages. Some want a hand drawn map. Jomtien had a stupid report back for money in bank method. etc etc List of requirements varies from office to office. Ridiculous.
  7. In Bangkok for a residence certificate you need to have have made a 90 day report.
  8. I'm not sure that immigration will change your current permission of stay stamp even with added insurance. You may also need to exit/reenter Thailand prior to march 23.
  9. Hopefully can slip a question in regards Australian pp renewal. Any recent reports of long that takes? Oz folk deal their embassy for renewal. Yes off topic but advice appreciated.
  10. I assume you mean visa exempt entry 30 days. You can obtain a standard 30 day extension or if married to a Thai can obtain a 60 day extension to visa Thai spouse. You could apply for extension virtually straight away. Couple of weeks prior to expiry of your 30 day visa exempt entry stamp is common.
  11. Perhaps I'm misreading the OP. He has a valid non O-A visa that is valid till Sept 2023. If he exits and reenters prior to that date with the required insurance he will be given a 12 month permission of stay. As for his current stamp till March 23 (due to insurance to that date), I'm not so sure that immigration will change that. Thinking he will need to exit/reenter with 12 month insurance to obtain a 12 month stamp.
  12. The OP is not on extensions. He has a valid non O-A visa.
  13. The OP currently has a non O-A and is in Thailand.
  14. Excellent. Means every reentry prior to Sept 23 you will be stamped in for 12 months provided that your required insurance matches that date. All bit inconvenient but you can get this back on track. Have a chat with immigration and see what they recommend. Thinking what I posted earlier is one solution.
  15. By all means have a chat with immigration. My take is that you will need to not only obtain insurance cover for 12 month from march 23 but also exit Thailand and reenter prior to expiry on your current stamp. With the 12 month insurance in place you will be stamped in for 12 months. When does your non O-A visa expire?
  16. I spent 30 seconds on Google for METV ... Here was my first hit..... "Validity of a visa : 6 months – A visa becomes effective from the date of issuance. – Do not apply for the visa too early. – If you apply too early the visa may expire before your trip and you will have to re-apply. " Regards your following comment... "From what has been said here, as long as I return by 29 June, I can get 60 more days? And 90 if I apply for an extension?". That is correct.
  17. Bottom line is that nothing can be done now. In order to add extra time for your trip you will need to do some border runs (reenter visa exempt) with extensions after your last stamp from the METV. Unfortunate but horse has bolted.
  18. OP, you misunderstood how a visa such as METV works. It's mentioned many times in threads that do not obtain it too early.
  19. There is no limit for visa exempt entries via air. However immigration is not happy with back to back ongoing visa exempt via air especially with short time out of Thailand. It would be very simple for Thailand to make clear set of rules however they prefer to play guessing games.
  20. That will work. CW accepts bank letter day or two prior to application (should be 7 but I wouldn't try that) . I asked about photocopies of bank book pages being accepted as recently in Nov my io wanted bank statements. She was young and incorrect. Had to deal with supervisor and even then made to make note on my paperwork that next time I would provide bank statements. Immigration needs a serious "change management" overhaul. Living in the dark ages.
  21. Bank statements required or photocopies of bank book pages accepted? Did you make small deposit at the same time as obtaining bank letter to show activity and update?
  22. 1. You can apply earlier. Too late now. Most people obtain extension couple of weeks prior to expiry of current stamp. 2. Set an appointment. Works a treat. You can do walk INS. 3. Best to obtain an extension. Your permit expires soon. 4. Yes you can download TM7. It also requires attached photo. 5. Immigration may/will ask for a TM30. Obtain screenshot from your condo office. Flight not required. TM6 not required. Note: from the dates you provided means that you entered visa exempt. If obtaining extension in Bangkok you will use IT Mall Laksi.
  23. Understand. Not long ago I did my annual extension at CW with banged up hip. Taxi both ways and having an appointment (see link in previous post) . Could be best option .
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