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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Yes sorry. Was just about to edit my post as you clearly state that you deal with Phuket immigration. Regarding applying for the extension straight away hopefully someone dealing with Phuket will confirm if that is possible If not you would need to obtain a reentry permit that will protect your 90 day stamp. That reentry permit will expire same date as the 90 day stamp. Then later when you obtain your 12 month extension you will obtain a multi reentry permit. Here is thread re Phuket extension retirement. Seems after application you pick up pp next day.
  2. Your entry with a non O will stamp you in for 90 days. At CW you can apply for extension up to 45 days prior to expiry of permit. The extension is done on the spot. You can make an appointment. https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=20131 The reentry permit is also done on the spot. Same building. Note you can also obtain reentry permit at airport. Since you are mainly in Vietnam due to work you will need a reentry permit to protect your 90 day permission of stay from the non O. Then when you obtain your 12 month extension you will require another reentry permit.
  3. If you didn't have a visa or reentry permit and were planning on entering visa exempt the airline may wish to see onward flight within 30 days (currently 45). The availability of 30 day extensions does not come into it. The airline clerk was correct. You were wrong. OP, answer from @steve187 sums it up. Depending on your recent history in Thailand you could consider visa exempt entry. WIth "onward flight.com" you can rent a onward flight. At 45day vs 60 day the visa exempt good option.
  4. The OP states this..... "My OA Visa is good until November 22nd … requiring extension before this date".... That should mean that he has a valid non O-A visa. If that's the case he does not need a reentry permit and if returned prior to Nov 22 would be stamped in for 12 months (putting insurance aside). The OP could mean that he has a valid extension from an non O-A that expires Nov 22. He needs to clarify.
  5. You do not need to make 90 day report. Just exit
  6. Yes that's correct however it's also possible that the io will not even check for insurance and he maybe stamped in for 12 months.
  7. That's exactly what I confirmed earlier. However if you enter prior to expiry of your non O-A and are stamped in for 12 months then why the urgency.
  8. Good question. They cannot cancel visa but could admit visa exempt.
  9. Your OP is not clear. If you mean exit Thailand then return visa exempt then the airline at departure for your return to thailand may require an onward flight. If you have been in Thailand and planning to bounce and return via air then your reentry is not a guarantee. You would be advised to obtain tourist visa.
  10. That's correct and given that immigration is unlikely to check the insurance requirement then he can defer killing off the non O-A.
  11. Go do some research of someone (recently) refused entry using visa exempt. There is currently 2+ threads regarding this. All (including this thread) were admitted entry. Try to be informed.
  12. The plan you outline has you entering thailand with a valid non O-A. That means you will be stamped in for 12 months. The only way to kill off your non O-A is to enter after it's validity or if in Thailand you need to exit without reentry permit. A quick border run would achieve that as outlined earlier.
  13. And that's why Thailand recently increased visa exempt entry to 45 days. SETV is 60 days. Both have 30 day extension available.....so 75 (visa exempt) vs 90 (tourist visa) Think about it. On top of that easy border bounce for another 45 day visa exempt.
  14. Just prior to Nov 22 exit Thailand and reenter after Nov 22 visa exempt. Then obtain non O retirement after entry to Thailand at immigration office. When you apply for non O you require 800k in Thai bank account in your name only. Two months later obtain 12 month extension.
  15. Yes that would be an option. I guess the step away book real throw away ticket was a very quick solution. I just recently booked a ticket Bangkok to Saigon. Took a minute.
  16. Be aware that Laksi immigration for your 30 day extension is not far from CW. It would even be possible to obtain your extension AM and still have enough time (with PM appointment) to apply for the non O same day.
  17. It will. It's a clear requirement. If you have insufficient days left you can obtain a 30 day extension to your 45 day stamp. 1900baht.
  18. It was not. It's common that immigration require an update of bank book on day of application. Some want to see "activity" by way of small deposit/withdrawal.
  19. OP,....on an aside. Be aware that you require 15 days remaining on your permission of stay, just be aware of that when you make your booking for appointment at CW.
  20. From my earlier post...... "Funny how couple of the questions that were asked such as address in Thailand etc are fields on the tm6 which has been suspended. The reason given "to speed up process times at airports" seems rather stupid to suspend the TM6 then ask some of the same questions by the io.
  21. Extension done in person. How did you enter Thailand. Tourist Visa you will attend CW. Cannot be done online.
  22. The questions ask of you are not what was asked of the OP. BTW. He did not have recent history in Thailand. Had not been in Thailand for two years. Funny how couple of the questions that were asked such as address in Thailand etc are fields on the tm6 which has been suspended. The reason given "to speed up process times at airports" My point....why weren't you asked for your phone number etc. From the OP..... "Then asked about 5 questions, like how long you plan to stay, what do you do for work, which hotel you stay at, do you haveThai friends here, and she wanted the phone number of one Thai friend, which she entered into the computer, plus also my number."
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