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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. You can enter visa exempt and obtain your non O retirement at immigration followed by extension. As for insurance you only require covid 10k insurance with 30 day cover. Buy the cheapest most useless policy.
  2. Best keep eye on the ball. Either a non O visa that gives a 90 day permission of stay then followed by 12 month extension. OR a ME (multi entry) non O that is valid for 12 months and allows 90 days per entry. Previously Savannakhet was popular to obtain these. Not sure if Savannakhet or Saigon are doing these at this time. I know Phnom Penh is only single entry non O. No offense but it's not clear what you are looking for. An extension to your non O or a ME non O marriage.
  3. I think it's more easy than you are thinking. Clearly money in bank is more simple. The 400k would need to have been in bank for 2 months prior to day of applying for extension. It would remain there for under consideration period. So approx 3 months all up. After that you can use it. I understand difficulty with regards wife, however she only needs attend immigration. There can be home visit during the under consideration period. If that's all too much I suggest you do extension based on retirement. If the financials cannot be satisfied use an agent for extension retirement.
  4. First up an agent for extension based on retirement would be approx 15-20k. Pattaya closer to the 15k. As for obtaining another non O in eg Saigon.... I have often wondered why guys that cannot place funds in bank for few months, don't just do back to back non O,s. Somehow doubt it would fly? Perhaps once.
  5. It all boils down to how long you wish to remain in Thailand. As for your question regarding agent marriage vs retirement extension...every agent will direct you to retirement extension. It's far more simple and less costly.
  6. Given a few difficulties that you have mentioned.... Wife's situation... Not adequate funds in bank (you would require funds in bank method).. I suggest that you use an agent for extension based on marriage. You most likely also need a 60 day extension to visit wife to buy some time. Do you have a Thai bank in your name.
  7. I rarely have read such a confused OP. So you are currently in Thailand having entered on a non O? If so that would have given you a 90 day stamp on entry. In last 30 days of that permission of stay you would apply for 12 month extension. Based on marriage would require 400k in Thai bank for 2 months. Have you done that?
  8. Frankly surprised posters have been so understanding. If you have researched for couple of hours you would be well aware of non O retirement or marriage. Non O-A is not best option currently and also moving forward. You state this ..... "I am about 4 months out from making my retirement move from the US to Thailand." A non O-A would be foolish idea. Suggest you do more research..
  9. Which immigration office. I have never supplied a TM30 at CW for extensions. I would do one if I changed address. You are not changing address.
  10. First up I my mind your OP is clearly written and demonstrates how poorly worded the requirements were from the outset. I just did a dry run with the TP now and on first page the purpose of the trip....I ticked "returning to Thailand". When I tick that box, there isn't a date to enter for flight out. Your flight out is 89 days. Would certainly not be purchasing covid insurance for 90 days. I would buy a 30 day policy. Thinking some people would suggest 60 cover. You will be stamped in for 60 days regardless of your insurance cover 30 days or greater.
  11. Up to you. Think it's called travel insurance. Please outline your cover however this thread was specifically about the required covid insurance requirement for TP. Nothing to do with health insurance.
  12. Why does this thread even exist. I understand that when Test and Go was required the risk of testing positive on arrival would be huge concern. Test and Go is over. Why would anyone even concern themselves with 10k covid insurance. Once here in Thailand if you come down with Omicron, do nothing. isolate of course. That's it. Buy the most cheap rubbish policy that satisfies TP.
  13. Not concerned. Most folk these days acquire Omicron variant and based on various people we know in our area many/most have had Omicron. All this talk of covid cover. Since forever many folk visit Thailand without travel insurance. That practice continues with the ridiculous emphasis on covid cover. Ridiculous imo.
  14. I'm looking for the cheapest policy available with 30 day covid 10k cover that is completely useless. Covid insurance should not be required. Especially since end of Test & Go. Hopefully in a month or so it's gone.
  15. So if arriving May 6 do you obtain 30 day visa exempt entry? Of course that can be extended by 30 days. Why not kick the border crossing can down the road when border crossing will become more simple.
  16. If living in Thailand on extensions based on retirement or marriage, yes it's possible to change what the extension is based on. The financials for marriage are must less than retirement. For your first extension after entering thailand with a non O (marriage), I'm not sure if immigration would want the first extension based on marriage or happy with the extension to be based on retirement. @ubonjoe can give expert answer.
  17. I assume your embassy does not provide income letter. There is a possibility that your particular immigration office wants to see the word "pension"or evidence of such. I suggest you name your immigration office and hopefully will receive first hand report regarding funds from things such as rents and other investment returns being used to meet the 65k per month.
  18. IMO you should have obtained a setv with a 30 day extension followed by one border bounce with extension = 5 months.
  19. I very much doubt it. In any event the visa exempt entry + 30 day extension takes to approx July 8. Thinking a border run by then may be simple. How long are you hoping to stay in Thailand..
  20. Arrive with what. Tourist Visa, visa exempt ? You will be made to obtain 30 day standard extension before you apply for covid extension.
  21. The airline will only look at identity page. Do you need to obtain boarding pass? Still you won't have an issue.
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