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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. You may need to obtain a covid extension to buy more time. How did you enter Thailand. How old is child.
  2. Indeed. This alone would make me choose one on the 3 banks on the list. Recently purchase townhouse and just by luck have a Kasikorn account (for immigration purposes) and was able to transfer to that account using WISE. Not possible with my other bank. As for the OP seems he is using an agent so the bank account will be Bangkok Bank and he can transfer the 800k in one go. However the agent may be doing the whole shebang it's not clear..
  3. Earlier in the thread the OP made it clear that his intention.was to transfer his own funds from abroad for the non O and season for the 2 months to obtain his 12 month extension. The earlier posts were all about opening a bank account to facilitate that. Seems now that he has switched to agent doing the whole process. I'm confused with what the agent is actually doing. Perhaps just obtaining him the non O.
  4. Thanks for update. Your application was accepted so thinking you will receive your residence certificate. It will arrive in 7-14 days. Closer to 7. I believe they made an error with your application as 90 day report is required . You shouldn't require a residence certificate for the extension your seeking. Best of luck. Edit : just had another read of your efforts to obtain one year extension. You need a TM30 to satisfy immigration.
  5. With METV every entry grants 60 day stay. Each entry you can obtain a 30 day extension. The exit reenter can be via land border or air. Would not recommend Bach to back METV. After exhaust the 9 months you could use border exempt entries and extend each. You are allowed 2 visa exempt per calendar year. 9+4 months is doable.
  6. From the OP..... "Would it be possible to get visa extensions so I could stay for a year or possiblity more?" Doesn't really sound like long term ongoing is the plan. Yes I did mention PE in earlier post. His best option imo is METV.
  7. There are numerous threads regarding ED visa. Yes it's an option. The requirements of attendance etc have changed in recent years.
  8. Go back to your own country and obtain a METV. That will enable a 9 month stay. After that use your 2 visa exempt entries via land border per calendar year with 30 day extension. That's one year +. Do not expect to that as a wash and repeat. Best option if under 50 and not married to a Thai is a PE visa. What's your age and how long would you be wanting to stay in Thailand.
  9. What you outline will be fine. Think you could possibly stop the income transfers 2 months prior to application with the 800k in place. However your plan is best. If the money in bank method is rejected (won't be) ....you have fallback option of continue with income method. I rarely suggest consult your immigration office, however first of all they will welcome money in bank method and can confirm your plan is a go.
  10. Pretty sure the "new rule" is in place. There are couple threads in "banking finance" sub forum. Back to the OP,....,seems he is attending immigration with agent Monday to obtain non O. Will need to be a speedy transfer to have 800k in his new acquired bank account to apply for the non O
  11. Don't quite follow. If your leaving with a 90 day that means your obtaining a non O (retirement). How are you transferring the 800k into your bank? Why are you obtaining a residence certificate? That was only needed if you were opening a bank account without agent
  12. What you outline is important. Added note. Many people use WISE to transfer funds from overseas. In very recent times, due to Thai changes to some banking regulations there has been limit place on transfers to most Thai banks. Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn being exceptions along with couple of others. The limit on many banks is now 50k baht which is a issue even for say 800k for immigration purposes. Detail below from WISE app You’ll also need to tell us why you’re sending the money. How much can I send? You can send up to 2 million THB per transfer. Please note that you’ll only be able to send 50,000 THB or above per transfer to the following banks starting from 7 January 2022 due to regulatory changes: Bangkok Bank Public Company Kasikorn Bank Siam Commercial Bank You can still send money to recipient accounts that use other banks, but you’ll only be allowed to send them up to 49,999 THB per transfer. There’s no limit on how many transfers you can create.
  13. OP, this thread has post from ubonjoe that lists requirements.
  14. You only need TM7 form with photo and few pages from your passport. You most likely will also need to provide TM30 from your accommodation. Extension fee 1900baht
  15. Excellent. The thing is you had a non O-A. The OP entered on tourist visa. That's the issue. I suggest with a non O-A you would also have success at Kasikorn. Some banks not.
  16. Where did you open the account. What type of permission of stay do you have? When did you open the account. Personally not familiar with UOB.
  17. Many folk obtain extension couple of weeks prior to permit expiry. Obtain extension in KK..
  18. I didn't mean "throw away' in the sense that's it's fraudulent. Rather that cheap insurance to satisfy the extension from non O-A is fine and covers immigration requirements. Obtained online instantly. Just don't get sick as the policy is useless regarding it's cover.
  19. You would not obtain a residence certificate 'over the counter' today in Bangkok. Not really interested in 5 year old experience.
  20. Many folk enter on tourist visa or visa exempt with the plan to obtain non O based on retirement or marriage at immigration. It's a common pathway. The difficulty is opening a bank account on a TV or visa exempt. Your version of " real life experience" does not assist in how to open a bank account.
  21. I always suggest an agent when the alternative is difficult or impossible. The common one being lack of funds to meet requirements. Buying a throw away insurance policy is not difficult and I would never suggest use of agent to circumvent that requirement..
  22. Don't beat yourself up. I make mistakes all the time. Sometimes corrections can sound harsh in type. Not meant that way. Aside ...never understood why guys with non O-A require insurance for extensions. Many are actively switching to non- O. However that requires exit Thailand to kill off the non O-A.
  23. It certainly is in Bangkok. However not all embassies provide this service so folk should check that out before wasting time.
  24. I think you might have a shot with what you describe. Many banks will insist upon the WP. I suggest you try Kasikorn bank. Also as most likely are aware the bank has a "hotline" to English speaking assistance. The bank connects you and hands you the cell. You can explain your situation and hopefully that will cover it. Most likely you will not have a lease. If you do take it along.
  25. If the extension from a non O-A is based on marriage then insurance is not required.
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