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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Think it's more connected to pandemic situation and land border situation.. However agree that with zip tourism currently makes economic sense to have people spending money in the country.
  2. Good that it's of no concern for you. Any clearly your extended family also.
  3. It is their responsibility. Also you don't pay anything. When does your permit expire? Best to wait till after Jan 25. Immigration offices will be very busy with covid extensions. Edit: thought I was quoting the OP.
  4. Depends how long you wish to remain in Thailand. If ongoing then non O is currently better option. The non O can be obtained in Thailand from visa exempt entry or tourist visa. Not sure you can obtain non O in HK. Your a permanent resident so can't see why not. Plenty of UK folk obtain them in the UK. If the 800k in Thai bank is a concern then use an agent.
  5. Yes do that. Your current hotel is a .... Check into new place and make sure that they will do a TM30 on the spot and provide you with screenshot. The gap you ask about is of no concern. Which immigration office. For standard extension the TM30 might not be required however personally I would like to have one.
  6. What if you make it to 15 yr anniversary. Think that one is Crystal. Can you present certificate to avoid random home visit. Ridiculous rules.
  7. If you can obtain one Monday then do so. Your extension date should start from end of current permit. Unless it's your first covid extension. Some offices are commencing the 60 from day of application.
  8. Clearly you have never been part of a family where one of the children is not biologically yours.
  9. I'm not upset. I simply pointed out that I would choose retirement extensions over marriage (if I was married) as I would find home visit unpalatable. I underscored that with the hypothetical that if financials were the same then anyone over 50 would choose extensions retirement.
  10. Personally find that a very lame argument. May as well have "class A" marriage and "class B" Strangely both would require exact same financials. Also opens can of worms. Perhaps the wife had children previously and subsequently child with current farang husband Potential divisions within the family from outside nonsense. One child has some significance the others not. Straight out weird.
  11. Get a non O retirement. Buy a reentry permit if required. Seriously a non O-A??
  12. I've never understand why if someone is obtaining extension based on marriage why do kids come into the equation. They should be irrelevant.
  13. Some immigration offices require witness. Recall a report where guy paid couple of random village folk for their trouble. Bizarre indeed.
  14. Out of date info. Even for trips out of country, TM30 only required if your changing address or entering on new visa.
  15. Yes fair price. That's for folk avoiding money in bank requirement. I don't require that.
  16. That's harsh news from Vietnam. As the article points out ..very short notice. Unreasonable.
  17. Your missing the point. BTW wouldn't be anything near 20k. I would still have my own money in bank etc and all the requirements covered.. All of which is off topic.
  18. I live in Bangkok. In any event I would use agent if lived in Trat and they had home visit policy. There is a good agent on Koh Chang.
  19. You did not state age. Your use of "religious" sideshow is few steps down from pretending to wish to learn Thai. You have stated that you can't afford PE visa. What other suggestions are you considering? You could get married. Popular option for some.
  20. Out of interest, what did immigration want for proof of address for your non O retirement. TM30 and....?
  21. Hopefully Monday. Was hoping for today. As soon as it happens it will be all over AseanNow.
  22. Yes it's possible. Has been for long time. BTW when I stated the above posts were correct, I was referring to this "silent signiture" part. As for actually having the account in both names that's different. Some immigration offices will/may permit joint account for marriage extension. In that case the account would require 1.6 mill. Also that would NOT be possible for extension retirement. I would suggest keep account in one name only. For non married guys make sure that you make a Thai will.. Not difficult process..
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