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Everything posted by Skallywag

  1. Then why own it? Collections are for Museums
  2. It is a sin to own or drive any ICE car in the 21st century. Set an example if you must drive, and drive an EV. Big Oil Corporations are ruining the world and do not care about anyone but their stock holders and CEO's. Do you really want to keep supporting criminals and those who take advantage of everyone for profit? Grow up people
  3. Really? No trans or ladyboys outside the tourist areas? I do not know, just asking
  4. Yes, Dan about Thailand...this guy is a salesman/content provider/real estate agent I believe. Cannot figure out how he "makes a living", but am a boomer and do not understand how people collecting subscribers and views make money online. He needs a lot of income to raise a couple children and stay in fancy villas on Koh Chang and Jomtien and eat out at fancy restaurants...likely gets freebies for praising restaurants on his youtube and facebook channels. He may be at a juncture where he sees his "content providing" really is not going to provide an income for the long haul, and real estate sales is a competitive market here in Thailand. I do not think he is estranged or alienated, yet because his lifestyle seems to be in the top 3% or so of expats here, not that many in his social wheelhouse. Yes, just speculating on much of this, yet have followed him online for a few years and this is my take....
  5. We "reside" here, many of us are simply not be able to afford to keep a U.S. address. I do like your point that we paid into Medicare, so why can't we use it abroad. Likely the ability or willingness of Medicare to communicate with Thai hospitals and accountants here on the billing. Although the label "expat" seems to point out that "We're not in Kansas anymore" Wizard of Oz 1939! 555
  6. Father of 5 at 32 years old and looking for a job in Thailand? Think Naomi knows the real reason. So sorry for the guy. Think his 5 kids need to start a gofundme
  7. If the Grand Jury indicts him, he will go to jail, so that could happen... Likely someone will bail him out of course
  8. Well he likely dodged a bullet, marriage was not supposed to be!
  9. This is a problem caused by all of us and overpopulation. Do you eat rice? Do you eat sugar? Do you eat corn? Then it is partly your problem and no government can tell farmers not to farm and feed people... If you do live life without rice, sugar, and corn, then you can complain about air quality, otherwise you must realize it is all of us that are the problem, not the "government" Of course electrical generation and ICE transport is also part of the air pollution problem, but from December to April in Thailand, it is mostly burning of chaff from the 3 crops listed above.
  10. I read the opposite about Medicare advantage plan!? "When you move abroad, you should disenroll from and stop paying premiums for your Medicare Advantage Plan or stand-alone prescription drug plan (Part D). You are not eligible for these plans because you live outside the plan service area, and your coverage must end if you live outside of the United States. It is your responsibility to notify your plan that you are moving." https://www.medicareinteractive.org/get-answers/medicare-health-coverage-options/medicare-and-living-abroad/medicare-advantage-and-part-d-for-those-who-live-abroad
  11. "King Charles is 'evicting Harry and Meghan" . You cannot evict people who do not live in the house or even the same country. House is in England, and Harry/Meghan live in California! 555 Whoever has their name on the title deed can do what they want, BTW Bloody hell, these tossers act like they have a right to things just because of their heritage! 55555
  12. Believe almost every King of England had mistresses. Do they count as "affairs" ? At least 10 Kings mentioned in Wikipedia going back to 1660 and Charles the II ... All had mistresses. So YES, the Royals do engage in affairs! 5555
  13. I think that is Libel dude, you have 30 minutes to edit 5555
  14. Just find a girl who speaks some English, you really do not need long conversations with Thais girls, they will get bored and move on to the next guy 5555
  15. POTUS is the Commander in Chief and head of the Executive Branch of our government. We also have the Judicial and Legislative branches. England is a Parliamentary government with the Prime Minister as the head 2 different forms of government as far as I know.
  16. Sounds like they need to pay a Visa agent to sort it out or do a border run. Isnt that what every other foreigner does? What is the big deal?
  17. As an American this makes no sense. He became King in September. A bit late for any ceremony now isn't it??? <deleted> he has the money to throw himself a party anytime he wants....5555
  18. Wow, early 2023 and they want to poll for November 2024! Who pays for these rediculous polls? Likely 200 million of more voters in the U.S., so the idea that a survey of 1500 people gives any statistically relevant outcome makes no sense to me
  19. Yet they do not move. No one wants a "starfish" and a doll is just that. The Android female is a great solution to some men who simply want a companion and helper that can be programmed for different positions and movements, but a doll with no movement is just silly.
  20. Then why did the City of Pattaya issue more than 560 licenses for songthaew drivers here? More rediculous is the number of "orange vest" motorcycle taxis. Although in reality I have no idea if the drivers are the ones on the licences.
  21. Hello Tomorrow is a great new series IMO. Retro but with Sci-fi, classic 50's cars are hovercrafts etc.. set designs are incredible. got it on 1337x first 2 episodes out
  22. In the late 70's I saw Jeff Beck group open for Mahavishnu Orchestra, also saw Al Di Meola with Chick Corea on the Return to Forever tour, and later Rory Gallagher. Rory was better than Beck IMO. John McLaughlin and Al Di Meola were better than both, of course more jazz and avant guard players than the others
  23. Sad, keep an eye out for a new coffee shop opening near you! Check the pawn shops as well and Facebook marketplace! Hope he took the camera down before it got his face recorded on the hard drive.
  24. Did anyone read this story from Thai news? Happened on Phi Phi island. Koh Phi Phi is small enough to walk around. Motorcycle rentals should be banned. No reason to cause noise and air pollution on an idealistic little island . We need to restrict "businesses" that are unnecessary and harmful to the environment as much as possible. <deleted> this is the 21st century, lets get past the addiction to ICE cars and bikes please
  25. Good one. That photo is from a music festival in Austin, Texas called Skallywag, not someones made up name. Skallywag: " a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way; a rascal."
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