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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Blood clot headed for the brain when the Thai massage loosens it. Happens.
  2. Funny how so many foreigners are afraid of their own shadow.
  3. You can't backtrack your snobbish view of people. You said "People are protesting all over the world. Most are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Like truckers. LOL" Only a naïve person would think the science we follow is all paid for by private donations https://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/who_pays#:~:text=Who pays for science%3F Today%2C we all do.,Foundation%2C the David and Lucile Packard Foundation%2C etc.).
  4. Guess I shouldn't be surprised about your condescending view of folks who work hard. Are they not allowed a voice to be heard? Who do you think pays these scientists? Of course it's political what the scientists come up with. Only an extremely naïve person would believe the agencies who provide funding for scientists would have no say in findings.
  5. Pattaya Bangkok Hospital has been giving free Phizers for many months now. You really don't have a legitimate excuse for no vaxx.
  6. Denmark is trying to move forward. Time will tell if it's the right move. With new variants popping up, keeping strict mandates is unsustainable. Canadian truckers are staging their protests.
  7. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-26/denmark-to-end-covid-curbs-as-premier-deems-critical-phase-over The Danes are moving on.
  8. That's nothing 450,000. I see Thai guys sporting Harley's at the refinery near by. Payment baby.
  9. When I travel I wear slacks, dress shirt, leather shoes and jacket. Oh I get it, perhaps I should call them dress trousers.
  10. You know how a person dresses at a funeral I'd say has much to do with the deceased. Now The one I went to recently all his friends came wearing shorts, cooler of beers for a few hours before the ceremony. He would have loved it.
  11. I've been to 2 cremations in Isaan, shorts, flip flops and a shirt was not out of place among the folks. I'm talking a ceremony in the woods. Now my first foreigner funeral in a more urban setting I wasn't sure so wore slacks, dress shirt. I was the only one dressed like that. All foreigners had shorts on.
  12. I can relate to working with stoners everyday cause I was one of them. Funny thing is we had no bad accidents. Back then we were working members of society, getting high didn't destroy us, just made the day a bit brighter.
  13. if they say 20,000 L I'd bet it's closer to 100,000L
  14. News was warning folks not to swim in the 3 beaches just west of there. The trash tides already started, now oil balls on the beach.
  15. A@#hole Fortuner drivers are being replaced with MG drivers. It doesn't depend on the vehicle, but a certain sort of dicks gravitate towards certain vehicles.
  16. The only good reason for marriage is to be legal father of kids, not just on birth cert. Bad reasons include companionship or someone to hold their hand. As far as visa is concerned either you pony up 400K or 800K, what's the big difference.
  17. And I'll bet the Honda driver was still looking at the phone while turning like a retard. Doesn't excuse the MB for running the light.
  18. It's not just driveways, it's turning off a major road to a smaller soi, all the while impeding traffic.
  19. I'm so sad that you discredit any news source that you don't like. So sad.
  20. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3326001/us-airlines-delay-cancel-flights-bad-weather-pilot-shortages/#:~:text=While industry experts have said that the majority,have come as a result of this tactic. Pilots and truck drivers are in short supply, I'm just so sad that you continue the scare mongering. So sad.
  21. On my recent trip to the US after 2 yrs away I noticed an increase in factory high performance cars roaring around.
  22. Come on it's pretty funny when the story of a guy having too much to drink and talking loud and aggressive makes headlines, in a party town no less. Then we got guys saying they're embarrassed because of this foreigner. Who cares.....
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