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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Without compression socks my feet and ankles swell up. Other posters already gave advice on sources. Get the best you can find, they'll be pricey. If proper fit they should be super hard to put on.
  2. Everyone's situation is different. Nothing sad about the advice.
  3. When I was living in the boonies I had the same thought regarding needing a vehicle in my name. Got to have an escape plan.
  4. Alot of road work on Suk from the 3191 to the 364. Take the 36 to suk.
  5. "smaller countries reduce their emissions, like Africa and Asia," I know what you mean, but hey we can't all be edumacated.
  6. China alone generated about the same amount of CO2 as the next four countries combined. And its carbon output is still rising every year. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2021-china-climate-change-biggest-carbon-polluters/
  7. You would figure at some point folks would find a better, stronger way to build structures. https://www.drroyspencer.com/2013/03/100-years-ago-today-the-omaha-palm-sunday-tornado-of-1913/
  8. Under the previous administration the US was exporting fuel, now joe is begging OPEC for more fuel. So sad.
  9. You had to go pretty far to get that quote. Tell the struggling folks that inflation is not a worry,
  10. Inflation, fuel prices, immigration policy - biden is losing control fast. The media couldn't be any softer on biden than they are now. Even CNN knows they have to report some truth.
  11. This is your idea of a strong economy, https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi
  12. OP - At this rate you'll never pull the trigger and stop working. Plenty of shophouses for rent where you can start a business and live upstairs.
  13. I was recently in the US, at a fast food type Mexican joint I paid with credit card and was asked if I wanted to include tip. It took me a second to process the request and said "no". It would never occur to me to tip at this kind of joint. Here in TL I tip barber, 20 tbh to bar regardless of bill, restaurants get maybe coins or 20 tbh, guys setting up furniture and large jobs at my place I tip.
  14. I used the saliva test bought at a pharmacy here in Thailand for daughters school requirement.
  15. Are their set requirements in place for Thais flying domestic? Any first hand info?
  16. Folks trying to talk smack about the USA are just so sad.
  17. Atta boy Uncle Prayuth, nothing to see here folks.
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