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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Antibiotics suppress the immune system. Through over-prescription, they are increasingly losing effectiveness against the serious stuff such as MRSA. I assume you heard about the antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea in Cambodia. Personally, I only take them when absolutely needed. The rest of the time, I throw them out, and let my immune system do the heavy lifting.
  2. You can buy monitors for a couple of hundred baht on Lazada, like these. Not saying it's the answer, but it may help pinpoint something while he is having the attack.
  3. I seem to get most of my SMS in Thai, if they can't be bothered putting them in English I can't be bothered reading them.
  4. Close, my exes were disposed towards castration.
  5. When I did my 90 day report online, I first had to register. Got through that OK , I then received an email with a long randomly generated password. , Logged in, submitted the 90 day report, filling out the fields carefully. I then got an email back with the completed form specifying the next due date of my 90 day report in September. A signature of some IO in Thai script, probably automated. I'd suggest your Immigration Office has its head up its a-r-s- e. Just do it, and see what you get. I'm printing mine out, and sticking it in my passport as the response suggested.
  6. Most batteries nowadays seem to be the sealed type, zero maintenance.
  7. Per month, or per year? Just asking........
  8. Heat in Thailand is quite destructive to battery life. I get 3-4 years out of a car battery here by lifting the hood after a long run, and letting the heat escape from the engine bay for half an hour, before closing the hood again. The date the battery was bought indicates the OP only got about 1.5 years out of it. IME recharging only works for a couple of months, then it's the inconvenience of a flat battery again.
  9. I was angry when I was younger, I don't have time for it now. Golf is a metaphor for life, no-one sees angry golfers winning tournaments. It's the ones who stay calm and focused that do.
  10. I thought you were in Mauritius, or was it Turkey? You do seem to move around a lot, itchy feet? Visiting any ex of mine I'd put in the same class as having a colonoscopy without sedation.
  11. I wash my hands before preparing or eating food. IMO the OP should avoid any social milieu, problem solved. Use your knuckles when operating a lift/elevator button, or ATM.
  12. I have had the same problem, the easy fix is to disconnect the battery for a minute. When it is reconnected, the ECU chip resets itself. Sometimes it would go away while I was driving. I have not had the problem for years, not sure if my mechanic installed a new ECU. My car never broke down while that yellow light was on, if that's any comfort.
  13. I worked in the mining industry from 1966 to 1972. Bought a house back in my home state in 1970, had the mortgage paid off in 18 months. Actually, I am pre-boomer. You're right. However, we are not to blame for subsequent generations missing out. You can lay that at the feet of politicians who exported jobs overseas, and now have supply chains stuffed up so badly Australians have to wait 6 - 12 months to take delivery of most new vehicles. Or insane policies such as negative gearing which inflate the housing market to be unaffordable. The answer is in your hands, vote them out. Although what you vote in may be just as bad, if not worse.
  14. As airfares have gone insane due to the Ukraine war, international travel is not on the cards for many here, me included. There's a risk when traveling between provinces in Thailand of being clapped into quarantine, or forced to isolate in hotel accommodation for 7 or 14 days, depending on local rules. My Thai GF loves to travel. When she is saying we should not go out anymore due to the cost of gasoline, it's a sign many Thais are putting up the shutters on travel.
  15. That might be wishful thinking on the part of western sources, if true it probably makes him more dangerous. Indians have been anti-west ever since the days of the British Raj, no surprise there. Smart people, but also arrogant to boot. India has few natural resources, getting cheap fuel and gold under the table from Russia would suit their book. IIRC it is lawyers who say never ask a question unless you know the answer already.
  16. Don't give up your day job. I can teach myself to do most things independently, as I have not killed most of my brain cells on a Pattaya bar stool.
  17. I am from a golden time when anyone could succeed with hard work, people were courteous to each other, and debate was honest. Some vestiges remain; however, it is mostly greed and lies which rule now.
  18. I used a visa service for quite a few years in Chiang Mai, then started doing it myself. Cheaper to the tune of 6000 baht. Even with a completely legitimate service, there is still the risk an application can be mishandled, or one's passport is lost. Not through malice, just incompetence. I have learned how to do the 90 day report online, so I only have to present at Immigration once a year for my retirement extension. Safer, the only other people handling my passport are the IO's.
  19. I should imagine a larger chain pharmacy such as Fascino would stock it.
  20. If only it was as simple as chocolate. Perhaps finasteride only cut your libido back to what others would accept as normal. Or perhaps ceasing to take finasteride brought your libido back.
  21. Apparently GP's don't exist in Thailand, they are all specialists attached to hospitals, and run private clinics when they are not at the hospitals. The only doctor I have seen here who was remotely interested in my previous medical history is my urologist. On the bright side, most doctors here will shovel as many pills at you as they can. The downside of that is one needs to check very carefully for interactions and side effects, because I am pretty sure they don't. On at least two occasions, I have been prescribed medications which I discarded, because on investigation I decided the risk was too high.
  22. Much as many posters are looking for something logical and intelligible from you. Facts are: Putin started this war. Calling the West warmongers for responding to an act outside all international norms is the crudest Russian propaganda. Finland and Russia have applied for membership of NATO. Please explain logically and intelligibly why they would do that if they thought Putin's intentions toward them are peaceful. Russian troops have committed multiple war crimes in Ukraine against civilians. Please explain logically and intelligibly why you think it is a good idea to surrender to someone who will execute you when you do so. You advocate giving Putin what he wants. Please explain logically and intelligibly why you think surrendering Ukraine to him will be enough, when history has shown for dictators no conquest is ever enough, and Putin is on record as wanting to bring back the USSR and the satellites all the way to East Germany. Enjoy your borscht, comrade. I suspect it won't be long before you can't afford it in its most basic form.
  23. Sorry, no. Have never been to Hua Hin. Did you try Dr. Wittawat Rawiyotai at Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Mai? He does my regular cystoscopies, I've found him to be very professional. Failing that, I understand Bumrungrad in Bangkok is world-class, albeit very expensive.
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