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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Krung Thai seems to be unique in this regard, I have not encountered any limit with Bangkok Bank or Kasikorn. As far as sending money on sequential days goes, I suggest suck it and see. I just put living expenses, the statement has never been questioned.
  2. Hogamus higamus, Jack is polygamous. Higamus hogamous, Jill is monogamous. Muslims don't seem to have any problem with the concept, the Me-Too partisans do. Guess who is heading for extinction?
  3. I just wonder where America lost its way, although from a steel industry viewpoint I witnessed the decline. In my first visit of 1983, United States Steel had 3000 researchers in Pittsburgh. On my last visit there in 1999, there were less than 300. The blue collar workforce has gone from 76,000 to about 25,000. While Australia has less paranoia than America, it is a stifling environment for me. Very heavily regulated. For example, by law one cannot drive past a parked police car on a suburban street at more than 40 km/hr. Imagine how that would go down in Thailand. Lockdowns for me in Thailand during COVID consisted of two months of swimming pool and golf course closures, in Victoria one could not move more than 5 km from their house for months on end. Six lockdowns all up. Back on topic, I fail to understand why the OP cannot connect in Thailand. I can fairly be described as old and ugly, yet I wish I had 1000 baht for every time a Thai woman has propositioned me for a longer-term relationship. As I said before, IMO he has set his sights too high.
  4. Laparoscopic ( keyhole ) surgery is preferred over open wound hernia repair because post-operative risk is lower.
  5. Palliative care for terminal patients seems to be limited to paracetamol and tramadol. Medications such as oxycodone and ketamine are either illegal, or not available. The irony is, kratom is legal. I doubt hospital pharmacies stock it. In my dealings with several large private hospitals, I have noticed pathology services are quite slow. Urine cytology which takes a couple of days in Australia takes 2-3 weeks in Thailand. I am currently in Australia, on a course of targeted inhibitor medication. The drug is simply unavailable in Thailand. If it was, I am informed it would cost USD 7000 per month. Through the PBS in Australia, I pay AUD 7.30 To sum up, I go to hospitals in Thailand for initial diagnosis and treatment of low-level ailments, also vaccinations. For more serious stuff, I get on a plane to Australia.
  6. Apart from the personal use aspect, bum guns also help protect the environment. Western countries chop down millions of trees to make toilet paper. They then have to design and operate much bigger sewage treatment plants, to cope with the extra biomass generated by exclusive use of said paper. Dumb as.
  7. I am sure Republicans can find reasons, even if they are spurious. I doubt any of them will rack up 37 felony counts. Republicans portray themselves as the party of law and order, while simultaneously making all kinds of excuses for Trump breaking multiple laws. George Orwell coined the term doublethink over 70 years ago, the GOP is the latest manifestation.
  8. Agree, IME the really good-looking ones are too self-absorbed.
  9. I have not let myself go. I am normal BMI with good blood pressure and a pulse rate approaching elite athlete level for my age. The number of slim fit females I see in Australia is far outweighed ( pun intended ) by the obese females. I have no intention of approaching them, simply observing. Your comment on the US situation does not surprise me. Perhaps the most paranoid nation on the planet.
  10. If you are going to think negatively about a job before you have even taken it, the result is predictable. As long as you have an internet connection, you should not be lacking entertainment. Do something creative, such as writing a book. Why do you need a gym? Plenty of workout videos on YouTube. You should regard any job as an opportunity. Who knows, you may even get to enjoy it.
  11. In most sensible countries, the popular vote and preferencing from other candidates decides who gets elected, and who is the leader. A cockeyed system like the Electoral College could only exist in America. It reminds me of the Churchill quote: " Americans usually get it right, after they have tried everything else". IMO Trump was illegitimate because he was lazy, surrounded himself with yes-men, and sucked up to tyrants to massage his ego. See any John Bolton interview ( former National Security Adviser ) for an inside view of Trump's complete lack of leadership. He did not even bother to read daily briefings. AFAIK no Democrats rioted at the Capitol.
  12. Can't you read the material you have posted yourself? The Commissioner has also made a number of changes to the position reflected in the draft ruling to address public feedback: in relation to the 'ordinary concepts test' the Commissioner has moved from all factors and circumstances being relevant, to the test being informed by the nature, duration and quality of a person's physical presence in Australia and their intention to treat Australia as home; recognition of flexible working – with business or employment ties overseas being of less significance if the business or employment can be, and are, performed from anywhere in the world; the Commissioner's view that non-residents may return to Australia occasionally for events like Christmas has been expanded to recognise cultural events, special celebrations and annual leave; and the Commissioner will apply the marginal income rates applicable to residents to a person who was a resident for at least one day during the income year. The ruling also includes an additional five examples that were not included in the draft ruling to assist taxpayers determine their residency status. The ruling also usefully maintains the two year "rule of thumb" to assist in determining when a length of overseas stay is substantial for the purpose of considering whether a taxpayer's permanent place of abode is overseas. Overall, while the new ruling incorporates the recent Federal Court decisions, the application of the statutory rules remain uncertain. A significant contributor to this uncertainty is the fact that the domicile test and the 183-day test, which are the clearer tests from the statute, still turn on whether the Commissioner is 'satisfied' of certain points. In all that bureaucratese, if you can show me where the 183 day rule is the sole determinant of tax residency status, I will bare my bum in Federation Square. OTOH, if you can't, I demand you do the same.
  13. Until the proposed changes have passed, it's business as usual. Unless I am missing something, the changes do not remove the gray areas. I still have a property interest ( loan secured by caveat ), family connections, and investments in Australia. I have mostly lived in Thailand for the last ten years. Even accepting your opinion, it then becomes a question of whether the ATO thinks it is worthwhile pursuing pensioners for fairly insignificant returns on the investment of time. Judging by what the Treasurer has already flagged in the May budget, the ATO has bigger fish to fry.
  14. The significant word is "pretends". If one looks at the ancestry of the "common man" in America, it's a wide-ranging mix of genes. The failure of supply chains during COVID has caused a retreat from globalisation. I don't disagree lawyers and accountants are overly compensated, one doesn't have to look at entertainers if they choose not to. IMO the medical profession earns its keep. Trump, Johnson, Morrison in Australia. All con men. AFAIK the latter two were not treating national secrets like party pictures/trophies.
  15. And you got a President that gave you one of the highest COVID death rates in the world. Plus no leader of any democracy had any trust in him. Putin and the fat boy played him like a harp. If Americans want that kind of leadership again, the plot is irretrievably lost.
  16. It depends on what part of the anatomy one looks. The males have big guts, the females bigger bums and legs. I can't really answer the question. As a hetero male, I tend to look more at females than males.
  17. It should be obvious from the links posted the single 183 day rule is not set in stone, and that other factors such as family connections and possessions/assets in Australia come into play.
  18. 81 million votes to 74 million says you are wrong in your assertion. IIRC, Fox just had to shell out more than $700 million to avoid being taken to trial over false claims of voting machine rigging. They would not be doing that if your claims had a shred of substance. Unless you think 81 million voters were part of the "Establishment". If you guys are crazy enough to elect a soon to be convicted felon to be President, you'll get everything you deserve. In Australia, we are not that stupid.
  19. Try walking into a shopping mall in the US or Australia. I could count the number of fit females on the fingers of one hand. It's really sad when I see females still in their teens and twenties looking like beached whales. Unless they have embraced the junk food culture of the affluent, most Thai women I have seen stay slim.
  20. Drawn from a universe of alternative facts, no doubt. I don't know what political stripe Jack Smith is; however, he seems to have organised the 37 articles of indictment very convincingly. Vetting is not needed, it's words out of Trump's own mouth. Permit me to doubt Joe Biden has been as stupid.
  21. IIRC Chiang Mai MAX Autoplus fitted my Vios with seat covers which have stood the test of time and comfort. Some kind of faux leather. On the Phrao road 1001 about 200 metres up from Highway 11.
  22. You may be right, I have no desire to put your post to the test. In any case, I would have any hip replacement done in Australia - free, apart from any out-of-pocket expenses.
  23. Chuck Grassley channeling Joe McCarthy is confirmation of Santayana's aphorism, those who forget history are bound to repeat it. His credibility rests on producing the tapes, which has not been done so far.. Bill Barr tried his best to go after Biden at Trump's behest, and came up empty-handed. Only in America would it be possible for a convicted felon to assume the Presidency.
  24. If you want the best in Thailand, Bumrungrad in Bangkok has an international reputation. Sheryl can advise on the specialists available. Good luck.
  25. Very similar to my experience with my GF, who is 56. Many people think she is still in her thirties, she works at keeping herself in shape. I couldn't care less our education levels are different. She is street-smart, I am not. What charms me most about Thai women is the way they can be practical without sacrificing their femininity. The OP should be careful what he wishes for, IME high-class = high maintenance, and I don't mean just financially.
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