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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Utter rubbish. Most non-Americans despise Trump, and what he is turning America into. He gets zero respect from me as a felon, fraudster, serial liar, and sexual predator. We will soon see who has got who by the balls, if he gets to actually bring in the tariffs he is threatening. Just ask American farmers how that worked the last time.
  2. AFAIK a cranial laxative has not been developed yet. I'll let you know when it does, so you can be first in line.
  3. You forgot to mention his encounter with an enraged taxi driver, after he forgot his phone. Then photographed the number plate.
  4. It doesn't work that way. Book royalties are usually $1-2.
  5. My friends all bought a copy. How many do you think you would sell?
  6. I beat the OP by about ten years. It was not a publishing success, only selling 200 copies. Enough for the IRS to take an interest in me. In hindsight, I made the mistake of not including lurid sex scenes, and information on negotiation of short and long time encounters.
  7. Asking Trump to change the habits of a lifetime is like asking Hannibal Lecter to go vegan. Trump built his property empire on bluster, bullsh!t and spin. Every asset loaded up with debt. I don't know why anyone would expect him to behave differently as president. He will be throwing the poor he professes to love under a bus, while enriching himself and his cronies. He can never have enough. I very much doubt he will achieve anything in office. Like his last term, it will be a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  8. Since when are you not allowed to report a post? Whether the report has any valid basis is a different issue.
  9. I guess mango trees have something in common with me.
  10. Mango trees need proper fertilization.
  11. I have to give whoever the OP is called credit for his power for making mountains out of molehills. I wonder how long it takes him on average to compose his scenarios. I've never had a Thai object to me communicating in Thai, most seem pleased I am trying.
  12. It really is irrelevant to me whether it works or not. I guess a study into the mental health of MAGA supporters needs no funding, that ship sailed on January 6, 2021.
  13. Are you still dreaming the Mexicans are going to pay for a wall? Where's the money coming from?
  14. During his first presidency, Trump added 64 km of wall to the existing 1044 km. Biden then added another 30 km by closing gaps. The total length of the border between Mexico and the USA is 3145 km. Thanks for my laugh of the day, with your daft fantasies.
  15. Unless the surviving partner tells the bank the other account holder is dead, I see no reason why she/he can't continue to take funds from the account. It might get a bit awkward if the surviving partner wanted to close the account, perhaps both people are necessary to do that.
  16. As far as i can tell, you have not posted a single fact to rebut the ones I have posted. Just blanket statements which beg the question. Your personal attack confirms your dishonesty. Bye bye, tovarisch.
  17. Why? They will be parroting the Kremlin version of things. Ask them if they prefer Russian rubles, or American dollars. In an attempt to stabilize the ruble, as of November 28 the central bank has stopped buying ANY foreign currency. That's the equivalent of sticking their head in the sand, and hoping short-sellers will go away. China and India are Russia's biggest trading partners currently. They will only pay for Russian imports in yuan and rupees respectively. They refuse to pay in rubles, no sensible country wants to hold them. If you think sanctions are ineffective, ask yourself why Russian oil sells at a 20% discount to the world price. Better still, test your belief sanctions are not working, and the integrity of Russian domestic aircraft by booking a flight from Moscow to Vladivostok. Russian Boeings and Airbuses are being cannibalized to keep them flying, do you feel lucky? I am posting facts, readily checked. You seem to be posting wishful thinking.
  18. Points taken. However, it does beg the question. Why?
  19. 1/ Having a GF 23 years younger than me, that does not take me for granted. Works hard to keep me happy. 2/ Living in a country where my combined pension and income from investments exceeds my expenditure by a comfortable margin.
  20. America is a violent place, with criminals who may be armed. It's unsurprising police may respond violently, despite their training. Justine Damond is a case in point, an unarmed woman in a nightdress gunned down by a trigger-happy Minneapolis cop. Was Chauvin wrongly convicted? No. Whatever he was, Floyd was helpless , in handcuffs. This is an extract of the Australian government's US travel advice: Violent crime is more common in the United States than in Australia. Gun crime is also prevalent. If you live in the United States, learn and practice active shooter drills. There is a persistent threat of mass casualty violence and terrorist attacks in the United States. Be alert, particularly in public places and at events. Most countries would wear that as a badge of shame.

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