Why? They will be parroting the Kremlin version of things. Ask them if they prefer Russian rubles, or American dollars.
In an attempt to stabilize the ruble, as of November 28 the central bank has stopped buying ANY foreign currency. That's the equivalent of sticking their head in the sand, and hoping short-sellers will go away.
China and India are Russia's biggest trading partners currently. They will only pay for Russian imports in yuan and rupees respectively. They refuse to pay in rubles, no sensible country wants to hold them.
If you think sanctions are ineffective, ask yourself why Russian oil sells at a 20% discount to the world price.
Better still, test your belief sanctions are not working, and the integrity of Russian domestic aircraft by booking a flight from Moscow to Vladivostok. Russian Boeings and Airbuses are being cannibalized to keep them flying, do you feel lucky?
I am posting facts, readily checked. You seem to be posting wishful thinking.