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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. There are many drug users that do not have the problems you mention, cocaine is used by people quite high in the social demographic. Stock traders in New York, football players, politicians, lawyers. The poverty comes later, after they have exhausted their funds in pursuit of their specific addiction. The number of people with lives ruined by the legal drug, alcohol, is legion. The sad fact of life is, there is no chemical humans will not use and abuse in the pursuit of oblivion or a high. Some addicts are in control of their addiction, others enter a downward spiral. The USA has spent billions of dollars trying to eliminate the drug trade, the authorities are no further along the road in suppression than when they started. There is just too much money involved in profiting from illicit drugs. That profit vanishes when a drug is legal. I would legalize all drug use, the only proviso being any person committing a crime while under the influence of drugs gets the same treatment in a law court as someone who was not.
  2. Don't know as I can agree, if a restaurant gets almost all positive reviews it helps people who are thinking of going there. It does become pointless when restaurant owners are generating fake positive reviews for themselves, and negative reviews for their competitors.
  3. I don't see any problem with myths that do no harm. When i was about 8 or 9, I got a gift from my parents - Odham's Dictionary of the English Language. One of the appendices was a complete list of characters in Greek and Roman mythology, along with descriptions of their lives or claim to fame. I found it quite enthralling, long before film makers moved in on the field.
  4. AFAIK there is nothing wrong with me mentally, getting more and more challenged physically. Please, they are hickory shafts, wooden is an inadequate adjective. In 2003, I went on a golfing tour of Scotland. Played 19 rounds of golf in 21 days. While I did enjoy myself, the food and hidebound traditions were a bit wearying. One of my games was at Muirfield Golf Club. I don't know if it's still there, but there was a sign at the entrance. "Dogs and Women not allowed." In that order.
  5. I cannot believe you posted that with a straight face. A diet of haggis, neeps and tatties has no appeal for me. I am convinced the Scots invented whisky to make their food vaguely palatable.
  6. The real cost of drugs in a mass production environment is peanuts. It's about as complicated as the process of making margarine. Legally available drugs such as alcohol and tobacco are intrinsically cheap, it's only the taxes levied by governments that make them more expensive. You don't see smokers and drinkers robbing stores to finance their addiction, do you? If you don't understand it's the illegality of cocaine, heroin etc. that make them expensive, and therefore fuel crime among addicts, I give up.
  7. If I can't give a positive review, I say nothing.
  8. No such warning for the Aussie dollar, the rate is guaranteed for 19 hours. IMO confined to the GBP. Or the Turkish lira.
  9. Longer term, the other effects are on components such as steering and axles. A larger or heavier tyre could be expected to reduce service life by one or two years. Having said that, a tyre with a bigger footprint would afford better grip.
  10. Countries that have legalized drug use have found crime rates decrease because the addict no longer has to resort to illegal means of financing their habit. In terms of crimes of violence, alcohol - a legal drug - is similar to methamphetamine in removing inhibitions. Left to themselves, pot heads and heroin addicts are fairly harmless. It's the illegality that creates the crime cycle.
  11. Er - checked your fuel consumption?
  12. I make videos for YouTube, have raunchy conversations with the massage ladies, swan around on my scooter, invent new dishes, exercise and play golf. Read books, watch Netflix. Post on ASEAN. IMO boredom is self-inflicted, and demonstrates a lack of initiative.
  13. That's for the Americans, if it was all metric it would confuse them.
  14. BritManToo will be along to give you a response shortly.
  15. I got 70,000 km out of my last set of Michelins on the Vios. They still were not down to the TWI's, but my mechanic said they had tread cracking so it was time to change. I do drive quite conservatively, 100 km/hr is my maximum. No harsh braking either. There is not much difference between Michelins and other brands on dry roads, where they rise above the pack is when it's wet. Thailand does have its share of rainy days and slippery bitumen. Car makers are actually schizophrenic when it comes to tyres, they very carefully specify the best match for the vehicle, then fit the car with the cheapest dreck tyre they can find when it rolls off the showroom floor. As for the bean counter who came up with the space saver tyre, he/she should have been strangled at birth. Dangerous.
  16. What's the point of 90 day reporting for foreigners who have lived here for years? What's the point of requiring insurance for O-A visas, and not for O? Bureaucracies of all types flourish on complexity, they shrink when things are simplified. You're being logical, Thai administrations apply a different logic. It's called full employment, doesn't matter if the work is meaningless.
  17. I'm amazed you got 100,000 km out of a set of tyres without killing yourself, although I may be guilty of assuming they were not changed at 50,000 km or whatever. What's the life of yourself and your Mrs. worth? Tyres are the only thing keeping you in contact with the road: wet, dry, or gravel. Always go with the car manufacturer's recommendations. Saving money on different size tyres is dumb. If you want to give you and yours an edge in surviving on Thai roads, buy Michelins.
  18. Agree entirely. My GF is very street-smart, and I am amazed at her ability to make friends with someone within 5 minutes of meeting them. She can't read a map, or add up numbers in her head. Simple mechanical problems are left to me to resolve. IMO it's a mistake to think because Westerners have better abilities in some fields, Thais do not have their own skills in others.
  19. I don't need intelligent conversation with my GF, the mundane suits me fine. Given the number of anti-vaxxers, climate deniers, Trump fanboys and Putin trolls that appear to be on ASEAN, I don't look for intelligent conversation here either.
  20. At a guess, most likely a sensor or fuel problem - filter or water in the fuel. The way to deal with mechanics is to put them in the vehicle with you, and drive it so the fault occurs while you are both there. If they are still in denial, time to go somewhere else. Bear in mind many independent mechanics are sometimes more competent than dealership mechanics, because they have to be.
  21. 3 bottles of wine in an evening is 24 standard drinks. The recommended intake for healthy adult males is 10 standard drinks per week. Perhaps you find that fact boring, as well as the designation of alcohol as a Class 1 carcinogen since 1989. I don't know or care whether you are an alcoholic or not, but when people deny basic facts and statistics, it irritates me. I have yet to see an alcoholic here that has died peacefully, all have gone out in a lot of pain. Liver cancer. Portal shunts, if they can afford them. I can't think of a more boring place than a hospital. Your post certainly affirms the empirical evidence alcohol damages brain cells. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohol-and-brain-overview
  22. Dishonest people certainly take advantage of honest ones, when they can.
  23. I'm fairly easy-going, and most of the time I give my GF what she wants. However, there are certain lines she knows she can't cross. If she was to tell me she wanted me to live in the village full-time, or go live in Australia, that would be a couple of them. My advice to the OP is put yourself first. If your wife won't accept that, time for a change.
  24. I'd rather chew razor blades than live in Bangkok, too many people. I'm not sure where Rooster gets his data on smoke pollution in Chiang Mai, the API hasn't got over 50 this year thanks to unending rain since Songkhran. Perhaps he is addicted to the more civilized diesel fumes of Bangkok. Be of good cheer, fellow country bumpkins. Those rains are heading for Bangkok, giving Rooster something else to bitch about when he has to park his car on an overpass.
  25. A glass of milk first, to put a lining on the stomach. Butter is even better, it has more than one use.
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