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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I'm reluctant to use Kodak. 2018 I got some passport photos from the Kodak shop on soi 17 (opposite the Yensabai turn off on the left). I made mention that they were for my Australian passport so please take extra care, using the correct paper etc. I took the photos to the Australian embassy, the woman at the counter rejected them so I had to make a dash to the photo shop (located next to the old embassy) and have more photos taken. I made a complaint to Kodak and shortly after this shop closed down, I'm not sure if it was my input. My children are due for new passports, I usually just take the documents leaving the family in pattaya but I'm terrified to have the photos rejected. Ive asked the Australian embassy to provide on-site photos but this was rejected, makes sense to have your photo taken at the embassy. I had a similar issue with the Australian embassy in Singapore 2008 when renewing my passport. The Australian government so pedantic regarding passport photos.
  2. Yes, I think using the covid card, it's very good solution. This will win support from the residents. It's dangerous letting unknown people into our gated community. Not knowing who these people are, using our facilities, mixing with the residents. I'll talk to our group.
  3. They're closed, that's why I'm asking. Need quickly
  4. Pattaya city Beach rd, 2nd rd, pattaya Tai, 3rd rd,
  5. Need a few photos for immigration stuff. Where in Pattaya city to get a photo done. I need a few, I think B&W OK
  6. I own a house in a gated village close to the tourist strip. A couple of owners have rented their homes to these tourists for short term, generally overcrowding, groups of people, they get drunk and are very noisy. We, the residents are always complaining about the noise late at night. It's really annoying.
  7. Yes, but it's the same everywhere. The world is not what it use to be. We have changed, you may not be getting the attention you once received, or your tolerance to nonsense may be reduced. Go with the flow, adjust. Age, something we have to factor in. We need to be flexible and adapt to change, it's survival. Just chill.
  8. Isn't airbnb illegal. Don't you need a hotel license or similar to rent out property for short stays, daily/weekly rentals in Thailand?
  9. You can pay an agency to complete your retirement extensions, it's not expensive and hassle free.
  10. I reckon most of the negative stuff comes from those not living here in Thailand. Good luck to you, I hope you don't regret it. Many people leave Thailand but for every 10 that leave 100 arrive to live. I've always thought that it would be tough living in Thailand (or anywhere) without family, or my package. Package being family obviously, a house, scooter, big bike and car etc. I see the guys down soi Buakaow, having their breakfast then getting drunk, having lunch then getting drunk, eating their dinner then getting drunk,then off to their little room to sleep it off to start again the next day. Nothing wrong with that, to each their own, not for me though. I'm glad I had children here, they lead me down another path every so often, another door opens where one closes, I enjoy the variety, living here is so dynamic, always changing Taking the kids to school, to shopping centers to see their friends and birthday parties. Now the eldest is going to university next year, more enjoyment for me. You really need to be a very good self manager, we're only here once, when you get old it's so much harder to start again (relocate). I love Thailand.
  11. I'm a very lucky guy, I've traveled and worked in 40 countries, I've seen many cultures, worked with many different types. Thailand is not perfect but it's right for me. I've said this many times. Thailand has been my home for over 20 years. I'm in my late 50s, 2 children born here in Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, the eldest going to university next year. I just get fed up with the comments, the constant negative posts, it just feeds the weak, the juveniles that want to comment negatively. BTW, here's a great song for the people that need a cheer up, kindness. Let's be nice to each other. ????
  12. There are plenty moaners here Too cheap here, need to make it more expensive. Thailand is the best place in the world to live, increase the prices, need to get rid of the riff raff.
  13. You've got to be kidding me. The moaners, complainers, haters were born miserable, there's no changing these horrible people. Always looking to blame others for their pathetic mis managed portfolios. They live here in Thailand and can't assimilate, they constantly complain about Thais and their behavior, I just don't understand, they are so miserable and create problems for themselves. I'm another that loves it here in Thailand. I need to stop reading most of the AN comments, they make me so angry at times. Sometimes I wish that Thailand was more expensive, this would keep away most of these rotten people, we would be so much more happier here. Love you Thailand
  14. There's always a bitch out there to put the negative spill on things. I feel sorry for some, must be a miserable life to be so depressing. Love you Thailand, I'm so sorry for the fools that spoil your soil.
  15. No big deal. It's an Aussie thing, we promote things we fall in love with, Russell is no one special, I'm sure all of us Aussies feel the same way. Thank you so much Thailand for being so special, we are so lucky to be here in your wonderful land, thank you for your lovely manner and your hospitality. We all love you so much Thailand. ????
  16. Here we go, more nasty comments, typical. Exactly what I've been discussing. Take a good look at yourself, you sound like a miserable old person
  17. No, I'm saying you need to leave Thailand for making that ridiculous comment
  18. Yes, your house is half built. Your business is not operational. The Kariokee guys business is operational, the Kariokee guy is doing what every business owner does, he is functional. He is Operating, you are NOT. Why are you complaining, why moan, this is Thailand, that's the way we roll here, you're a complainer and looking for support, the weak pathetic people that reply with nasty and hateful comments give you energy to continue this rediculous post. You people amaze me, you relocate to Thailand because it's the best place in the world to live but you bitch and complain, geeze grow up. As I said earlier to all the foreigners that continue to complain about Thailand, go back to where you come from, do your bitching and complaining back where you're from, we don't want you here, stop being childish, we are all fed up with the sulking. I like it here, everything works for me, Thailand has been my home for over 20 years, you people that interfere, try to change Thailand are not welcome here, fed up with moaning, whinging, whining. Get the hell out of this lovely land, me and my Thai family want you gone.
  19. I have a better idea, why don't you go back to where you come from, believe me Thailand won't miss you. You'll be doing your wife a favour, she's probably fed up with your moaning, complaining, whinging and whining The Karaoke guy has rights, he's trying to provide for his family. He was the first to start his business, you are out of order, you are so selfish. Stop complaining, deal with it, your complaints just encourage the pathetic people, the complainers, the moaners just like yourself to comment negatively. I'm fed up with your type, go somewhere quiet and have a cry snowflake.
  20. I have a better idea, why don't you go back to where you come from, believe me Thailand won't miss you. You'll be doing your wife a favour, she's probably fed up with your moaning, complaining, whinging and whining
  21. Omg, this thread just keeps growing, what's wrong with you people, actually people is too nice a word for some. Most of these comments are encouraging nastiness, why, it needs to stop. Has there been any thoughts for the karaoke guy, he has a business, trying to make money, make ends meet, we're in a pandemic, he has no idea what you want to do, he more than likely has a family to feed, bills to pay, children's education, my God all these selfish comments, grow up, there are others in the world that have needs, don't be so selfish, you disgust me with your reckless immature comments, nasty and horrible, how many of you are sociopathic, narcissists? This lovely land we live in, these lovely people we live amongst, we need to assimilate, adapt, blend in, we are the foreigners, this is their land, we are welcomed here, we have an opportunity to live in peace and harmony but I see only evil. Shame on you, you that have evil replies. You disgust me, I am saddened with what I read. At first I thought this post was fiction but enough, even a good novel needs a warning, it's out of order, stop it. The heading is nightmare, you should research before you conduct any business, fool on you for not conducting the necessary dudiligence. Poor business practices leads to failure. Wife's land, stop with your foreign influence, it's up to your wife. School yard bullys, is that what you people are?
  22. Rattanakorn market On Theprasit is located next to the Collosium Opposite Super Lai condo
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