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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Funny thing happened to me a few years back. My company sent me back to Australia to get a visa for a country I had to work. My mate came to visit me, at the hotel I was staying in. After a few hours he was heading off, I asked if he would give me a lift to the 7-Eleven down the road, he asked what I wanted from 7-Eleven and I said beer, he laughed saying they don't sell alcohol at the 7-Eleven stores. I completely forgot about it, we're lucky here in Thailand. He gave me a lift to the bottle shop.
  2. I don't reckon they hit anything, so I'm going down there to recover it and see if I can sell it back to them. Half price!!!!
  3. It's getting a name for itself. Becoming well known and famous. Having a recent killing, now this incident. It's only early days too, the venue opened not too long ago, not a lot of business with covid recent shutdowns. There is sure to be lots of activities for the tourists when they arrive.
  4. I'm not sure about rejection or I reckon it can be over ridden. Soi 9 jomtien Beach 7-Eleven are very strict on alcohol selling times, it's annoying but I can get around this by shopping at the Thai convenience store. Anyway, when there are events, Jet Ski World Cup etc they sell alcohol any time. One Friday, I was shopping in this 7-Eleven I saw people buying beer around 3pm, I questioned this and they replied its an event weekend so they sell.
  5. That's a good saving, every little bit helps. These days I'm a believer in respecting your liver. Over the years I've sat in a bar with mates talking for hours and hours. I look back and wish I'd just had a few beers for an hour or so and go home. If you can manage your drinking, in moderation there's nothing better than a cold beer on a hot day (any day in Thailand).
  6. Agree Like a few of the members are saying, you've got to schedule your shopping around the alcohol sale times. Weird law At times after my shopping I've stopped of at the Thai bottle shop to buy my alcohol, they're everywhere (they've done well during covid) and sell all the time. Only problem I've found they don't take credit cards.
  7. I've been riding bikes from the age of 10yo, big bikes from 18yo. I just can't ride my Ducati without a helmet, it just doesn't feel right. It's a little like running on to the football field without your boots. Another thing that troubles me is eye protection, I wear my sunnies day time and clear safety glasses at night. Bloody annoying, those bugs in your eyes, also a concern traveling at speed a good size bug will take your eye out. It doesn't bother the Thais I've probably conditioned myself.
  8. Fed up with these taxi's overcharging. I reckon you know the one's with Dodgy meters, because their the ones that turn on the meter. I use Bolt
  9. Yep, I'm a slow learner, it's happened to me twice, never again. The point I was making for those of you that don't understand was, the strict 2pm cutoff is rediculous.
  10. When shopping at Big C, Tesco etc. Its really annoying when you get to the checkout at 2.05pm and they remove it from the belt and say NO ALCOHOL (with a smile). I reckon, sometimes they enjoy saying that to foreigners.
  11. Yep, BNH I get my regular OGUK (offshore medical) at BNH, good service, good location.
  12. This complete article is so wrong and so very sad. This poor family, sorry. ????
  13. I prefer my mango lady. Beautiful, with lovely puppies. beautiful mango lady.mp4
  14. Why would he be <deleted> off? It was the car he that was stolen which overturned and crashed. The man chasing him and making him crash should be given a medal of bigger valor than RB Nice comment. So, if my vehicle gets stolen I'm free to borrow your car to RAM my car which is being driven by the theif.. Cool. Cheers mate
  15. Law enforcement. This is the problem, police are not doing their job. I was pulled over recently, riding my motorbike on the wrong side of the road, I traveled about 30 meters in the wrong direction. I'm not complaining but I was surprised I got a ticket. I got pulled over by a cop on a white marked PCX150. I see these cops riding past the Thais breaking the law (no documents, no helmet, 4 on a bike, loud exhaust etc.) and they do nothing. Like I said, I'm not complaining about my ticket. I always wear a helmet, mask, have tax and insurance paid but the Thais breaking the law and not given a ticket just encourages this poor behavior. I see plenty of police officers on the roads but they do nothing. Sad, all the deaths on the roads. Proper policing would change things.
  16. Why is the father to blame? The driver is an adult male and made his own decisions. I am sure Mrs Manson was not to blame for the actions of her male child. Are your parents to blame for poor decision making on you have committed? Please use the entire response before responding, taking my quote out of context does let you off the hook, respond to the entire quote, instead of being lazy and trying to justify your statement Sorry for the late reply, so busy today Normally I wouldn't blame the father but the headline is pointing you in that direction. My analogy goes. OK, let's look at this example. I'm an offshore installation manager My 29yo son comes to the rig, on his shift he decides to light up a cigarette above the well center (this is a not allowed and a dangerous act) the rig explodes killing people. Wouldn't you point the finger at the father
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