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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. I returned to Thailand from U.K. mid September. My local vaccination chemist reopened for Covid jabs on 01 October. I am also entitled to free influenza vaccine. Most annoying to miss out on both for the sake of a fortnight.
  2. I don't think there is any ideal solution to this. For example, motorists everywhere argue that they are 'self sufficient' as regards transport so do not believe they should be contributing to public transport. There is freedom of movement, people can choose to visit and live where they want. If this scheme boosts tourism there will, in theory, be more jobs for Thai citizens. Expanding affordable public transport has to be good for the environment and citizens in the long run.
  3. Reminded me of a Brasilian friend telling me what Brasilian's say about those who concern themselves with the destruction of their rainforest; 'Those who complain should go and live in it'.
  4. Valid point of course. When we go to Phuket my Mrs seeks out her friends from Khon Kaen area working there, hence people working in Phuket don't necessarily live there, at least not full time. Integrated public transport; airports, railway stations, bus stations, town centres, business and residential zones all linked by trams has to be the way to go.
  5. As regards the performance of VPN's, I subscribed to 'ZenMate' but, despite complaining several times during the first 30 days it was unable to unblock BBCi Player. I cancelled and got my money back in full. Since then, I have subscribed to 'Surfshark' which has worked perfectly for me for the last three years.
  6. No mention of the type of account you had to use. Only that it must be a debit card. Worth knowing I suppose in case you get caught out whilst in the UK needing cash. I found the information here; https://querysprout.com/does-tesco-do-cashback/
  7. Apparently, 'cash back' service was suspended during Covid. Seems to have been restored now, limited to £50 per transaction. Nothing to stop anyone going through more than once per day/store, purchasing an item of any value.
  8. Do Tesco still offer 'cash back' when you use a debit (not credit) card?
  9. Thanks for that! Receiving SMS via Skype is limited to USA numbers and only when sent from either USA or Canadian numbers. For this reason I have subscribed to 'Vyke' for the last two years. Renting a U.K. (other Countries are available) virtual MOBILE number only costs £12 GBP per ANNUM. Free to receive both voice calls and SMS. Sending SMS and making voice calls is very cheap. Being a VOIP service it runs ontop of a WiFi or mobile data connection. Unfortunately, they don't provide virtual geographical 'landline' numbers. If anyone asks, I tell them, like many other people, I dispensed with my landline telephone several years ago.
  10. I use 'Vyke'. For $16 USD per ANNUM you can rent a USA virtual mobile number. Costs zero to receive calls and SMS. Outgoing calls and SMS very low cost. Runs ontop of your WiFi or mobile data connection. Has worked perfectly for me for over two years.
  11. Correct, Brits use IC codes. Or, at least UK police do.
  12. Totally agree! There seems to be fewer photographs on Facebook recently taken by 'First Responders' showing the result of road accidents (usually involving moto's). Strangely, a friend in UK asked me not to repost these as they were upsetting him. He is a motorcycle fan himself, owning and riding several machines including a Ducati.
  13. Very sorry for your loss and, of course, the most upsetting circumstances.
  14. Mrs and I went to a friend’s house where the husband/father was dying. When we arrived he’d been dead for a few minutes. Two girls and a young man were working most professionally, uncoupling his urine bag etc. I thought they might have been off-duty nurses but they were, in fact, his children. Most admirable work in distressing circumstances. Our community ‘undertakers’ arrived. Unfortunately, none of the external doorways were wide enough to admit the refrigeration unit. By this time the flies were swarming and father had to be covered with blankets. Builders working on the house next door agreed to assist. At that point we left. Mrs has since been measuring our doorways. Anyone with similar experience?
  15. Seem to have found the answer; if aged 15 or over, no problem. https://travel.trueid.net/detail/P0GprJoM9JO3
  16. Found this quite good info from USA; https://oceanbreezeprosthodontics.com/restorative/types-of-dental-crowns-and-cost-a-complete-guide-2023/
  17. Myself and five Thai family members due to cross overland into Laos end October for 3 days. All of us have passports except for my 18 year old Thai neice. Have read that she can easily obtain a three-day border pass (30-50 baht?). Neither of her parents will be present. Given that age of majority is 20 in Thailand and 18 in Laos will she need written permission to exit Thailand from either (or both) parents? Problem is her parents are separated, father doesn't want to know about anything and her mother is working in India.
  18. Reverse with me. Whilst back in UK for 3 months suffered sore throat, headaches and coughing up very nasty thick dark green stuff for 6 weeks. Back in Thailand on Monday, Mrs got me all sorts of tablets from our local nurse/dispenser. Today, (Wednesday) all clear. However, Mrs now has sore throat and cough.
  19. That's because it's only the search field. 'Watch now' appears below the results found. Andrew Dwyer has posted good alternatives to try!
  20. You need to click on 'Watch Now'. That takes you to a source of the movie with choices of 1) Free 2) Rent or Buy and 3) Subscription.
  21. Many thanks for your kind reply. Probably best option for you is, as you say, seek treatment in Europe. I'm in U.K. at the moment but the way our National Health Service is performing I know I'm not going to get any treatment for a long time so I haven't even asked.
  22. Thanks for your info. I understood that USA and allies went home in 1973. Guessing that conscription continued due to manpower shortages caused by the conflict?
  23. Very interesting thanks! Did New Zealand have National Service at that time? So there was no conscription? Only members of the regular forces who actually volunteered were deployed?
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