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Everything posted by VBF

  1. Apparently rescued https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/britains-supreme-buys-typhoo-tea-out-administration-2024-12-02/
  2. His eyesight seems OK though...... 😎🙄
  3. Probably! The reason I say that is because, from what I've read on AN, different country's embassies set their own requirements. EG, I've only ever applied from UK which has the London embassy and no Consulates (any more) and I can tell you immediately what the London embassy requires, but I've read here that (for example) Germany might differ from UK as might Sweden etc. In fact I seem to recall posts saying that in the US, if you apply in person, whether to the embassy or one of the Consulates, it depends from which state one is applying. Seems strange to me but "it is what it is" My suggestion is to look at the first page of the site I posted earlier https://www.thaievisa.go.th/ This leads you to answer questions about your "Country or territory of passport/travel document" and your "Current location". I therefore assume that the content of the following pages will depend on those answers.
  4. Thanks a lot 👍 I'll give it a try on my new phone, which presently contains my Thai SIM In passing, I totally agree with your various comments about only using Bolt for local / short trips - basically journeys where others might choose a motorcycle taxi. For longer trips I have a friendly taxi driver whom I've known for some years - she's already booked to collect me from SUV.
  5. @Chivas Did you install Bolt on your phone before you left the UK, or wait to install it in Thailand? I ask because having just got a new phone (Android 14) I plan to use Bolt on my next trip to Patts in February. As you probably know, in UK you HAVE to set up a card payment option but you've just said (and everything I read here on AN agrees) that there is a cash option in Thailand, which is what I need. What's your "MO"? What happens if you cancel and they try to hit you with a cancellation charge? Thanks in advance....
  6. Reminds me of the theory that an engineer's tool kit only needs 3 items: WD 40 - for when things that should move, do not Duct tape - for when things that should not move, do Large club hammer - for customers who disagree with the above
  7. That reminds me of this (should probably go in the Jokes forum so do please move it if you wish.)
  8. Bear in mind that one can no longer apply in person at all Look at the link I posted - the e-Visa is the only way to apply now (at least in UK)
  9. I'm sure this isn't the first time THIS has been posted....... Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola
  10. Given the history of inexplicable and apparently illogical changes to the system, I think perhaps your choice of the word "can't" might be better as "shouldn't" 🙄
  11. Agreed - I was thinking that when I posted. Your concurrence simply illustrates how badly thought through the ETA actually is! Of course, as it hasn't actually been implemented (yet?) we none of us really knows what will actually happen. My personal feeling is that the ETA is only being considered to bring Thailand into line with USA and Europe in the eyes of "the powers that be"
  12. Aren't those current requirements for an exempt entry? They're pretty much the same as the current requirements for a Tourist Visa from London. If that was implemented, the ETA would simply become a tourist visa in all but name!
  13. I disagree. Take my situation, retired, living in UK with a permanent residence, do not have a "home" in Thailand, but visit Thailand for 58 days in January, so nearly 2 months. Then visit again in July for another nearly 2 months. Both trips I'm a tourist but by your definition, I couldn't then make a 3rd trip in November because that would take me into "4 to 6 months in the year" (say 175 days) territory returning to my home country at the end of each visit. I see that as tourism, don't you?
  14. I can only reply from the UK perspective, BUT an e-visa is the generic term for ANY visa that one applies for online. IE, to get a Tourist Visa or Non-O visa one used to send one's passport, documents and payment to the Consulate or Embassy and a visa was stamped into the passport. To get an e-Visa one goes to https://www.thaievisa.go.th/ and uploads images / scans of passport and documents, pays online and submits the application. When granted, a document containing the visa details is emailed to the applicant who prints it and presents it to the IO on arrival in Thailand.
  15. Sadly.....yes!!! 😥
  16. My favourite Thai dish too, with the fried egg ("kai dow") - I generally order it "Pet" (spicy) and let the waiter laugh at me while I sweat over my lunch!
  17. Ahhh... Your reply really choked me! 😆
  18. Me too!
  19. Wrong sort of Indian, mate 😆
  20. That's why the SD or XD card option is the way to go. All my 300gb of music is on my external disks and I copy subsets of it to my phone, tablets and a USB stick for my car. All as MP3 format. That way I can use WHATEVER program / App I choose to play it and I never need to be online to do so. For Android I use either "Music Folder Player Free" from the Play Store or 1by1 https://mpesch3.de/1by1.html If I get a new device, I either swap the card across or get a new card and re-copy from my PC using a USB cable Not sure if this helps the OP or not?
  21. And when you get it back, check the "Permitted to stay" date is 60 days from when you entered including your day of entry. IOs have been known to make mistakes - this year, before the visa-free period extended to 60 days, I had a tourist visa but the IO accidentally stamped me in for 30 days instead of 60 - oops! I politely pointed it out to him and he corrected it for me - smiles all round.
  22. Ah...I didn't realise that - thanks. 👍 In UK it it is referred to and sold as Rapeseed Oil In which case it has been discussed.
  23. I would never think she did 🙄😎😋
  24. And probably a lot longer until it works properly! Less flippantly, thanks @chuang for asking - you saved me bothering - hopefully they won't have implemented it by Feb 2025 when I go to Thailand visa-free for the first time in decades 😊
  25. Everyone in Thailand has a nickname. So as the each town... In that case..... Pattaya = Disneyland for adults 😋
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