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Everything posted by VBF

  1. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Rapeseed oil. According to many medical authorities including this one Is rapeseed oil healthy? - BHF it's quite healthy. Quote " "It is low in saturated fat, the fat that can raise cholesterol levels. In fact, it has the lowest amount of saturated fat of any oil. It has just half the amount found in olive oil." I've been using it for cooking for several years and I find it quite agreeable, and, interestingly when I come to wash the pan, it washes off far more easily than other oils. This tells me it's "lighter" I will use olive oil on salads, but generally just enough to thin out the light mayonnaise (which of course also contains oil)
  2. Where could he have got the idea???????
  3. There most certainly is - API has been in place for 20 years Exit checks fact sheet - GOV.UK And, of course when you enter UK you have to scan your passport or go to the desk and see an IO
  4. The Winter Fuel payment was paid to everyone who received the State Pension. One did not need to claim it as such - I never did but it started automatically after I reached State Penson age and claimed my State Pension. So for each of 3 years I received a letter from DWP telling me when I would get my payment. It was £200 in 2021, £500 in 2022 and £500 in 2023 including Pensioner Cost of Living Payment. It has now been changed such that you have be in receipt of certain benefits to qualify for it https://www.gov.uk/winter-fuel-payment/eligibility so in 2024 my letter confirmed that change and therefore I will not receive it this year.
  5. What happens if / when you apply for a new passport in Bangkok? UK Gov databases are getting linked more and more.
  6. At least they know that's the case! Admitting that we "boomers" have it good, I would still point out that for 40 years, I was told I could claim my State Pension at 65. During my late forties, that changed to 66. Subsequently the age at which the SP may be claimed has risen and continues to rise. If a private company did that, it would be considered fraud, but the government gets away with it! Having said all that, this article should, IMO, be retitled as it's NOT the SP that's being "probed" it's the recipients of other benefits as @topt pointed out.
  7. @CharlieH Overnight, (UK time) something has changed. When I went to comply with your request, I found I CAN now post in the Israel topic thus: I started, then backed out of creating new topics in Ukraine, Israel and Covid - all would have proceeded had I continued. What also changed overnight were my Notification settings - I did NOT receive a email notification of your new content - I've restored that setting to how I want it - most odd. I don't think the 2 issues are connected - do you? Anyway, I shall monitor that..... This issue came to light, because, originally I wanted to post in one of the News forums. I presume, I'm not authorised to create topics within "Thailand Live" or "Video News and Updates" or anywhere within "Regional Thailand News" for example (???) I'd never really considered it before. By the way, after all that, I found that someone else had already posted what I wanted to 🙄 https://aseannow.com/topic/1343371-no-pilot-no-problem/
  8. Thank you @CharlieH It seems we're both correct but I asked the wrong question! Your method AND mine both lead to the "Select Forum" dialogue Where I was (stupidly) confused is that some of the forums appear to be greyed out and unavailable. That is until I press the carat > and open into the sub-forum! So in the example above, I clearly cannot post into "Northern Thailand Forum" but can post into any of the ones below it: Issan, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai etc. So that was my bad () BUT....there are some forums that do not let me post, eg under World News > Political Soapbox, I can Create a topic (or "Start New topic" in "The War in Ukraine", but can not create one in "The War in Israel". The latter does not have a "Start New Topic" button at all, but it's not locked so what's the reason for that, or is it a bug?
  9. I press the " + Create" button, in the window I choose "Topic" Presented with a dropdown "Select Forum". Then, most of the forums are greyed out and thus unavailable. I've logged out and back in, cleared cookies etc to no avail. Any thoughts please.
  10. As I like to pretend I'm an adult 😎here's a performance by the original artists.......
  11. Stop talking pigeon English you bird brain 😆
  12. So true....shouldn't this be in the Pattaya Forum? 🙄
  13. My first thought, on seeing their expressions, was "Oh no......he wants us to DO something!" 😲
  14. Either way, you have to "foot" the bill 😋
  15. I used to go to Phuket - went for 24 years from 1989. The Phuket you remember (which was lovely) is NOT the Phuket of today. I went on a 2 week side trip in 2020 and will never set foot there again. Sad but true.
  16. Oh great! Now I'm all Grumpy 😩
  17. I don't think the airlines will need to be involved. Here's how it could work, and this is only "IMO" The fee for the envisaged ETA could effectively form this tourist tax. IE, if you have a visa, you will have paid the fee for the visa and therefore don't have to pay the tax. This, as far as I can see will include tourist visas. But, if you're arriving visa-exempt, then you must (when it's introduced) get an ETA, the fee for which will be regarded as the tourist tax. So effectively, you either get a visa OR an ETA. Or possibly, if you choose to get a Tourist Visa, than you might have to get an ETA as well...BUT..... who is going to bother getting a SETV that gives 60 days when visa-exempt plus ETA also gets 60 days? As for METV....I have no idea. About now, I suppose I should apologise for being logical and forgetting TIT 🙄😞
  18. You asked for some examples for the novices - I posted where to get a comparison of alternatives to MS Office and gave my opinion that the source I quoted with reviews of said alternatives was reliable. That's all.
  19. Well to be fair, the notes on that video say "We sent a crew to a Trump rally" You figure out the likely proportion of stupid people present! 🙄 Mind you, as a Brit, I haven't got too much to argue with.......we elected Starmer FFS! 🤬
  20. Put the following into a search engine e.g. Google office alternatives free One response was https://www.techradar.com/news/best-microsoft-office-alternative I would be inclined to trust "Techradar" as a knowledgeable site
  21. Couldn't agree more!!! Even without the items you mention, nobody gets near the settings on my computers / devices except me....full stop!!! One can buy a "licence" on eBay or Amazon, or search around the torrent sites for some active keys. EDIT I see that some MORON posted a "sad" emoji. Now you fool, what is sad about my comment - be brave and actually reply to it!
  22. Nowhere mate, but I do agree with @ballpoint. There is some moron who's confused at everything. I wish our names appeared against reactions as they used to! I wonder if perhaps Mods could restore that functionality? There's nothing like anonymity to bring out the stupid and / or intentionally irritating 🤬
  23. Only 2 so far....plus one "sad" - he may be right!
  24. You did...and I misread it
  25. I'm confused - why not? Seriously what is so difficult about a sweater / sweat shirt or similar? Thai long distance buses and trains too, by the way, are always freezing so i just have one such garment (and a pair of socks!) in my bag.
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