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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. You shouldn’t have any real issues at that time. But always on the safe side give yourself some extra time. One thing you should be aware of regarding pre booking. Which I have tried at times. Just because a driver accepts a pre booking, they can still cancel. Even when they are on the way to your location. This happened to me a couple of times while living in Bangkok.
  2. Well any type of liquor disruption is going to effect tourism. And also people thinking about moving to Thailand
  3. MRI is giving for a specific area of the body. From instructions by a physician. I have never heard of an MRI given for the whole body.
  4. I don’t think the United States is particularly interested in who runs Thailand. Of course it’s preferred to have a democratic form of government.
  5. I heard of pizza made with thousand island dressing here in the states. I guess if you like that sort of thing. It’s fine for the individual. But each country has its own variations of pizza
  6. Yes stories like this are not uncommon unfortunately. Praise to the young lady trying to help her family. At least she is trying to do something. Not whining about how bad she has it. Or blaming society and everything else for the misfortunes. As some adults on a particular platform do.
  7. Yes you can satisfy a younger Thai woman. As long as you have stability, money and enough income. And can give her most things she wants. Then no problem.
  8. The balcony is usually a common element. But that should be in the bylaws if so. But the issue is. You have no committee, condo board. And no Juristic person.
  9. I guess some are afraid the new regime will “ clean house”. And for the better
  10. I guess since he apologized everything is ok now. Amazing
  11. I rented a condo for two years in Asoke. It was built in 1995. The walls were all solid what I believe concrete. But I’m guessing it depends on more than that , such as the foundation.
  12. It is the landlord’s responsibility. You are only a tenant. But having them do something especially in Thailand is another story
  13. Regarding the option Alcoholic. Most people with a drinking problem will deny or not realize it.
  14. Your wife is already taking medication. You should talk to a pharmacist for recommendations. To prevent drug interactions and possibly harmful side effects. Taking general recommendations is a risk.
  15. I can see because of unusual circumstances. But other than that, follow the rules.
  16. Yes Thais can be loud at times. And as for the comments about Americans. Maybe you should also look at the Europeans that are loud, drunk, and act stupid. Because living in Bangkok for three years. That seems to be very common. Or maybe you are just anti American
  17. These types of scams are common all over. Not just Thailand. You just have to be careful. If it sounds too good to be true it usually isn’t
  18. Maybe if you are still living in the 1980’s
  19. Thailand should also offer some perks for retirees and other expats to relocate there. Just as some other countries do. Being retired and after living in Bangkok for a period of time. I saw really not much of an incentive to live in Thailand.
  20. I’m upset not by him. When living in Bangkok I wanted to get on that show. But couldn’t find how to do it
  21. If you do ask the Juristic if it’s ok to copy. They might say no just to get the charge. Difficult to say. I would just have them do it and get it done. But your choice of course
  22. Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation. Unfortunately that appears the way government hospitals function in those circumstances. You might contact this government hospital. They might be able to help or advise https://chulalongkornhospital.go.th/kcmh/en/dept/cheewabhibaln-palliative-care-center/
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