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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. What will happen? Things will continue like they always have been unfortunately
  2. The type of medications used depends on the individual’s level of stress and and anxiety. So if you are somewhat stressed something over the counter can possibly help. Like melatonin. I don’t think you should just try pharmaceutical type drugs on your own for this type of issue. But of course if your stress and anxiety is very high. Especially if you have trouble sleeping. Of course see the appropriate medical professional. I suggest you take Sheryl’s advice. She appears to have professional type of medical knowledge.
  3. I doubt many people privately owned those very old computers. Because they were extremely expensive I never had to replace a keyboard on any desktop I owned. And for the last five years I have been using a laptop without any issues. I don’t think keyboards malfunction from too much use. On a desktop they will usually malfunction connecting to the system. As for Tact. That is what a number of people on here have the lack of.
  4. If a person is not guilty of anything they don’t usually hide
  5. They probably don’t like a foreigner interfering in their job practices. And as for filing a complaint. I doubt a government agency would care that much about a massage shop.
  6. I can’t recall a milk shortage living in Bangkok for three years recently. I left about four months ago. I drink lactose free milk. And sometimes there was none available except in 0% fat. Most of my shopping was Gourmet Market in Emquartier. Maybe the cows are protesting the election.
  7. I don’t see anything unusual. Just normal behavior for a lot of expats in the LOS.
  8. I went on dates with a number of women while living in. Bangkok. To sum it up. In any third world type country. These women are looking for a better life. It doesn’t matter really what you look like. Or how extremely nice you are. As long as you are not abusive. They look at you as a foreigner. And being with you or another foreigner is an advantage for them. Especially marriage.
  9. I thought artificial intelligence was already being used
  10. Unemployed. Now for the past two years or so . She works for LG Healthcare and Household Division
  11. I keep up with current events, news, etc. I’m not a big fan of Instagram, Facebook, especially Twitter. A person is going to do and keep up what interests them. Just because a person has no interest in certain things. Doesn’t make them ignorant. Now if a person says they have no interest in anything. Except for booze, being a recluse, and complaining. I would say that’s an issue
  12. 1. I see the reasons why I’m not with them anymore. 2. Italy. I always loved Italian food 3. Neither one
  13. Depends entirely on your standard of living. When living in Bangkok for three years up until March 2023. The only thing I was saving on was rent. And since I didn’t own a car. Auto insurance
  14. See this should give inspiration. If a beggar can do it. Then you can do it too.
  15. It depends on the individual. But for living here for three years. It seemed to be a place that draws many expats that couldn’t afford to live any place else. Either Western or a more upscale Asian Country . And complain about how their home countries caused their issues. Including their financial issues
  16. I guess he had to attack her because she hurt his feelings. Typical behavior in the LOS
  17. I read the stories and watched the video. Unless I missed something I don’t see where the tourist was actually physically attacked. I see yelling and kicking the gate. Was the fare paid in cash to the driver? Or was it charged via the app? Because the tourist obviously was able to walk away to get behind the gate. And possibly the police were called by the owner or staff of the accommodation because of the damage to the door. If the tourist wanted to pose for some ridiculous photo. That’s on him. I guess the issue wasn’t that much of a big deal then. I would not have done it. These types of incidents are not exclusive to Phuket. And while I lived in Bangkok. I experienced some local behavior. Where a local would get upset and confrontational if they couldn’t take advantage of you. Or over some ridiculous nonsense.
  18. People on the forums that constantly criticize any sort of medical findings or treatment. . .The great majority of them have no medical qualifications whatsoever. And many will downplay anything because they can’t afford medical care , or even a vaccine .
  19. I renewed my passport in December 2022 while living in Bangkok. It took approximately three weeks. But time frames do change. You should follow the current times and guidelines for the US Embassy in Bangkok. Since you are doing it in Thailand.
  20. Sounds like the same type of noises heard when I lived in Bangkok. From the locals . But I guess it’s considered more serious if it’s foreigners
  21. In the area you are describing it sounds like jock itch. Which is. A rash and itchy., caused by moisture. Or it could be chafing from the apparatus you are using. It will reoccur if the area is not cleaned in a reasonable amount of time. If it’s jock itch. If it’s chafing it will reoccur from the motion you are doing. Try an anti fungal cream. If it doesn’t work you need to see a doctor, preferably a dermatologist. Because it could be anything without a diagnosis from a medical professional.
  22. The health standards in Thailand are not good to begin with. So I wouldn’t be concerned about fish from Japanese waters. There are other things to watch out for. And the Japanese restaurants for the most part are run and owned by Thais. Not Japanese
  23. I agree that Thailand is the perfect place for “ Thrifty” expats. Thrifty not being a strong enough description.
  24. Just to be on the safe side. You should speak to a doctor. There is one person on the forum Sheryl. Who appears to have medical training. Other than that. You will be taking advice from people without medical knowledge.
  25. From a lot of the posts in the Forums. I’m guessing life would be boring without alcohol
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