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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Well maybe this time it won’t be a farang
  2. Usually the men that come to Thailand specifically looking for women Freelance or otherwise. Have nothing to offer Western women. Because these women don’t want men that can barely support themselves. So these men downgrade Western women because they want nothing to do with them.
  3. I hope the engine is made better than some other products made in China
  4. I have had acid reflux issues starting around age 35. I’m 68 now. Mine is due to a hiatal hernia. This was diagnosed by an Upper GI Endoscopy. Over the years having this condition doctors have changed the medication. Because after a while some would not start working as well. You say nothing seems to work and it is bad? Have you spoken to the doctor about this? I’m surprised you medication wasn’t changed. And if it is that bad you should see a Gastroenterologist. Because ongoing acid reflux especially severe. Can cause Barrett’s Disease. You say you reduced you beer consumption to a few a day? How many is a few a day? How many beers were you drinking before just a few a day? That sounds like a problem right there and might have caused your health issue. It could have slowly occurred. If you have chronic very bad acid reflux you should not be consuming alcohol . Especially a few a day . And your daily alcohol consumption is probably effecting the medication you are taking. As for food. You say you watch your food intake. You cannot eat spicy foods. Just because you take the medicine doesn’t mean you can do anything you want too. And you need to lay off the booze.
  5. From what you are doing she might think marriage is in the works. That is what usually happens when they want you to meet the parents. You say you think you love her.. The relationship is less than one month. You need to get to know her more. You might right now like her, be attracted, and infatuated. But a true love. You need more time. And you already have questions about certain things about her. What you are doing to help her is over and above for a very short time in the relationship. My suggestion would say to her you will meet her parents. But make it clear you are doing out of courtesy. Not for a quick marriage. And maybe you should talk to her about these negative things you don’t want to mention. You don’t want to have a relationship with questions in your mind. Or lack of trust .
  6. You did a noble thing. Don’t let their reaction deter you helping someone else. Very strange reaction from them if the guy was choking.
  7. So it’s inspected regularly. But no one noticed the loose bolts. It’s from 1987. How often is it actually inspected
  8. This kind of activity will certainly have an adverse effect tourists and expats in Bangkok
  9. Just stay a good distance away and you should be fine. Any animal is usually going to be cautious of a stranger. And usually stare at the stranger because they are more afraid then you are
  10. To play it safe I would freeze after three or four days. Then defrost it in the refrigerator as needed.. It depends on the type of food also.
  11. Attitude seems to have mostly to do with how miserable the person actually is. They are also the ones that blame their misfortunes on everything besides themselves.
  12. If a person wanted to find a missing piece of jewelry . It makes no sense they would fabricate the description. Then there would be no way to actually find it.
  13. Sheryl is very knowledgeable. And yes . Using Qtips cleaning too deeply in the ear will push the wax in further. Causing more issues. I know from personal experience. It sounds like you have ongoing symptoms. My personal advice is to get your ears checked by a doctor. Preferably an ENT specialist
  14. So you want to divorce because your wife is pushing your child to succeed in life? And because she is paying more attention to your child at this point than you? Maybe try to get more involved in his studies. He need guidance at his age. Then maybe you and your wife can reach some compromise. If he is in a special math program. I bet you child is very intelligent for his age
  15. The scratch removers are for lite surface scratches. Usually doing a fair job. If the scratch penetrates the clear coat it will not work. And the area would need to be repainted
  16. Because tourists are not usually familiar with the places they are going to. So they go to the popular places that other tourists go to. And if people go somewhere on vacation. They want to go to a place that offers something to do.
  17. Good job by the dentist. Very conscientious doctor. Too bad for the ridicule on here. But normal for some of the miserable expats. And comments about why this person didn’t see a doctor? Why do people post their medical issues on here for opinions.? Maybe they should be seeing a doctor.
  18. Even it is was true. This type of people mover should have certain protective features. Falls and broken suitcase wheels are not a rare occurrence. And this apparatus was something like almost 40 years old? Was this given any necessary upgrades during all those years?
  19. If you live in a condo. You so should inform the Juristic. It could be part of a larger infestation within the building
  20. Having the collar up went out of style a good number of years ago
  21. First I can’t imagine the terror this woman was going through. To have a leg amputated let alone in those conditions. There is some conflict in the news stories. One said after being transferred to the other hospital. The leg was reattached and she was doing ok. There appears to be an updated story today from the same news agency. It is saying the other hospital to where she was transferred decided not to reattach the leg.
  22. While living in Bangkok I saw one of two dermatologists depending on availability. One was at Samitivej Hospital. Dr. SAISAMON AKARAWONG The other at Bumrungard. Dr Niyom Tantikun
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