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Everything posted by treetops

  1. I know this is an old thread, but it seems there's now an upper limit for the 3 banks which were previously unaffected.
  2. You found it, you give it a name. Have a little naming ceremony.
  3. Credit cards will be allowed to have a positive balance briefly, for example if refunds are made to it or payments made a day or two early. Putting it regularly into credit will see it shut down quickly.
  4. <deleted>. I and many others keep and use accounts in countries we visit frequently, all quite legally.
  5. The exchange rate bit is easy. The bit I quoted is the unknown (to me at least) which is what is needed to compare with DeeMoney.
  6. Current rate on XE would give £17,560.50 so £361.74 going to Dee money and any intermediaries. It'd be interesting to know what the recipient would end up with if doing it by bank transfer.
  7. Here you go: https://aseannow.com/topic/1287802-barclays-uk-on-shore-accounts/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1289958-uk-bank-says-the-holder-has-to-have-a-permanent-address/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1289447-uk-bank-account-closed-–-seeking-gbp-alternatives-account-for-an-elderly-technology-averse-neighbour/
  8. You can declare it on arrival and as long as you can show the source is legitimate you'll be OK.
  9. Bangkok Bank London do not open personal accounts. You have to register with them for the transfer service and the requirements are in the link given above. You need to show proof of a UK address which could be difficult for many. As said, use a money transfer company - much easier, quicker and cheaper.
  10. Who owns the other 49% of the first company? If it's other Thais it means the company is about 25% foreign owned, not about 75%.
  11. Jomtien also appear to have changed to calculating it from the due date rather than the approval date. My last one was due 2nd February, submitted 18th January and approved 19th with the next submission due on the 19th April. I "lost" 13 days back then.
  12. That doesn't stop it from being the international language of business, academia etc.
  13. This 10 minute taxi trip was after they had taken refuge in a police station following the 2 hour chase.
  14. There is also the potential that signing her home over to you is seen as "deliberate deprivation of assets" and could affect her rights to care when still alive.
  15. 5th from the bottom.
  16. How many boxes? Size? Weight? Chiang Mai City or whereabout in the province?
  17. Several of the sources referenced are from Berg's own website and youtube channel. Does that make them dubious? Another for example is dirtyscam.com which may not be as professional or open minded as others.
  18. I have no idea hence I didn't express an opinion. Just put it out there for debate. The wiki itself has links to it's sources but again I have no idea of their reliability.
  19. Not everyone thinks as highly of him as you appear to. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Eric_Berg Anti vaxer Scientologist Conspiracy theorist Allegedly.
  20. Not all cash withdrawals have immediate interest.
  21. Because it's of no help with the OPs problem of trying to register with Wise?
  22. That would happen if you were booked on one PNR to your final destination as the airline is obliged to get you there, and would likely be OK with the times you suggest. If on a seperate ticket to your internal flight you'd be on your own and the timing mentioned in the OP is crazy.
  23. I think you've been to Thailand many times. You should realise this is a crazy idea.
  24. Do you know whoever holds your spare keys well enough? Me and a mate hold each others and if one of us is away the other pops in now and then to check everything is OK. Also to pick up and pay bill for condo fees/water. Water is switched off at the main valve. Electricity is left on as 3 months in the freezer is no problem (also for some things in the fridge) and bill paid by direct debit. When coming back one of us will fill the others fridge with basics for the return if required.
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