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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Yes, Seat Alerts is part of their operation which is the app I use for this.
  2. So you were wrong, maybe realise it now but still refuse to admit it, and throw in some clutter about age and quality of replies when you are the only one so far to have posted something totally off topic in the thread which asked about whether the government approval for a flight is likely to be a formality or not. For other readers who may have higher comprehension levels, the OP wants to fly from CNX to somewhere in Australia and has no need to enter Malaysia. The system being introduced is only for those entering Malaysia though immigration channels and will allow them to use the auto-gates on future visits.
  3. Seatguru is becoming less and less helpful as it's no longer being updated (no money in it for it's owners Tripadvisor). I can't comment on Seatlink mentioned above but I've been using aerolopa recently, although I've found Bangkok Airways doesn't feature on it.
  4. Someone who read the OP and realises the poster has no intentions of entering Malaysia and is only transiting there, and who also realises the point made by Highlandman above is correct if the OP has to enter for any reason.
  5. Agreed, one time I flew with hand baggage only I got pinged at boarding for a documentation check. They mentioned it was because I hadn't been to check-in where it would normally have been checked. I've known them tannoy in advance at the gate for this too in order to reduce any holdups on boarding.
  6. The first airline most likely won't let you board without valid documentation for where they're taking you.
  7. Had one years ago - sebaceous cyst - so wind your neck in you numpty.
  8. Idiotic thread. Please don't prolong it.
  9. Medical advice from flickwits like this? This forum needs sorted out.
  10. Several comments on FETs here and whether Wise can supply them. The answer is on Wise' website and is no they can't, as they are not authorised to do so. That doesn't rule them out of the equation though as the FET would be available from the partner bank used by Wise. https://wise.com/help/articles/2932335/guide-to-thb-transfers
  11. I can confirm that there is now the option on Kasikorn ATMs to do a cardless withdrawal from BBL accounts.
  12. Siamburi's appear to have this one available.
  13. No idea. I was withdrawing from my BBL account at a BBL ATM and just caught a glimpse of the others as I went throught the process. Now if someone reports I can use my BBL cashless withdrawal facility at another bank then I'll give it a go to find out. Kasikorn is the obvious one if I recalled my experience correctly. ETA: I don't get charged a 10 baht fee anyway as my backup ATM is a Kasikorn and I would have noticed. I seem to recall it's limited to so many withdrawals per month (or something like that) are free.
  14. Be careful and make sure you're aware of the difference between a government pension and the state pension as they are treated differently.
  15. It depends on your bank. Bangkok Bank cashless withdrawals is now up to 4 choices I noticed this morning. Aeon Bank has been there a while and another two options have appeared since my last use. One name didn't ring a bell as a mainstream bank, but the other was Kasikorn I think (I wasn't paying much attention but reckon it was the Kasikorn logo).
  16. Yes, transfers from the USA appear to be a bit different. My description of the procedure and it's history may not apply there.
  17. What's the reason for pre-loading so much credit on your phone?
  18. The new at the time reason of sending funds for long term stay was introduced in order to ensure (as far as possible) that the funds would arrive with the designation that they have come from overseas, to satisfy certain immigration requirements. Prior to that users had to call (Transfer)Wise to tag their account to ensure this happened, and the transfer process is handled differently to ensure the overseas designation is realised.
  19. Just got a chance to try that yesterday and no difference. It's all going on the back burner now as the no-name router is now heading back to Thailand.
  20. It was explained earlier in the thread that the flight carries on to Dubai so they're checking no-one gets off that shouldn't.
  21. There's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  22. It operated as a commercial airport in the past so much of your list may still be there and some still required/used by the military presence.
  23. https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/crime/thailand-dont-answer-calls-starting-with-697-its-a-scam
  24. Embassy is run by the Home Office. Passports issued by the Foreign Office. Don't think you'll get an answer from the Consular Team here.
  25. You can use your Qatar Avios on Bangkok Airways flights if that's any use to you? Still a bit longwinded to book but availability seems OK (for BKK-USM anyway which is what I've been checking).
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