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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Certainly on Finnair Light tickets as a One World Sapphire.
  2. I just purchased an airline ticket a couple of days ago and was doing it through "airline".co.th and it appears as you say and was priced in THB. I reneged at the last minute and made the purchase through "airline".co.uk and was charged in GBP. Is this still a SITI situation and just done behind the scenes, as there was no apparent Thai link except for the origin of the flight?
  3. This unpackaging of ancillaries is good for frequent flyers who get luggage, lounge etc as a perk of their status so can buy these cheap tickets but not lose out on the features they require. I've done it a couple of times with Finnair "Light" tickets but as you say prices have gone up, although I see signs of Finnair returning to almost pre-covid level on some routes/dates.
  4. Thanks for coming back 8 months later with such eloquent feedback.
  5. Siamburi's in Pattaya.
  6. OP has been posting about his fictitious friend on overstay since October and just needs to bite the bullet and leave or resign himself to hiding forever. https://aseannow.com/topic/1310066-overstay/
  7. Like this one?
  8. 6 posts up from yours someone has reportedly done it, but has obviously been asked to help the process along with a brown envelope.
  9. No effect on the OP but it'll be 19th March as next year is a leap year.
  10. They can in Pattaya, not sure about other locations.
  11. Yes, as long as the bank transfer process shows them as coming in from overseas.
  12. Chonburi city is the capital of Chonburi province. Head north past Laem Chabang and Sriracha and you'll come across it.
  13. I fixed my issue in my settings. The second tick box below had been unset somehow.
  14. Anyone noticed any issues with following threads automatically? My setting appeared to have changed for threads I post in. Firefox and Windows 10 on a laptop.
  15. I'm not going to look for another link, but they're probably not on that list either.
  16. Surprisingly Seeland isn't on the list.
  17. Any visa would need to be issued by their Embassy or hon. consulate. Does Sealand have one of these?
  18. You are right and your wife is wrong. It's 10% of the sum insured as cashback every year, but the premium is important here and they've probably just loaded it so they can afford to give you back 10% at the end of the year.
  19. Was it Thai ID or User ID? The other thread indicates User ID as one of three options. The latter is the 10 digit ID number you were given for iBanking I believe.
  20. Not sure if you're in the same position but there's discussion on it here. https://aseannow.com/topic/1309736-bangkok-bank-app-pita-setup-when-using-a-new-phone/
  21. Data is collected by the airlines as API and submitted to the government so it would be possible to track people if they put their minds to it.
  22. I'm not the OP but in light of recent news I'd rather avoid that and the interest I get is worth paying if it helps achieve that.
  23. Ignore bignok, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It was first in the news and discussed in here just over 3 days ago. Here's a link to the thread. https://aseannow.com/topic/1311969-taxi-driver-gets-staggering-37000-baht-tip-in-return-for-a-677-baht-ride/
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