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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. "Phan suspected that the couple’s Burmese employee, 21 year old Min, was the murderer. He anticipated that the conflict might be related to the late salary payment or physical punishment as the Iranian man usually beat Min for being slow at work." Huh.
  2. It used to be people would ask about a candidate: "Would you buy a used care from this man?" Who would answer yes to that question with respect to Trump?
  3. "per his membership in one of the most radical of fascist leaning orgs in the USA." What membership? What org? I haven't seen anything about this.
  4. It's funny that these statements about Trump are being criticized for being in bad taste. Bad taste is Trump's own specialty.
  5. "You can never stop users..." A basic truth that governments just can't process. Let's try and keep that wave upon the sand. They just can't understand they have no power compared to the pull of addiction.
  6. Omar Khayyam? Here I thought it was by P.G. Wodehouse. That Jeeves character is very well read.
  7. "a running mate who is hugely unpopular and very scary" Is this true? I was not aware of this.
  8. Possibly your local school is not typical of Thai schools?
  9. That brings up another question I have wondered about. Since India and China have the largest populations, why don't they dominate sport? Especially football (and a close second basketball) because there isn't a lot of expense for equipment. I'm guessing it's the same answer. No youth development.
  10. I think it's a fair question. Thai population is greater than UK or France, so that should represent the potential talent pool. But I think those that point to lack of youth development programs are probably right.
  11. I think that is true about Nestle, I don't drink their water. A Nestle exec has been quoted as saying people don't have a right to drinking water. But I don't avoid other Nestle products. No doubt I will suffer damnation.
  12. I felt the same way as I always had Kelloggs since I was a kid. But I tried Nestle and now I prefer them.
  13. what restaurant is that?
  14. Meh. I guess they an be sexy sometimes. One thing I feel for sure, more is not better.
  15. Rent, utilities, taxis to and from work and I am at 20,000 baht. That is before I have eaten the first biscuit. I don't know what my monthly total is.
  16. This is my understanding as well. I would guess there are very few exceptions to this.
  17. What is the purpose of the prohibited list?
  18. Why not go away then? Bon voyage.
  19. "Violence against farangs happens daily." Not really a criticism of Thailand. Some types will find a beating wherever they go.
  20. One source of relief from a great deal of what the OP complains about: MYOB.
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